Chapter 107 Fool!
"Why don't you use the afterimage of the wind?"

In the trial space, Xia Mu finally couldn't help making a sound.

He has already mastered the wind whirl wall and wind thrust that can be practiced 10 times, and has accumulated 99 times of the ultimate wind · death and 56 times of the ultimate wind · setting sun. But not once.

There is also 1000 times of reaching the standard of the Fengxing Spiritual Sword, which is also 0 times.


The woman in the plain skirt held a simple green long sword, her beautiful eyes blinked, and she seemed a little surprised: "You... spoke?"

"Why can't I talk?"

After so many days, Xia Mu has already figured out the situation. At this time, he put his arms around his arms and began to act aggressively: "Yun Yun, the ninth generation lord of the Misty Cloud Sect, I, the spirit of the Life and Death Gate, inherit the legacy of the ancestors, and I am here to accompany you to practice , Don’t steal or play tricks.”

Yun Yun lowered her figure, her half-heel heels made a soft sound on the ground, her undulating and delicate body stood tall, she drew her sword and saluted: "Senior Menling, please know that because I have broken through to the level of Douhuang, I have more flexibility I don’t need to use the wings of fighting spirit anymore, so I don’t use them any more.”

Xia Mu was dumbfounded, and couldn't help but asked again: "The wind-shaped spirit-splitting sword?"

Yun Yun showed a decent smile: "The Wind-Shaped Spiritual Sword is suitable for melee combat, and it is the fighting skill I have used the most all the time. It has already been proficient to the extent of my body's memory, so I have recently trained more stunts such as Extreme Wind · Killing. "

Xia Mu was even more depressed.

If you don't practice, how can I learn?Could it be that he really waited for the [-] times of the wind and death?

"Then let me see your practice. Let me start with the simplest one. I use wind thrust and wind whirl wall to defend, and you use wind catharsis afterimage and wind spirit fractal sword to attack in melee." He said with his hands behind his back.


Although Yun Yun's eyes flashed with confusion, she still didn't question it.

Because this is the door of life and death that she has entered for 30 or [-] years, the group of door spirits who can't see clearly are already very familiar, and even spend more time with anyone than anyone else.

It's just that it was unconscious before, but now it has suddenly changed. Could it be that there is a higher level trial at the Gate of Life and Death?
As she thought to herself, the wings on her back spread out suddenly, turning into emerald green rays of light, and the figure flashed in an instant, and the long sword in her hand pierced into Xia Mu's heart in an instant.

'It's also...too fast...'

Xia Mu's figure disappeared in the severe pain of the heart tearing, and then he condensed his body in place again.

"Senior, you..."

Yun Yun stepped back and looked at him in confusion: "Why don't you use the power of the Dou Huang?"

In the past, Menling's level of strength was always on par with hers, so that she could hone her fighting skills.

Her eyes lingered on Xia Mu's face, and suddenly her heart moved: His face...can be seen clearly.

Yun Yun subconsciously took a few more glances at this handsome face, and then she felt a little impolite and lowered her gaze.

"Your strength and fighting skills have reached a bottleneck." Xia Mu said calmly.

"Yes, the recent retreat is indeed to break through the bottleneck." Yun Yun nodded.

Xia Mu said again: "You hope to increase the combat power by increasing the upper limit of the ultimate move?"


Yun Yun took a deep breath, clasped her fists in salute, and looked forward with anticipation: "Is there something wrong with my method? Please enlighten me, senior."

After breaking through the Douhuang, she took over as the suzerain of the Yunlan Sect, and the teacher also entered the retreat. After that, she groped forward alone, and the efficiency was very low.

Now Men Ling suddenly spoke, which made her want to ask for advice.

And Xia racking his brains to recall the descriptions of the combat state in so many web articles back then.

Especially the theoretical aspect.

"The improvement of the realm of strength is limited by talents and opportunities. It is not useful to practice hard. Your talents are more than that, but your opportunities are far from enough..."

With his hands behind his back, Xia Mu talked eloquently, and even used psychological hints and acting skills, plus some mental fluctuation effects of the hand of God, in order to play a good image of a well-informed door spirit.

"It's a pity that you are the suzerain of the Yunlan sect, you can't walk around looking for opportunities, you can only work behind closed doors."

"Building a car?" Yun Yun was puzzled.

Xia Mu looked as usual: "That is to say, you can only retreat and ponder on your own, and the improvement efficiency is extremely low."

"Yes," Yun Yun nodded suddenly, "Senior said it is very true. After taking over the position of suzerain, I have no chance to practice, and most of the time I was entangled in mundane affairs until Yun Ling was promoted to the Great Elder in the past two years. , Let him handle the affairs of the sect, and he is relieved."

The corners of Xia Mu's eyes twitched imperceptibly.

It turns out that the root of the misfortune of the Yunlan Sect's destruction lies here. Sect Master Yun really chose someone...

"I can't help you with this. Only your own experience can speed up your growth, otherwise the improvement of realm can only rely on the accumulation of time." Xia Mu said.

Yun Yun was not disappointed, she just nodded her head lightly, she was mentally prepared for this.

"Then if you want to improve your combat power, the only way is to use combat skills. There is nothing wrong with using high-level combat skills proficiently, but not every battle will give you the opportunity to use high-level combat skills..."

Xia Mu said: "Many times the opportunity to fight is fleeting, and the opportunity is only for a moment. If every time you fight with the intention of using high-level fighting skills to solve the battle, you will often lose the opportunity, so..."

Having said that, he finally led to his goal in a detour: "You must be more familiar with the way of using fighting skills in different situations, such as the situation where you cannot use the strength of the Dou Huang."

Yun Yun didn't pay homage to obedience, but showed confusion: "If I can't use the power of the Dou Huang, what's the point of being able to use other low-level fighting skills?"

"Depress the realm, find your own limit, and you will naturally understand my reason."

Xia Mu stood with his hands behind his back: "I will arrange all the trials in the Gate of Life and Death. If you don't believe it and refuse to accept it, then you can leave."

Seeing him turn around and walk away, it seemed that his figure was getting fainter and fainter, Yun Yun didn't have time to think about it, she stretched out her hand to hold him back: "Senior! I'll listen to you!"

"it is good!"

Xia Mu immediately turned around: "Come on."

Yun Yun feels really... very weird, but she can't tell what's wrong. In short, this door spirit seems to... have its own will?

"The afterimage of the wind!"

She flicked her feet, estimated Xia Mu's reaction before, and only used a very small part of her strength.


The hurricane set off and pushed her head-on, blocking her out.

Xia Mu was finally able to keep up with the rhythm of the battle, this move was a push by the wind.

Yun Yun's tender body turned back, easily dodged it, and then swayed around, with the long sword in her hand remnant, and instantly attacked the blind spot behind Xia Mu: "The wind-shaped spirit-splitting sword!"

"Wind Whirl Wall!"

The hurricane danced around Xia Mu, but a look of confusion flashed in Yun Yun's eyes. The next moment, the long sword pierced through the wall of the wind and pierced into Xia Mu's body with ease!
The "Wind Push" and "Wind Whirl Wall" used by this door spirit are full of leaks, worse than her...

(End of this chapter)

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