Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 127 Will It Be Delicious

Chapter 127 Will It Be Delicious

Mance yelled, and frantically tore the buttons of the captain's suit, trying to get into the water.

"Abandon the anchor! Start the engine! Turn on the afterburner!"

There was a loud roar, and someone pulled Mance hard.

When Mance turned around, everyone was dumbfounded: "Xia Mu?"

I saw Xia Mu holding the brass tank in one hand and pulling him with the other, the diving suit was still dripping into the water.


Ye Sheng and Jiu De Ya Ji had just been rescued, and when they saw Xia Mu's weakness, they still cried out in surprise.

Only then did they notice Erika beside Xia Mu, who had been standing together.

Xia Mu summoned Erika back to Erika at the last moment.

"Boom boom."

Although it was against the rules, no one noticed whose order it was, and the crew quickly executed it.

The two anchor chains were cut off at the same time, and the powerful engine started instantly without warming up, and the huge acceleration caused everyone on the deck to fall down together.

Just an instant before they went down, they saw a sharp line of water coming straight after them astern of the boat.

"Already up?"

Mance got up quickly.

"What weapons can I use? This is a dragon!" Xia Mu dragged the copper pot into the cabin.

"Even if it's Norton, it's a living thing." Mance cut a new cigar and lit it, vigorously mobilizing his facial muscles. "As long as it's a living thing, it will definitely die!"

Mance opened the weapon cabinet on the bulkhead, and an L115A3 sniper rifle stood in the center.

This long-range sniper rifle can be called the emperor of sniper rifles, but the executive department is still not satisfied with its performance and has optimized the ammunition.

Mance filled the magazine with bullets that glowed cold blue and had ancient patterns engraved on the bullet head. The primer of each bullet was painted red, which is a unique symbol of high-risk weapons.

"I really like those lunatics in the executive department who are doing weapon optimization!" Mance slapped the clip into the gun.

"The premise is that it will not explode casually. The diving bell blew itself up just now, and it didn't explode at all... Wait, give me this gun."

Xia Mu took off his diving suit, reached out and grabbed the gun barrel.

Mance looked up: "Huh?"

"Believe me."

Xia Mu snatched it over and flashed out of the cabin.

"Yiyi, use the spirit of words to protect the Moniah." He said to Eriyi.

Even though the Moniach was zigzag crazily, Erika still stood there firmly, unaffected.

"Mumu, I..."

Before she finished speaking, Xia Mu put his arms around her slender waist, put his lips against her small ears, and said in a low voice: "Don't use all your strength, leave it to me, don't worry."

"it is good."

The girl leaned against his wet chest without any dislike.

"Underwater bomb! Ready to drop!"

The xenon lamp illuminated the frothy water surface behind the boat brightly, and the white foam could not cover up the sharp waterline, as if an invisible knife was cutting the water surface underwater.

Xia Mu leaned against the bulkhead and stepped on the railing beside the ship. His whole body was like a triangular ruler propped between the bulkhead and the railing, so as to maintain his balance in the violent turbulence.

He saw the sub-species underwater in the infrared sight. It was swimming at full speed, and its body temperature was much higher than the water temperature, which completely exposed it.

"Air flow...water flow...wind..."

Xia Mu raised his gun to face the water, correcting the target entirely by the power of the wind.

Huge size captured, targeted...


He fired the first shot, the dark blue ballistic stayed in the air for a short while, the strengthened alchemy bullet was strong enough to enter shallow water.


The airflow definitely brings back the ballistics of alchemy bullets, and the sound of collisions on dragon scales.


Xia Mu fired the second shot.

Hit again!

The underwater shadow churned angrily, swimming around the Moniaher at high speed.

The dragon was not injured, Xia Mu could sense it.

For the next generation, such alchemy bullets can at most cause a little pain.

But that's enough, all he wants is a perfect shot, and he is now convinced that he can do it.


My dark red golden glow was burning in my eyes, and a ray of spiritual fire quietly emerged.

He fired over and over again, hitting every time accurately, the dark red ballistics pointing in all directions.

That's a mental bomb!
No matter which way the Dragon Warrior swims, unless he really dives into deep water, Xia Mu's bullets will always follow him.


The roar of anger was deafening.

Xia Mu grinned: "The feeling of burning spirit is not good, I know."

"Xia Mu...what is he doing?" Shutoku Aki asked weakly leaning against the cabin.

"Probably a one-on-one duel between a man and a male dragon or something," Mance called into the microphone. "Bombs dropped!"

The steering wheel was turning rapidly in the hands of the first mate, and the Moniach splashed nearly ten meters high waves, drawing a "Z" shape on the water surface with a large-angle broken line.

At the same time, the second officer opened the underwater hatch, and ten underwater bombs were continuously released. Because of the "Z" shape, they formed three rows, three in the front row, four in the middle, and three in the back row.

The tiny engines started, and the bombs were suspended five to ten meters below the surface of the water, and from the sonar monitors, they were waiting for the thing like a wild animal trap.

"Beautiful!" said the second mate.

Mance pushed the second officer away and lay down on the operating table, the shiny dots on the sonar display were getting closer and closer to the giant fish-like creature.

"Extremely close, 50 meters!" The second officer shouted, "That thing rushed straight over without slowing down!"

"Okay! Blow him up!" Mance yelled, "Suatsuki! Keep shooting! Make it angry!"

Xia Mu fired calmly, one after another dark red projectiles entered the water, hitting the dragon's head directly.

The roar of the dragon came from the water, and the whole river surface was filled with white air. The dragon's head raised faintly from the water, and the golden eyes shone fiercely, piercing the white mist.


Xia Mu threw the sniper rifle away, "There is no bullet."

"Will it just stop?"

Mance stared.

The opponent's cruising speed was close to that of the Moniach, which was also fifty knots, and the distance of 50 meters only took two or three seconds to disappear, which was only a distance of a sudden brake.

But who can stop the car with only 50 meters in the water?
"It...it really stopped!" The second officer's face turned pale.

They all pricked up their ears and waited for the sound of thunderous explosions, but the sonar showed that the huge creature stopped alive in front of the blockade of underwater bombs.

It's not like braking, there is no coasting, but it comes to a complete stop with a "swoosh", and the speed becomes zero.Not even a dolphin can do this kind of flexibility.

"Direct detonation?" The second officer looked up at Mance, "Will it work?"

"Will it work, you all look at the screen first..." Thelma said cautiously.

Five of the original ten light spots on the screen have disappeared, and the giant is swimming around the remaining few light spots, like a small whale curiously playing with a small group of jellyfish.

The second officer was completely dumbfounded, and looked up at another monitor screen, which showed that the signals of the five underwater bombs had disappeared.

The last blip disappeared too, before the second officer had time to detonate the bomb.

Xia Mu raised his head: "I guess... your bomb was eaten."


The second officer felt a great sense of powerlessness.

"Will it be delicious?"

He suddenly asked a nonsensical question.

(End of this chapter)

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