Chapter 130 Dragon Slaying
"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

There was a rapid buzzing sound in the cabin.

The second officer was taken aback.

That was the fire control radar capturing the signal of the bomb again. There were a few duds when it was detonated just now.

At this time, on the water not far from the Moniaher, a black back slowly floated up.

The monster slowly opened its mouth, and everyone could see that its dense gums extended to close to the throat, and there were several underwater bombs shining red in the depths.

The second mate swallowed: "Do you want to detonate the 嚒?"

"It's waiting for you to detonate it."

Mance said, "Do you remember that moment of the explosion there was a column of fire going up? The thing opened its mouth and pointed upwards, and a lot of hot air from the explosion came out of its mouth and released the pressure, like It’s like dragon flames. It’s pointing its mouth at us now, if you detonate it, thermal air will rush towards us.”

"His digestive tract is made of iron?" Shude Aki couldn't believe it.

"I was wrong."

Mance whispered, "His IQ is not low at all. He swallowed the bombs because he knew they were useless to him. He treated us like a bunch of desperate prey, enjoying the game of hunting..."

"The engine is overheated and can't last much longer," said the chief engineer.

"You don't need to go far, just shine the light on the bow of the boat and see what it is," Mance said.

The first mate looked back and was stunned.

In the dark, they only cared about fleeing by boat. The direction of the sonar scan was always facing the pursuers behind them, but they didn't realize the black shadow like mountains in front of them.

Three Gorges Dam.

They are only a few kilometers away from this huge man-made building that cost tens of billions of dollars. The majestic embankment stands on the dark water, like a giant lying down and sleeping.

There is no escape.

"Xia Mu, Xia Liyi, with your solid ice and storm, plus the acceleration of my dust-free land, can you break a gate?" Mance asked in a deep voice.

It was supposed to be a "key" to open the door, but now they can only rely on themselves.

Xia Mu frowned thinking about something, but didn't answer.

So, Erika also remained silent.

"Go back to the cabin, start the engine, straight ahead," Mance said.

Everyone looked at him silently.

"I'm the captain, and I'm in charge here," said Mance. "Start the engine, full power, and go!"

The overheated engine roared again, the stern of the ship suddenly rolled up the water waves, and the Moniach headed forward.

Mance stood at the stern of the boat, watching the giant migrating monsters in the distance, and the rainwater flowed quickly down the wrinkles on his face.

"Come on!" he whispered.

Not to his surprise, the thing was also waiting for this moment, when the prey started to flee, the final hunt began.

He suddenly sank under the water, the sharp waterline reappeared, and now there was nothing to disturb him, and he approached with unprecedented speed.

"Xia Mu, don't be afraid."

Mance reached out and patted Xia Mu's shoulder, and said solemnly: "Believe in your own strength, believe in me, with me, you will not die...never."

He made up his mind to keep Xia Mu and Xia Liyi even if they all died together.

He believes they are the future of the academy.

"Professor, I have a suggestion." Xia Mu suddenly said calmly.

Mance turned his head in surprise, only to find that the young man's face did not have the fear and timidity of facing a desperate situation at all, but a calm look, as if it was nothing at all.

Of course it's nothing, after all, if you can't beat it, you can still shout "Yiyi save me"...

It was naturally impossible for Mance to know this, so he looked at Xia Mu with even more appreciation.

"You said."

"Detonate the bomb."

Xia Mu's words made Mance startled.

"You want to become a Longyan Roasted Pig?" Thelma blurted out somehow.

To her surprise, Xia Mu nodded solemnly: "Yes."

other people:"……"

"Are you sure?" Mance couldn't believe Xia Mu's words, but he trusted him because of what happened these days.

Xia Mu took a deep breath and walked towards the stern of the boat alone.

"Professor, commissioners, partners, I don't want to die, and I don't want everyone to die..."

"Let me try it, it might work."

"Even if you fail, you still have a chance."

He stood at the back in the wind and rain, his clothes fluttering, and he went forward without hesitation.

The crowd was silent.

No one made a sound in the central control room, and the hearts of every student and professor were tightened.

"EVA, these cruelties should not be broadcast to them. The children are still young, and they should think that dragon slaying is an interesting and passionate thing."

The principal learned of the live broadcast on the high-speed helicopter.

"Before requesting assistance from the academy, in order to let them understand the situation more clearly and have a sense of urgency, and did not know that the satellite signal was abnormally stable at that time." EVA explained.

The principal hummed, and glanced at the rapidly flying scenery below: "How long will it take?"

"15 minutes."

"That little guy, in Schneider's archive of Chu Zihang's file, can he bear his Jun Yan?" The principal asked suddenly.

EVA paused for 0.1 second, and finished searching the database: "Chu Zihang did mention something."


The principal nodded.

"All the commissioners of the Moniaher, don't hesitate to follow Xia Mu's plan immediately."

"Trust him."

His voice suddenly sounded synchronously in the Moniach and the control room of the academy, and everyone looked up with surprised expressions.

He is the undoubted spiritual pillar of Kassel Academy.


Before the second officer could act, Mance slapped the red button.


His last hesitation was completely dispelled by the principal's words.


A muffled sound.

That eerie and terrifying laughter came from the river again, as if they were mocking the group of ants.

In the storm, under the Xenon lamp fired towards the stern of the Moniach, the black dorsal fin burst out of the water, the ferocious dragon head, the terrifying golden pupils, staring at the stern and the figure standing on the side of the ship.

The ferocious huge mouth did not open, but there was a burst of flames stuffed in the throat.

Xia Mu stretched out his hand and pressed the buckle of the box on the back, and the cover opened automatically, revealing the seven hilts.

"That is!"

The principal called out in an extraordinary voice: "EVA, the satellite imaging is getting closer, or someone on the scene will take a picture for me! Hurry up!"

Everyone in the central control room looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one on the Moniach responded, or no one thought to take any pictures of him.

Life and death are at stake!

"The seven deadly sins... are the seven deadly sins..." the principal murmured, his eyes following Xia Mu's back, "Which one can he pull out..."

Xia Mu doesn't care which one to use, "Furious Wrath" is the heaviest and fiercest, even the Dragon King can cut it, but he doesn't like western swords, he likes the shape of oriental swords.

So, he grabbed the hilt of the sword with his backhand and slowly pulled out a section.


It immediately began to pulsate familiarly in the palm of my hand, like a real dragon.

"Arrogance", Han Bafang.

Xia Mu fits perfectly with it.

(End of this chapter)

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