Chapter 164

Xia Mi controlled Xia Mu's arm with one hand, and unexpectedly sent his own wrist to his mouth, the meaning was obvious:

I drink yours and you drink mine.

Xia Mu didn't understand what was going on at all!
It is not impossible to break free, but it is necessary to use the spirit of speech, and I don't know what will happen.

Generally speaking, he doesn't want to be an enemy of Xia Mi.

And with her cooperation, the chances of killing Norton will indeed be much greater.

In addition, the unlocked S-level blood is waiting to be fed...

Xia Mu closed his eyes and bit down hard.


Xia Mi suddenly screamed softly, and withdrew his hand all of a sudden.

With fine white teeth, she loosened his wrist at the same time, pulled out a bandage from nowhere and wrapped it around him, and then turned her head to stare at him angrily.

"What, why? Didn't you ask me to bite?" Xia Mu felt guilty for no reason.

"Did your hand hurt just now?" Xia Mi stared at him with bright eyes.

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, it seemed that there was really no pain, even if it did, it was a psychological feeling.

"Don't you know the pupil of the wind king? Can't you use a small wind blade to cut a very thin opening?"

Xia Mi handed over his wrist, a golden glow flashed in his eyes, a bloodstain appeared on his wrist, and then blood flowed out.

"hurry up!"

Xia Mi turned her head away.

Xia Mu lowered his head subconsciously, but suddenly remembered... No, can't he just inhale it?Why use your mouth!

He stretched out his hand and touched her wrist, the blood flow immediately seemed to be attracted, gathered to the fingertips, and sank into his body.


Xia Mi suddenly withdrew his hand and glared at him again: "Why should I use my mouth and you use your hands?"

Xia Mu was puzzled: "What's the problem?"

"No! You have to drink too!" Xia Mi glared at him.

Xia Mu twitched the corner of his mouth: "You are crazy!"

Xia Mi stretched out his hand to wrap the drooping temple hair around his fingertips, and smiled brightly: "Aren't you used to it yet? The things we abandoned people do seem crazy to the human race..."

Xia Mu had a headache, but seeing her blood dripping down, his heart ached beyond measure.

For the S-class bloodline!
He closed his eyes, and put his mouth on it. It was strange that Xia Mi's blood seemed to be something his body longed for. Not only did he not feel a little bit bloody, but it gave him a very delicious feeling.

Xia Mi looked at Xia Mu who hung his head and sucked his own blood, an inexplicable brilliance flashed in his eyes.

exchange blood...

She lowered her eyes, wondering what she was doing.

His blood was good for him, but his own blood was more of a drug to him, an essential medium in his awakening.

If it goes on like this...he's going to be addicted.


"Our choices are right and wrong, we cannot judge, or it has nothing to do with right or wrong, it depends on who can avoid the fate of abandoning the clan in the future..."

Xia Mi murmured in his heart.

"Hey! Enough! Drink less!"

She came back to her senses, but felt her head dizzy, and Xia Mu was still sucking blood endlessly.

Xia Mi quickly pushed his head away, but Xia Mu didn't care about her holding her hand like gnawing on a pig's trotter.

"Let go!"

Xia Mi pulled out his hand violently, covering his wound.

Xia Mu raised his head in a daze, and then he woke up from the indulging pleasure.

It was as if lava was flowing in the body, merging into the bone marrow, surging to the limbs and bones.

At S level, the proportion of dragon blood is extremely close to the critical blood limit, which is equivalent to Chu Zihang's second burst of blood, and he is on the verge of not losing consciousness.

A realization flashed in his mind, Xia Mi's blood was much more useful than Erika's.

What he really needs is the Dragon King's blood.

But can the bloodline continue to improve?What happens if the critical blood limit is broken?
"Why is that?"

Xia Mu looked up at Xia Mi.

Xia Mi looked left and right, and suddenly pointed forward: "Wow! Look over there! There are couples kissing in the street!"

"Hey! The bull's head is wrong with the horse's mouth!"

"Wow! Over there! A combination of an old man and a beautiful girl! The world is going downhill!"

"They might be father and daughter!"

"Who said, whose daughter leans her whole body on her father?"


The topic became more and more biased, and finally bickered all the way to the separation.

"This guy…"

Xia Mu watched Xia Mi's jumping ponytail disappear into the corner of the street, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curled up, and drooped down again.

With her involved, I don't know what will happen next, if the king of the earth and the mountain swallows the king of bronze and fire, what will happen...

If Yemengard hadn't died, what would happen later...

Xia Mu was confused.

"Life is a rush, take one step at a time."

He went back to the hotel room and lay down on the empty bed.

Chu Zihang sat cross-legged on the other one, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Who is that girl?"

His voice came suddenly.

"Fuck! I thought you were asleep!"

Xia Mu turned his head to look, and he could actually see the color of an eighth woman from Chu Zihang's golden pupils.

"It just doesn't feel good, don't you have Xia Liyi?" Chu Zihang said softly.

Xia Mu understood.

Brother's heart is different from other people's. He doesn't have the mentality of watching the excitement. He sincerely hopes that what he can't get, others can get, especially the people he cares about.

He hopes that Xia Mu can have a better life than him, so sometimes he seems to be a bitch, because that's the way he cares.

"It's nothing like that. I have nothing to do with her. I'm neither an enemy nor a friend. I'm still vigilant against her. Who knows when I might be backlashed." Xia Mu shook his head.

Chu Zihang nodded, then turned around and closed his eyes: "Let's rest, there are still tasks tonight."

Xia Mu also twisted back, his eyelids drooping.

The blood in the body is still surging, washing the body over and over again, allowing more dragon blood to invade the past, and the muscles, tissues, fibers, and cells become stronger little by little.

"Over 2000 years."

It was a clear night, the river was calm, and the river reflected the stars and the moon.

A lonely black shadow stands on the shore of the small island in the middle of the river, watching silently. The sound of the water is rushing, which reminds people of many years ago.

He stretched out his hand toward the water, and the ancient spell resounded like a bell.


The river boiled, and hot white air rose into the sky, making a loud noise like thunder.

The surface of the river cracked, hundreds of tons of scalding water surged towards the sky, and then turned into water droplets and sprinkled down.

Sprinkled on the pitch-black scales, it evaporates quickly.

A huge, indescribable creature.

He broke out of the water, looked up to the sky and made a sound like a laugh or a baby crying, then bent his neck, lowered his head, and looked at the black figure by the water.

long stare.

The black shadow stretched out his hand to the dragon, and the dragon let out a low sound that seemed to be whimpering, and put his head close to the black shadow meekly, letting him stroke his nose.

The tiny black shadow and the huge dragon are in harmony at this moment.

"Samson, we finally meet again."

Heiying said softly, "It's been too long since I let you watch the house... Now let's go home!"

(End of this chapter)

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