Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 176 Xia Mu: Thirsty...

Chapter 176 Xia Mu: Thirsty...

"Take it."

Three days later, Angers glanced at the resolution of the school board that Passy handed over, and pushed the sword case of the seven deadly sins on the table over.

Percy gave him a strange look.

Frost Gattuso prepared three or four second players, and made full preparations. He must take the Seven Deadly Sins from Angers and hand them over to Caesar for use later.

But I didn't expect to spend so much energy on preparations, but none of them were used.

Angers was as different as before, and easily handed over the seven crimes.

"If you don't mind, let me check."

Percy opened the buckle of the sword box and reached out to pull it out.

"Reminder, the seven deadly sins have been fully activated by Xia Mu, and only those who are recognized can successfully pull them out." Anger said leisurely after taking a sip of tea.

Paxi nodded, and pulled out the first one smoothly, followed by the second one. He didn't pull out the third one. He only felt the first two ones, confirmed the restless power, and then closed the sword box cover again. .

As the container prepared by the Gattuso family for Caesar, of course he can't just pull out two bloodlines, but he doesn't intend to show his bottom in front of Angers.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation."

Passy tied the seven deadly sins on his back, and then took out another document with a serious and vigilant expression: "Your Excellency, there is another document here, please sign it."

Angers was taken aback, picked up the file and looked at it, his expression slowly changed.

"You want to take Xia Mu away?"

He threw the document on the table, and his tone could not hide his anger: "Which article in the college regulations stipulates that students should cooperate with the investigation and research of the school board?"

"The College is the property of the Council, and theoretically everything in the College belongs to the Council, including the students."

Paxi has already prepared the draft, "All forces that are beneficial to deal with dragons must be valued. Xia Mu has shown at least three speech spirits so far. This is no small matter. If we find a way to awaken multiple speech spirits, then the overall The strength of the hybrids will increase greatly, which is beneficial to the cause of dragon slaying."

Anger's expression was indifferent: "The seven deadly sins are entrusted to you for safekeeping because I don't want to have any unpleasantness with the school board, but it is absolutely impossible for me to hand over the students."

"Principal Angers, the school board is also for the future, please understand." Passy bowed deeply.

Ang Rou nodded: "well, go, goodbye."

Patsy just straightened up when the muscles in his face twitched.

"You should be clear that there is no harmony between the European mixed race and the Japanese mixed race, and due to historical reasons, there is a huge rift between the two sides. There is really no need for you to protect a student from Tokyo."

Angers waved his hand, turned the back of the chair and turned around, with the obvious intention of seeing off the guests.

Passy sighed: "The school board has sent someone to ask Xia Mu to come, and this is our right."


With a bang, Angers' precious mahogany desk fell apart.

He stood up suddenly, like a lion who chooses to eat someone: "I am the principal! Who allows you to handle college affairs beyond me?!"

Passy opened his mouth, and was about to speak, but found that Angers in front of him had disappeared, leaving only the door behind him swaying non-stop, as if someone had just opened and closed it.

"So fast…"

Percy was in a mess, and quickly took out her mobile phone to make a call...

In the open-air swimming pool, many young and beautiful Aries swim freely in it.

Although it is winter now, it is obvious that summer and winter are not much different for mixed races.

There are two umbrellas by the pool, one red and one black, the red one is small and exquisite, and the black one is elegant.

Xia Mu and Eri Yi each have a reclining chair, lying leisurely under the umbrella, with some fresh-cut fruits in the middle of the reclining chairs. The kitchen of Kassel College is still very powerful, and there are all kinds of fruits and vegetables in the wrong season.

Erika lay down for a while, but sat up again, thought for a while, walked over, and squeezed onto Xia Mu's reclining chair.

"It's not enough for two people..."

Xia Mu said something, but Erika squeezed and squeezed, so he had to shrink to the side, let her squeeze up, almost lying on his body.

Xiangruan's body is very slender, and there is not much space squeezed out.

Xia Mu turned sideways, half-embracing her in his arms, his heart beating faster than expected.

After that underwater kiss, he didn't have any overly intimate behavior with her.

But that kind of taste is so good, once you experience it for the first time, you will have countless aftertaste, which makes your heart turmoil.

"Mumu, I want to kiss."

The girl looked at him boldly, her eyes were moist, without any shyness, as if she said "Mumu, I want to eat Wumu fried rice".

Xia Mu took a deep breath, looked at her fair and pretty face, and couldn't say no to her.

Pure Erika, now she is really a seductive goblin walking around, her pure natural charm is gradually revealed in Xia Mu's embrace, the delicate and cute girl, mixed with this kind of unashamed initiative, makes her feel He was losing ground.

Her little hand was attached to his neck, gently stroking the collarbone, her eyes were full of confusion, and her breath was hot.

Xia Mu stretched out his hand to hug her body tightly, making the two of them close together without any gap.

When you like someone, you want to get closer to him and do more and more intimate things.

Xia Mu lowered his head, found the thin lips, and gently embraced them...


After an unknown amount of time, Xia Mu was awakened by the girl's gentle voice.

He left Erika abruptly, stared blankly at her lips, where blood was red, and drops of blood slowly overflowed.

Xia Mu almost subconsciously stuck it on and sucked it clean, and then he realized it.

"What the hell am I doing?" He stood up suddenly and left Erika.

"Mumu, it's okay."

Erika hooked his hand, her eyes were as bright as water.

Xia Mu's Adam's apple grunted subconsciously, and quickly looked away from her mouth, and sat on another recliner, feeling very thirsty, forked a few pieces of melon and fruit into his mouth.

But soon he discovered that this thirst was not lack of water, but...

He held his forehead, and the longing in his heart surged.

What he wants is blood.

Not ordinary blood, but dragon blood, pure dragon blood.

Is it Shami?

Xia Mu stared blankly.

"You are Xia Mu?"

At this time, several figures in suits and leather shoes approached and came to him.

Xia Mu raised his head: "I am."

"The school board invites you to be a guest, please come with us." The leader said very politely.

Xia Mu shook his head: "No."

"This is an order from the school board, please don't make things difficult for us."

"Don't go."

Xia Mu is not in the mood to pay attention to them now.

His mind is full of dragon's blood. Although Eri Yi's blood can relieve it, it seems that only Xia Mi can solve it.

"Then, I'm sorry."

Several people looked at each other, as if they were already ready, and rushed forward together.

Xia Mu reached out and grabbed the handle of the black umbrella, and the umbrella shrank in an instant, turning into a sickle shape, and then waved it casually.


Water splashes everywhere.

The men in black suits were caught off guard and were hooked into the swimming pool by the scythe.

(End of this chapter)

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