Chapter 178

Xia Mu doesn't know what will happen to Lu Mingfei and Ling in the future, whether Ling will take the initiative, and whether Lu Mingfei will give back.

But being able to spend less time with Nuonuo made him feel very relieved, as if watching the weak child at home finally grow up.

The sun is gradually slanting to the west, and the figure under the umbrella is gradually elongated.

Xia Mu spent too much energy building the black Myriad Chance Umbrella in the past three days, so he lay down and rested for a day today.

Erika was still huddled with Xia Mu, holding his arms with both hands, and leaning her head on his shoulders, there was a constant fragrance.

With Mumu, she felt very at ease and comfortable, and wanted to keep leaning on her like this, until the end of the years, forever.

She thought, maybe she understands what liking is.

What about him?Does he understand?
Erika looked up at Xia Mu with watery eyes, hooked his fingers, and stroked his palm.

Xia Mu shrank his hands, and said with a smile, "Itchy."

Erika's eyebrows and eyes curved.

"Come on, let's go to the college infirmary."

Xia Mu stretched and stood up, taking the black umbrella back casually.

Erika also imitated him and put away the little red umbrella.

The posture of the two holding umbrellas is like carrying two long guns.

"Eriyi, hold an umbrella and let me see." Xia Mu said.

Erika didn't ask why, and just opened it to support it.

Xia Mu took a few steps back to have a look.

Her beautiful face and perfect figure are very elegant under the red umbrella, and it is even more matching with the red and white witch costume. She looks like a girl walking out of a painting, beautiful and incomparable.

Xia Mu couldn't help but be moved.

"Come on, you go from the front, and I will hug you from the back."

He carried the black Myriad Chance Umbrella on his back, and got under her little red umbrella, clinging to her back, reaching out to hug her slender willow waist.

The girl's light sandalwood red hair fascinated him.


The two cried out at the same time.

How to walk one after the other...Xia Mu stepped on Eri's clothes and shoes.

"Come on again, let me pay attention and step on the outside with both feet."

Xia Mu quite likes this posture of holding Eriyi from behind. He can hold her slender and soft waist with both hands, rest his chin on her slender shoulders and neck, cling to her body, and smell The quiet fragrance that reached her earlobe.

Erika leaned against him, and liked this posture even more. Being hugged by him was like being protected and moving forward. She didn't need to be afraid of anything, and her whole body became warm and soft.

Although the second attempt was still stumbling and prone to mistakes on both feet, it was undoubtedly much better than the first attempt.

The two of them walked like Siamese twins, attracting countless eyes.

Finally arrived at the downstairs of the infirmary.

Xia Mu reluctantly took back the hand that was placed on Erika's smooth belly, asked her to put away the umbrella, and then took her little hand skillfully, interlocking her fingers and touching her palms.

Men and women who have unlocked the intimate relationship can never return to the pure past.

Walking outside the ward on the second floor, he knocked on the door.

"Please... come in."

The girl's weak voice came out, and she seemed to lower her voice deliberately.

Xia Mu paused, turned around and raised his finger to his mouth and shushed.

Erika nodded.

The two opened the door gently, walked in and closed it gently.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the head of the bed, coating it with a layer of warm golden light.

Chu Zihang was lying on the head of the bed, covered with a thin blanket, these movements did not wake him up.

"Thank you for coming to see me. He was tired last night and didn't rest today. Please don't disturb him." Susie said in a low voice, "Well... Can you tell me who you are if it's convenient?"

Xia Mu was stunned, and looked into her eyes carefully, only to find that her eyes were not in focus.

She hasn't woken up for the past few days. According to her, she probably woke up last night, but her eyes...

"Xia Mu, Xia Liyi."

Xia Mu said softly, and asked worriedly: "Your eyes..."

"Well, I can't see it..." Susie's face flashed sadly: "The doctor said it was caused by overdraft of strength."

"Will the recovery of power also restore the eyes?" Xia Mu asked.

Susie was silent for a while: "The doctor said that there is a high probability that it will not work. The excessive burning of the golden pupil has caused irreversible damage to the eyeball."

Xia Mu exhaled, feeling heavy in his heart.

Could it be that the fate of this girl is to be nailed to death with a knife?

"Xia Mu, can I ask you to hire a nurse for me?" Su Qian said suddenly.

Xia Mu glanced at Chu Zihang, still didn't mess with the mandarin ducks, nodded: "Okay, just wait..."

"Need not."

At this time, Chu Zihang suddenly rubbed his eyes and raised his head, his sleepy eyes quickly regained clarity.

"I'll take care of you." He said softly.

Susie felt sweet but bitter in her heart. She shook her head: "It's inconvenient, like last night... Many things are inconvenient."

Chu Zihang grabbed her wrist and squeezed it: "Leave it to me, it's ok, I can help you even if I close my eyes."

"No need, the nurse is more professional than you, besides..."

Susie paused, turned her face away, and said in a low voice, "Who are you to me..."

Chu Zihang's heart twitched, and the hand that pinched her wrist slid down to grab her palm: "You like me."

Xia Mu scratched his head a could you speak like that.

A blush appeared on Susie's face, but she got rid of his hand: "It's my business that I like you, it doesn't mean that I can let you take care of me like... like that."

"But you saved me!" Chu Zihang blurted out impatiently, "You became like this because you saved me!"

Xia Mu held his forehead... It's over.

Sure enough, Susie's face immediately turned pale, her head was sullen, and she didn't speak for a long time.

"I'm going to hire a nurse." Xia Mu broke the calm.

"do not go!"

Chu Zihang looked back at him with an extremely firm expression: "I will take care of her."

Xia Mu had a headache, grabbed his shoulder and dragged him out of the door.

"Brother, you can't do this!"

Chu Zihang frowned: "Why not?"

"Erika, you should go back first."

Xia Mu waved his hand, then went to find a nurse for Su Qian, then left with his arms around Chu Zihang's shoulder.

"Come on, let's fight first, let you take it easy."

The two entered the practice room.

Chu Zihang silently pulled out Cunyu.

What Xia Mu said was right, he was really angry and uncomfortable.

He is the person who is least willing to hurt others, but let a girl lose her light because of herself, this is something he simply cannot accept.

"Be careful, my new very special."

The Thousand Chance Umbrella stabbed in the form of a spear, stabbing Cun Yu so hard.

Chu Zihang slashed his sword, and his palms felt numb.

"What a heavy gun!"

This was smelted from the three handles after the Seven Deadly Sins, so it is naturally very heavy. If Xia Mu's physique hadn't been evolving all the time, it would be impossible for Xia Mu to dance now.

"It's not just guns."

Chu Zihang easily found a flaw, slid half a circle, and stabbed at Xia Mu's lower back.

But with a bang, the huge umbrella blocked in front of him, ding ding ding ding, unable to get in at all.

Chu Zihang almost cursed.

What the hell is this!

(End of this chapter)

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