Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 181 Listening to Jun 1 Chapter...

Chapter 181 Listening to Jun...

"Aren't you curious what I'm looking for you for?"

Mr. KFC lay on the grass and tugged at Xia Mu's trouser legs.

Xia Mu twitched his foot, but he didn't move away.

"I'm not interested in knowing."

"We're the biggest mixed race group!"

Mr. KFC hugged his feet.

Xia Mu continued to kick his legs: "Then what does it matter to me? Let go! Many people have seen it! I don't want to be regarded as a comrade!"

"Then listen to what I have to say! Otherwise, I will shout all over the street now, saying that you have always abandoned me! You have always abandoned me!"

Xia Mu sighed with his hips on his hips, he really couldn't trust Fengou's integrity.

"Speak." He sat cross-legged on the grass.

"First of all, I want to confirm one thing with you. Did you really kill the King of Bronze and Fire among the Four Monarchs?" Mr. Kentucky put his hand on the grass, posing casually.

Xia Mu frowned: "You guys are very well informed."

"It has been confirmed by many sources that you should have killed him, but we are not sure whether you got the keel." Mr. KFC shrugged.

"No." Xia Mu said calmly.

Mr. KFC paused and said, "I mean if, if you hide the keel, we want to buy it from you, no matter how much it costs, 100 billion 1000 billion, it's not a problem."

"Since you don't believe me, why are you still asking me?" Xia Mu's face remained unchanged, as if 1000 billion was a piece of shit in his eyes.

You can do many things with money, but hanging out with these guys is even more troublesome.

The currently known mixed-race forces include the secret party, the group represented by Henkel, the "prince" hidden in the dark, and the monarch of the dark side. It is very likely that some of them overlap, but they cannot be seen clearly now.

Xia Mu didn't want to get involved right away, his goal has always been in Tokyo, and that's the direction of all his efforts at this stage.

"Ange is a very charismatic dragon-slaying leader, but he cannot represent the secret party. If you put your future on him, many bad things may happen, such as burying your beloved one for the dragon-slaying cause ..."

Mr. Kentucky's tone fluctuated, and then he returned to frivolity: "Your school board's patience with him has reached its limit. Coupled with the huge temptation of Constantine's keel and the technology of the Extinct Dragon King, internal strife is basically at hand."

He chuckled: "How about it? Don't you plan to have another way out? Then, if there is any mission to send you to death in the future, you can still refuse."

Xia Mu nodded calmly: "Oh."

No more text.

Mr. KFC waited for a while, and couldn't help asking: "And then?"

"What then?" Xia Mu seemed even more confused, "I've finished listening, why don't you continue?"

"What else should I say? Isn't it your turn to express your opinion?"

"What can I say, I have no keel."

I don’t want to give it. Anyway, under the ruins of the Bronze City, it may be useful to keep it for the future, including the Bronze City itself. It is not impossible for him to recover when he is strong enough.

"Okay, then there is one more thing, we hope to buy from you, about the solution to the technical problem, that is, the cocooning of the dragon race, this is a problem that has plagued the hybrid race for thousands of years, we want to know how you solved it .” Mr. KFC spread his hands.

Xia Mu nodded: "It's very simple, don't let him cocoon."

Mr. KFC has a row of ellipses on his forehead.

"Or let him have no desire to cocoon, so the head office can do it?" Xia Mu said.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but difficult to operate. It is not a secret.

Norton would give up cocooning entirely because of Constantine's death, and this kind of opportunity is once in a lifetime.

"Listening to what you have to say...is like listening to what you have to say."

Mr. Kennedy stood up.

"Goodbye boy, remind me to pay attention to safety recently."


Xia Mu suddenly pulled out the Myriad Chance Umbrella, pointed at his back: "Are you threatening me?"

"I'm not threatening you, young man," Mr. KFC raised his hands. "You should know that opinions are not the same in an organization. I just represent the moderates and advocate talking to you."

"Oh," Xia Mu took the umbrella back, "It means that there will be other mixed races who want to do something to me, that's fine, and the consequences will be at your own risk."

"Well, at your own risk, at your own risk..."

Mr. KFC backed away again and again, and then ran away.

"Hey! The perception is very sharp!"

Xia Mu smiled, and suddenly turned the Thousand Chance Umbrella upside down, and the claws popped out from the handle of the umbrella, and shot at him at top speed.

With a puff, he grabbed the KFC paper bag accurately, and when he pulled it, the bag flew up.


Mr. KFC gave a strange cry, lifted his coat from behind and wrapped it around his head, and continued to run wildly.

"Young man! I'm not your enemy! Don't be so curious about me!"

Passers-by looked at him as if he was insane.

Xia Mu's grapple bounced back into the umbrella handle, shook his head and walked back.

The two walked in different directions, but in the end they both returned to Kassel College.

Xia Mu didn't care about the possible attacks from the mixed-race forces. He happened to be short of blood packs, and he would not refuse anyone who came...

He has no idea of ​​turning to any side, nor does he intend to please anyone. His goal is simple.

Become stronger.

Rescue Pear Clothes.

"The school board is going to investigate you, and you still run down the mountain?"

As soon as he returned to the campus, Xia Mu was called to the office by Anger.

"Let's relax."

Xia Mu casually put the Thousand Chance Umbrella aside.

Angerdo glanced at it, his heart moved, but he said nothing on the surface, just said: "It's better for you to go out of the campus less recently, not only the secret party behind the academy, but also other mixed-race organizations may trouble you .”


Xia Mu nodded, naturally he would not tell him about waiting for the blood bag.

"The school board will come in two days, do you have anything to cover up?" Anger said bluntly.

Xia Mu scratched his head: "It seems not."

Anger looked at him and smiled: "Do you know what the biggest trouble is?"

"Huh?" Xia Mu looked puzzled.

"They suspect that you are not a human being." Angers stared at him intentionally or unintentionally, "It's a dragon."

"Oh," Xia Mu scratched his head, frowning slightly, "Why?"

Anger didn't see anything, and smiled: "Because you showed the authority and speech of the king of bronze and fire after you killed Constantine."

Xia Mu was taken aback.

"Do you know how the Dragon Clan will improve themselves?" Anger poured him a glass of water, as if in a homely tone.

"It's swallowing."

Without waiting for Xia Mu to answer, he said directly, "Dragon clans fight each other, and the winner gets the ability of the loser, especially for the four kings."

Xia Mu was silent.

Speaking of which, he really looks like some dragon king who hasn't fully awakened.

Devoured the abilities of Constantine and Norton, and was extremely thirsty for Xia Mi's blood.

"Isn't the dragon clan destined to fight to the last?"

"Not necessarily, after all, you can't get all the abilities, and the dragon clan has absolute levels."

"Can't quite get it?"


(End of this chapter)

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