Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 184 Xia Mu VS Army Corps

Chapter 184 Xia Mu VS Army Corps
The so-called three-generation species didn't exist, but it was actually just a mixed-race species making trouble.

The so-called chaos in the downtown area is not there, the mixed race is not that stupid, and things are done in remote towns.

Without the company of Angers, and without the cooperation of others, Xia Mu set off alone to the Nordic town on the other side of the ocean.

There are large tracts of red maple forests here, the land is sparsely populated, and all the people I saw along the way were either leisurely fishing or driving weeding machines, without any noise.

"Commissioner Xia Mu, according to the latest report, the last time the hybrid committed a crime was at an abandoned factory 200 meters to the north. You have entered a dangerous area, please pay attention to safety."

Norma's voice came from Xiamu's earphones.


He responded with his lips, but he walked with an umbrella in his hand, clapping left and right, still in the attitude of a tourist.

This was a serial murder case, and the police couldn't find the other party's whereabouts at all, so it got the attention of Kassel College, and it was suspected that the crime was committed by a mixed race.

The victims were all men, and their death conditions were particularly miserable, as if they had suffered great humiliation.

They have one thing in common, they are beautiful.

The executive department thought that Xia Mu was very suitable for this task.

Walking into the abandoned factory, there are rusty iron containers everywhere.

Xia Mu walked leisurely, humming a little tune.

"Love you slowly...remember slowly...accompany you slowly...grow old slowly...because slowly is the best reason..."

He seemed to be unintentionally swinging the black umbrella around, playing with it in his hand.


At this time, a black shadow jumped out from the dark place, and stabbed Xia Mu's neck with a short knife.


It's a pity that the umbrella surface with a diameter of nearly two meters suddenly opened in front of his eyes, making it airtight.

"It turned out to be Mingzhao."

Xia Mu let out a hehe, and understood why he couldn't find the other party's trace.

Yanling·Mingzhao, within the scope of the domain, uses the shadow to make the figures of himself and his companions disappear, making them invisible.


The Thousand Manifestation Umbrella swept across, with great force, blasting the opponent into the container.

Now that he showed up, there was no chance for the convenience.

Xia Mu turned the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella into a combat spear, and stabbed straight, the sharp tip of the spear made a shriek in the air.

The strength is equivalent to a B-level hybrid, which is not enough in his eyes.

But the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella could not be pierced completely, because the sound of gunfire sounded like a storm from all around.


"Ding ding ding..."

The Myriad Chance Umbrella opened, blocking his surroundings from the wind.

The gunfire didn't last long, and the sneak attacking hybrids gradually stopped after they were out of danger.

Xia Mu raised his hand, holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella like an ordinary black umbrella.

Looking around, there are at least hundreds of black muzzles hidden in every corner, completely surrounding him.

"Hello, Xia Mu."

Very broken Western Japanese, a man dressed like a bear stood up, probably from the country of vodka.

"Hand over Norton's keel, and you'll get out alive."

With a mass of black muzzles pointed at, he felt that these words were very oppressive.

Xia Mu nodded and smiled: "Please shoot."

Tulong hid at the end and ran faster than anyone else to grab the results. No wonder Angers didn't like the mixed-race forces on Henkel's side.

But for him, it was a timely help.

"What did you say?"

The hulking half-breed brother on the opposite side thought he had heard wrong.

"Please shoot."

Xia Mu's face was gentle, as if saying "Dinner please".

The power of the same kind of hybrid with different speech and spirit is very different. In the European and American mixed race groups, there is still a lack of sufficient understanding of super hybrids.

"Stay out of the way!"

The man waved his hand, and all kinds of firearms burst into flames in an instant.

"Bang bang bang..."

In the thunderous explosion, Xia Mu slowly stretched out a hand...

"Oh, Mom! Come and see God!"

At least thousands of bullets stopped in front of Xia Mu's palm, just like the classic scene of The Matrix.

"You know? I'm very happy to see you ambush me, really."

The bullet turned slowly in front of Xia Mu, aiming at everyone around him.

One of their magazines had already been emptied, and they didn't even dare to change the magazine at this moment, because the bullets aimed at everyone's eyebrows.

"That, that... misunderstanding... We just, just wanted to make a deal..."

It only took three seconds for the leader to change from haughty to trembling.

"I hope there are some latecomers among you."

Xia Mu grinned, waved his hand, and there was a sound of piercing through the air.

Thousands of bullets smashed everyone into a sieve.

Even if someone cleverly hides behind cover, it's no use, because the bullets he fires can be redirected...

Xia Mu stood in the sun, surrounded by the funeral grounds of mixed races.

He closed his eyes and opened his hands.

"Chi... Chi... Chi..."

Countless blood qi emerged from these people, gathered, refined, and finally turned into 10 milliliters of blood, which disappeared into his palm.

Xia Mu snapped his fingers, the flames on his body erupted, burning the surrounding area, and the last person walked out from the scorched blackness with a radius of [-] meters.

The terrified and distorted expressions before their death still remained in his mind, but he only felt happy.

I don't know when he started to show indifference to human life.

It seems that after killing the King of Bronze and Fire, he fused something, awakened something, and lost something...

"Commissioner Xia Mu, I lost contact with you for 5 minutes just now, is there any unexpected situation?" Norma resumed the connection.

Xia Mu replied calmly: "No, everything is normal, the task has been completed, and the culprit has turned into ashes."

Norma seemed to freeze for a while.

"Continue to the next task. Contact the executive department and give me all such tasks in the next month. I can't go back to the academy this month." Xia Mu said.

He didn't intend to let go of such a good opportunity.

Let's see how many rounds of attacks can be organized over there, he will always come.

"Yes, I will contact the Executive Department."

Soon, the next task will come.

The investigation team probably never thought that Xia Mu and Ange could hang them there for a month.

Of course, Anger didn't know that Xia Muneng had been entangled with Henkel's hybrid for a month, and to be exact, he killed the other party in four consecutive ambushes, and none of them survived.

A month later, Xia Mu went to South Africa.

Then came across...the regular army!

Tank groups, helicopter teams, multi-purpose combat vehicles...a whole mechanized corps.

Things are getting bigger.

"Henkel, are your people too much?"

Such an exaggerated military operation, Norma finally captured the picture through the satellite.

Angers immediately put Henkel on the phone.

"Who is too much? Who is too much? Who is too much?"

Angers was taken aback by the tone of the old guy who was also over 130 years old.

"We lost a full 500 hybrids! 500! We haven't lost so many at one time in the past few decades on the dragon slaying battlefield!"

"Young people don't know the heights of the sky and the earth! He must be taught a lesson!"

Henkel hung up the phone with a bang.

Angers plunges into self-doubt with a beeping microphone in hand.


(End of this chapter)

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