Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 187 Xia Mu: I refuse to be ambiguous

Chapter 187 Xia Mu: I refuse to be ambiguous
"Accompany me abroad tomorrow for a week."

Just ten days after returning to China, Xia Mi sent a message.

Xia Mu had just prevaricated Yuan Zhisheng's request to let him go back, and saw her notice again, and couldn't help feeling dizzy.

Xia Mi is like a vortex, the deeper it sinks, the harder it is to escape.

He is well aware of this.

"Erika, I'm going out for a few days, can you stay at home by yourself?"

The night view of the city is still so beautiful, Erika always sits on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at it for a long time.

When Xia Mu came to her side, she would lean her head on him, and the small appearance of being dependent was very cute.

"When are you coming back?"

She didn't ask him what he was going to do, nor did she say she wanted to go together, she just asked when he would be back.

Xia Mu felt soft in his heart, stretched out his hand to hold her little hand tightly, and said softly: "Soon, there will be no delay."

"Don't stay at home all the time, you can go out occasionally, and pay attention to wearing a mask and sunglasses." He added.

Erika raised her eyes and blinked: "I...I want to go back to Tokyo..."

Xia Mu was startled, and immediately shook his head: "No, uh...at least not now, I must accompany you."


Erika lowered her eyes.

Xia Mu reached out and touched her head, put his forehead on it, looked into her eyes: "In another year, let's go back together."


Erika took the opportunity to lean over and pressed his lips against his.

Xia Mu distanced himself, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Hey, I'm warming up right now!"

Erika licked her lips, raised her eyebrows and said, "Waiting for you to come back."

Sticky little goblin...

Xia Mu nodded without thinking.

"Where to go?"


The next day, Xia Mu met Xia Mi at the airport.

She wore a plain white batik orchid suspender and a pair of short hot pants. Under her feet were a pair of socks and a pair of sneakers. She was simple, and she wore a pair of sunglasses on top of her head.

But the high ponytail is gone, and...

"Hey! Why did you get white hair?" Xia Mu pointed.

Xia Mi was holding the cup of milk tea, biting the straw, and couldn't help but raise his head and bark his teeth after hearing his words: "Isn't it that the people of the country control white hair, don't you like it?"


Xia Mu glanced twice, the straight silver-white long hair fell like the Milky Way for nine days, it was indescribably moving.

"You don't care if I like it or not." He glanced away.

"Tough mouth."

The two lined up at the boarding gate to check the tickets. Xia Mi threw the milk tea cup into the trash can, then took out his mobile phone and leaned against Xia Mu.

"Crack, click, click..."

The sound of the simulated camera came.

Xia Mu pushed her shoulder away: "What are you doing!"

"Take a photo as a souvenir! Don't move!"

Xia Mi was half-closed to his body, leaning his head on his shoulder, and breathed like blue: "Mr. Xia, after all, you don't want to..."

"Clap, clap! I'll shoot!"

Xia Mu raised his hands in surrender.

Xia Mi narrowed his eyes and smiled like a little fox.

"Sister, help us take a group photo."

She patted the shoulder of the aunt in front of her, and she called out "sister", which made her feel elated.

"Oh, the little girl is so beautiful! Going abroad with her boyfriend? Hey, the young man looks familiar!"

Xia Mu regretted not wearing a mask, so he had to pull down the sunglasses even lower.

If this is a scandal, the character design will collapse...

With the popularity of Xia Liyi's name in China, he will be sprayed out of the circle.


Suddenly a pair of white jade arms hugged her, and her warm red lips pressed against her cheeks.


The aunt just pressed it down and smiled like an aunt: "The young couple have such a good relationship."

"Thank you auntie!"

Xia Mi smiled and took the phone back.

Big Mom... stiff.

"What are you doing?!"

After arriving in the first-class cabin of the plane, there was no one there, Xia Mu immediately went to grab her mobile phone: "Give it to me! Delete the photo just now!"

Xia Mi raised the phone high, leaned back, and bared his teeth at him: "Mr. Xia, you understand."

"I understand you big-headed ghost! This really must be deleted!"

Xia Mu tried desperately to snatch it, but he didn't touch Xia Mi's receding body, so he vacated his hands.

If he had to change someone, he must have lost his balance and lay on top of her.


The speed of the two people's hands crossing in the air was getting faster and faster, which made the other first-class passengers dumbfounded.

"Are these two people learning Wing Chun?"

The beautiful stewardess hurried over.

"Sir, miss, the plane is about to take off, please sit in your seat and don't make trouble."


Xia Mi immediately raised her white palm.

"it is good."

Xia Mu sat back his leaning body and withdrew his hand.

Xia Mi also sat down immediately.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

The beautiful stewardess bowed slightly, breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to leave.

"Oh! What are you doing!"

As a result, the girl screamed, and she looked back, and saw the boy jumped up at some point, pinched the girl's wrist, twisted it, and the phone fell into his hand.


Xia Mi was furious, but didn't call out his full name. He glanced around, and suddenly his eyes turned red.


Xia Mu hadn't deleted the photos yet, so he was dumbfounded.

Have you ever seen the Dragon King hugging his knees and crying bitterly?And it's like crying like pear blossoms and rain.

Xia Mi rested her chin on her knees, hugged her poor self with both hands, sobbing: "You...you bully me...uh..."

Xia Mu's scalp was numb: "You are a dramatist!"

Other people around stared at him, especially the stewardess, as if looking at a heinous sinner.

The face is as good-looking as Xia Mi's, and it is pure and cute, even women can't be jealous.

"Here you are! Here you are!"

Xia Mu couldn't bear the pressure, and was even more afraid of being recognized, so he had to throw the phone back.


Xia Mi's face cleared up after the rain in an instant, and everyone was stunned when he saw it with a happy smile.

"Don't worry, I won't send it to your girlfriend." She patted Xia Mu on the shoulder.

Xia Mu spread out on the seat, fastened his seat belt, and looked unlovable.

When the stewardess heard Xia Mi's words, she immediately looked at her like she was looking at heaven.

take off.


Xia Mi yawned exaggeratedly, turned around and said, "Borrow me a shoulder."

Xia Mu put on the blindfold and put on the earphones, pretending not to hear.

"The photo has been uploaded to the network disk, Mr. Xia, you shouldn't want to..."

"You're finished!"

Xia Mu pulled off the blindfold and growled.

Xia Mi was startled, and her bright little face suddenly darkened.

Xia Mu squinted at her, wondering if she was performing.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

He slowed down his voice: "I need your blood, I will help you with what you have to do, but why do you do this, I hate intentional ambiguity."

Xia Mi raised her beautiful eyes and looked at him in surprise: "Why?"

Xia Mu lowered his eyes: "Because I don't want to lie to myself, ambiguity is ambiguity, there is no such thing as a pure friendship."

Xia Mi looked at him, resting his hand on his cheek, thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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