Chapter 197
"Woo la la la..."

Erika ran around happily barefoot in the spacious living room, and put her little yellow duck into the bathtub next to the French window in the bathroom.

Xia Mu helped her put water and stir the bath salt, and soon the pool turned into a cloudy milky white.

Before he left, the clothes on Erika Yi's body were falling like snowflakes.

Xia Mu immediately walked out: "I'll bring her in."


There seemed to be a whirlwind blowing around her, Erika's beautiful red hair danced behind her small white body like a cape.

Xia Mu watched her run out, watched her run back, with Xia Mi in her arms, and then watched her strip Xia Mi naked and plop into the bathtub.

Then she couldn't wait to step in, sank into the water, and looked back at him with wide eyes, flickering.

"Well, good job..."

Xia Mu had no choice but to respond to her expectations like this, pretending not to see her little thoughts.


The girl immediately raised her brows and eyes

"Then help her wash it, don't let her slip into the water."

Xia Mu left the bathroom, closed the door, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Two snow-white and smooth bodies dangle in front of your eyes, how can you live in this day?

Suddenly, Erika called out.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Xia Mu thought that there was something wrong with Xia Mi, so he opened the door and rushed in.

In the end, Erika pointed at Xia Mi with one hand, and said in a strange way, "Why is she so big?"

Xia Mu: "..."

"It's so strange..."

Xia Mu: "..."

He backed out silently and closed the door again.

"She doesn't have a belly..."

"Her legs are so long..."


Xia Mu sat on the sofa outside, holding a notebook, but couldn't read anything.

Erika's small doubts were so graphic that it upset him, especially the last sentence, which contained too much information.

"Mumu, she suddenly became so strange! Mumu! Mumu!"

Erika's voice suddenly became hurried.

Xia Mu was stunned, and quickly stood up and ran in: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

He looked at Xia Mi who had his eyes tightly closed, and was also taken aback.

I saw that her face was rosy, her skin was rosy and rosy, and she was flushed, exuding a seductive smell.

Xia Mu covered his face: "What did you do, Erika..."

With this appearance, it is obvious that the body has entered the activated state.

Erika's eyes were a little at a loss: "It's just taking a bath..."

"Where did you touch?" Xia Mu changed the question.

Erika pointed to the top, and then pointed to the water.

Xia Mu was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized.

"'s fine, no need to wash..."

He thought for a while: "I'll take her out, and you can hang out for a while."

Erika didn't take a bath for less than an hour, that's why Xia Mu said so.

"I, I'm fine too!"

Unexpectedly, the girl stood up with a bang, Xia Mu was so frightened that she quickly raised her eyes to look at the ceiling.

Then Erika dried herself, wrapped herself in a bath towel, and carried Xia Mi out again, doing the same thing.


When Xia Mu heard this sentence, he looked back, and there were big beads of sweat on his forehead: "Eliyi, why don't you wrap it under your armpit like you?"

"No," Erika gestured with her hand, "Look, Mumu, she's too big to wrap her around."

Xia Mu: "..."

"Yeah! I thought of it!"

Erika poked her head with her little finger, as if a light bulb had lit up on her head: "You can turn it sideways."

She tore off the bath towel from Xia Mi's body, and wrapped it horizontally.

Xia Mu didn't know how many times ellipsis popped up on his head...

It’s okay to turn the upper body sideways, but it can only cover the lower abdomen!
"Those with bathrobes..." He reminded feebly.


Erika's eyes lit up, and then she remembered something, and covered Xia Mu's eyes with her hand: "Mu Mu, don't look at it, as you said, you can't look at the body of the opposite sex."

Already seen it almost...

Xia Mu nodded silently: "I'll go out first."

After another toss, Xia Mi was finally placed on the bed.

There was a guest room at home, but Erika put Xia Mi on the big bed in the master bedroom without even thinking about it.

"I sleep in the middle."

Erikai lay down in the middle without letting her do her part.

Xia Mu nodded again and again, without any opinion.

"Who is she?"

When he leaned against the head of the bed, Erika hugged his arm and asked.

Xia Mu smelled the fragrance coming from her body, and said softly: "I'll tell you, but don't tell anyone else... She is the king of the earth and mountains, Yemengard, you can call her Xia Mi from now on."


Erika's wine-red eyes looked at Xia Mi's side face: "I read in the library that the king of the earth and the mountain is our enemy and we want to kill him, right?"

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, subconsciously shaking his head.

Erika raised her head to look at him, her eyes were full of confusion: "Mumu, I don't understand, why should the Dragon Clan be killed?"

Xia Mu was silent for a while, and gently held the back of her silky and warm hand: "Because of different races, different positions."

"But..." Erika's eyes became even more bewildered, "We hybrids... are we human?"

Xia Mu shook his head.

"Belongs to the Dragon Clan?"

Xia Mu still shook his head.

"Then what are we?" Erika asked.

Xia Mu smiled: "We are hybrids, we can barely be said to be new humans, but it is not so accurate, because if possible, most hybrids would be willing to become dragons."

"Then why do we slay dragons?"

Erika's question came back again.

Xia Mu was lost in thought.

Erika's worldview will have more doubts after reading many books, and the more those doubts are resolved, the more complete her own worldview will be.

He is cautious.

"It is said in the book that dragons will enslave humans. If we don't kill them, we will all become slaves of dragons," Erika said. "However, I have read many history books. In the books, humans were not enslaved in many eras. They don’t even know the existence of the Dragon Clan.”

"It's not because of enslavement. Although humans are indeed enslaved at certain times, that's not the root cause."

Xia Mu looked at her and said seriously: "This is a battle of races, or in other words, this is a struggle for power to see who can become the real master of this world. We are mixed races, so we want to slay dragons."

"Then who is right?" Erika asked.

"There is no right or wrong." Xia Mu said.

He stretched out his hand to play with her small fingers, and said, "Eriyi, there are many things in this world that we can't know right from wrong. All we need to know is what we want. We belong to the mixed race, so we stand here It is the simplest, but we are not the same, your bloodline is extremely close to the dragon, and I am the same, so which side should we stand at that time?"

Xia Mu shook his head: "To be honest, I don't know."

He turned his head to look at Eri Yi's wine-red eyes, and said seriously: "The only thing I know is that the choice I make must be beneficial to our own future, and I will always stand on our own stand .”


Erika understood a little bit, but couldn't figure it out for the time being, but this didn't stop her from being happy.

So she hugged Xia Mu tightly, and pouted her moist lips to him...

(End of this chapter)

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