Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 199 The Path of the Dragon King

Chapter 199 The Path of the Dragon King
"It's such a simple thing to become a dragon."

Xia Mi stuck out her tongue and pulled back her ponytail.

"Become a dragon?" Xia Mu was stunned.

Ways he had never imagined opened before him.

Xia Mi sat on the sofa with exquisite curves, swinging her long white and tender legs.

"Yes, the proportion of dragon blood that the body can withstand is fixed. I think she is at most 90%, but the power she possesses is too strong, so once she uses it, the proportion of dragon blood will exceed the standard..."

She stretched her waist, her curves were highlighted, and it was vividly displayed in Xia Mu's eyes.

It's a pity that Xia Mu's mind is full of her words, and he didn't notice the seduction she carried out all the time.

"If you become a dragon, will your consciousness be restored?"

"Of course, apart from monsters that are half-dragon and half-human, how can there be a dragon that loses its mind?" Xia Mi puffed out his chest.

Xia Mu glanced at her, and finally responded: "Stop arching, your own regenerated body is fake."

"Become a dragon..."

He also sat down on the sofa, lost in thought.

Xia Mi leaned forward enchantingly, put both hands on his shoulders, winked like silk, and breathed into his ear: "Regenerating a body means... I can change into whatever you like, whether it's a catwoman or a vixen What."

Xia Mu trembled, and quickly stepped aside, causing Xia Mi to fall on the sofa.

"What are you afraid of..."

Xia Mi lay there, showing even more curves.

"I will not eat you."

Her eyebrows and eyes are all charming.

Xia Mu looked out the window, his face trembling: "Xia Mi, do you want me, or do you want me to love you?"

"Huh? Is there any difference?" Xia Mi asked strangely.

Xia Mu didn't look at her: "You have to understand that loving you and wanting you are two different things. What you are doing now is just seducing me, so what if you succeed? You didn't get what you want, I just want That's all."

Xia Mi frowned, sat up slowly, stretched out his hands to stroke his hair: "Then what should I do?"

"how could I know?"

Xia Mu rolled his eyes.

Xia Mi pointed to the room: "Do you love her?"

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, scratching his head in a daze: "I don't know..."

"I don't know?" Xia Mi's eyes lit up, "Isn't she your girlfriend? You all live together."

Xia Mu shook his head, considered his words, and said, "I don't understand what love is like. I just want to protect her from harm, want her to live well, and want her to be happy every day."

This is not love...

Xia Mi collapsed and fell back.

"I've read a lot of human description books about love, as well as many male-female romance novels. Love is hard to come by..."

She touched her pretty face and sighed: "I don't know where it started, and I don't know where it will end."

"So don't bother, love, or not, who knows." Xia Mu stood up, ready to see Erika.

"There's always something to do."

Xia Mi whispered behind him.

"Are you still not getting what you want?"

Xia Mu turned around, "Because the Dragon King of the Gattuso family is too strong?"

"She is a real dragon, a real king," Xia Mi shook his head helplessly, "I will never be able to devour her again."

More importantly, she couldn't beat...

"Then what are you going to do next?" Xia Mu turned around and asked.

Xia Mi looked up at him, a faint light flashed in his eyes: "Have you absorbed Constantine's blood?"

Xia Mu shook his head.

"Well," Xia Mi stood up and took two steps, showing him a bright smile with his hands behind his back, "Can I be your school girl?"

"not good!"

Xia Mu blurted out: "You still want to be hacked by the principal?!"

Xia Mi's eyes flickered: "Are you worried about me?"

Xia Mu didn't answer these words, and frowned: "Konstantin's keel is now the most important treasure of the college, it is too difficult to invade, and..."

He stared into Xia Mi's eyes, "After what happened to the Gattuso family, if there is any trouble, you will be exposed to all the mixed races, which is very dangerous."

"Are you worried about me?" Xia Mi smiled like a flower.

Xia Mu made a gesture to lift the table: "I can't talk today!"


Xia Mi pressed his hand and bared his teeth: "Don't be annoyed, I know you're worried about me..."

Her eyes gradually became as calm as water, "But this is the way of the Dragon King."

Xia Mu frowned and remained silent.

Xia Mi's goal has always been clear, devouring other dragon kings, replacing his elder brother Fenrir, and evolving into the real king of the land and mountains, Hela.

Now the king of sea and water is missing, he may die in some corner and cannot survive.

The king of the sky and the wind merged successfully, and there was no way to start.

Bronze and the Lord of Fire hang up, but Norton represents power, not real power.

She has only one last path left...Konstantin.

"I still have a way."

Xia Mi seemed to know what he was thinking, and smiled brightly: "That is...you are in love with me."

Xia Mu looked up at her, then turned and left.

"Run again!"

Xia Mi stood on the sofa, hung his neck with both hands, and leaned over to blow his ears: "Do you like me?"

"do not like."

Xia Mu broke away her hand.

"love me?"

"do not love."

Xia Mi watched Xia Mu's back disappear at the door of the room, took out his mobile phone and smiled: "Look at me delete the word 'no' in the recording!"


Erika rubbed her eyes, opened her eyes, and found herself lying on the big bed.

Xia Mu sat beside her, reached out and squeezed her palm: "How do you feel? Is there any discomfort?"

Erika shook her head and sat up, touched her mouth, couldn't help looking at his wrist.

"You can't drink any more." Xia Mu withdrew his hand and looked at her seriously.


Eriyi raised her eyelashes, looking aggrieved: "Drink well..."

Xia Mu saw her eyes, just like when he longed for Xia Mi's blood, he couldn't help but shudder.

Is it the body's instinctive desire for evolution?
"Eriyi, will you feel uncomfortable if you don't drink it?" Xia Mu asked.

If she is like herself, she can only find a way to ask for more serum.

Erika shook her head: "No."

Xia Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go to eat." He held out his hand.

Erika stuffed her little hand into his, stretched out her long legs from under the quilt, and jumped off the bed.

But when she walked outside the door and saw Xia Mi going back and forth between the kitchen and the dining room, with dishes in her hands, Erika couldn't help being stunned.

"Thank you for saving me. I made dinner with the ingredients in the refrigerator, so I should thank you."

Xia Mi smiled generously, as if he was here as a guest.

Erika looked at Natsuki in confusion.

"She woke up, her body has not fully recovered, she will leave in a few days." Xia Mu whispered.

"it is good."

Erika's eyes lit up immediately.

A doll for her to play with has a different meaning to her than a beautiful and living girl.

(End of this chapter)

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