Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 220 Will You Remember Me?

Chapter 220 Will You Remember Me?

"I won!"

"It doesn't count! I lost because Mumu came out suddenly!"

"There's no rule that you can't take advantage of other people's dangers, so you settle accounts with your family, Mumu!"

"Let's compare again, this time it doesn't count!"

"No, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat!"

"Stop arguing, you two!"


Outside the exit of the haunted house, a group of people stared blankly.

Xia Muti walked out with the back of the neck of two beautiful girls, the two girls were still arguing with each other, even punched and kicked.

Under the eyes of everyone, Xia Mu quickly fled the scene by grabbing their wrists.

Until they walked away, people were still guessing what happened, and there was no shortage of discussions such as "two daughters competing for husbands"...

"What did you bet on?"

Su Xi and Chu Zihang ran to ride the roller coaster after Ange's sway, Xia Mu waited for them in Starbucks with Eri Yi and Xia Mi.

Sitting at the long table facing the window, the three of them sat in a row, and Xia Mu sat in the middle, so as not to keep arguing between the two of them.

"Ask her."

Xia Mi was drinking the vanilla latte, giggling.

Xia Mu went to see Erika.

Erika turned her head, her face full of displeasure.

Xia Mu asked, but she just shook her head and didn't tell him.


Erika stuffed her fingers into Xia Mu's fingers one by one, and clenched her little hands tightly, "Will you always be by my side?"


Xia Mu nodded without hesitation.

Erika immediately glanced at Xia Mi, the corners of her lips raised.

"We're together as long as we're together," Xia Mi said indifferently, "He, it's fine even if we stay with you all the time, as long as he loves me in his heart."

When Erika heard this, her small face wrinkled again, "You are shameless."

"I made it clear that chariots and horses rob people, how can I be shameless?"

"Shameless everywhere!"

"I didn't destroy your relationship, and I didn't let him leave you. Is there a better mistress than me?"



Xia Mutou was huge, seeing more and more people looking at them, he quickly dragged them out again.

"Alright, Xia Mi!"

The three stood under the roller coaster and waited for someone.

Xia Mu finally couldn't help looking at Xia Mi, and said seriously: "Don't irritate Yiyi anymore, I have told you many times, what I owe you, I will pay you back slowly, but for other things, I hope you Stop fussing."

Xia Mi glanced at him, and the corners of his lips slowly curved in joy, "The more anxious you are to get rid of the relationship, the more you are panicked, afraid that you will not be able to resist my charm, and that you will really fall in love with me one day."

"Mumu won't!"

"Are you really sure?"

Erika glared at Natsu Mi, who smiled sweetly.

Xia Mu held his forehead, and walked to the side alone, quiet and quiet.

The roller coaster needs to check the seat belts before starting. During this time, Ange reached out to pat Chu Zihang in the front row.

"Principal?" Chu Zihang turned his head.

Angers smiled: "There is something I want to tell you, lest others do things for you silently, but you don't know."

"What?" Chu Zihang was puzzled.

Ange's smile narrowed, and he glanced at Susie, "Can you tell me about the blood explosion technology?"

Su Qian trembled, turned her head all of a sudden, hesitated to speak, "Principal, Zihang..."

"It seems that you know," Ang Hot nodded, "Then you should also be aware of the side effects of this technology. If there is no external force, Chu Zihang, you will not live long."

Susie's pretty face suddenly turned pale.

Chu Zihang's face was calm, as if he was not talking about him.

"But I will tell you because there is a solution." Anger said again.


Susie was even more excited than Chu Zihang.

Angers said in a low voice: "The Nibelungen plan is to concentrate the resources of the college and create a hybrid that is comparable to the Dragon King."

"Comparable to the Dragon King... can it eliminate the side effects of the blood explosion technique?" Susie asked anxiously.

"Well," Ang Ran nodded, looking at Chu Zihang, "What do you think?"

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, then raised his head: "If it is possible, of course I hope to get it, but according to the principal's intention... there is only one place?"


Angers looked into his eyes calmly, waiting for his choice.

Chu Zihang shook his head: "That Xia Mu is more suitable than me, the academy should use this plan on him."


Susie squeezed his wrist tightly.

Chu Zihang patted her hand and shook his head quietly.

Anger's gaze softened, and he reached out to pat him on the shoulder, "That's right, no wonder Xia Mu decided to give up his qualifications to you, so he didn't hesitate to drop out of school."


Susie and Chu Zihang screamed at the same time.

"You'll understand later."

Before Angers finished speaking, the roller coaster suddenly started, and the speed quickly climbed to 220 kilometers per hour.

Chu Zihang was still engrossed in what happened just now, without any preparation at all. At this moment, his face was distorted, panicked, and he let out the most shameful scream ever.


Susie finally couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Of course Angers in the back row laughed the loudest...

Get off the roller coaster.

Xia Mi looked up at the roller coaster that had just rushed out of the starting point, and there was a golden glow in his eyes.


Xia Mu grabbed her hand fiercely, stared at her seriously, "Don't do anything!"

Xia Mi looked up at him with a strange look in his eyes, "Do you know what I'm going to do?"

"I can guess," Xia Mu stared into her eyes. "It's rare for the principal to put himself in such a high place, and at the same time, there are so many ordinary people around him. If there is an accident on the roller coaster track, it might drag him to death."

"Yeah, it would be great if the strongest of Kassel Academy could die here." Xia Mi stroked his hair as if nothing had happened.

Neither of them shy away from Erika when they speak.

Although Erika understood, she was also a little confused, but she didn't think much about these things with Natsuki around.

She paid more attention to Xia Mu and Xia Mi's hands.

Erika walked between the two of them, grabbed their wrists, pulled them hard, and separated their hands.

Xia Mu, Xia Mi: "..."

"Don't touch the principal, he won't die, but he will expose you." Xia Mu withdrew his hand and continued.

Xia Mi raised his face and frowned, "Is he so strong?"

"His strength comes from his belief, which is the belief that he will destroy the world." Xia Mu said.

Xia Mi fell silent.

"Don't think too much, I will help you." Xia Mu whispered.

Xia Mi's long eyelashes fluttered slightly, leaving a faint eyeshadow in the sun, "If I fail...will you remember me?"

Xia Mu frowned: "Don't say that."

Xia Mi raised her eyes and stared at his eyes: "Will you remember me?"

What kind of eyes were there? Even if he didn't express much, Xia Mu could still see strong expectations and desires in them.

Why...why do you want me to remember you so much...

Xia Mu finally moved his eyes away and did not look at her.

"We will remember you together and will not forget you." Erika suddenly stood between the two of them and said.

Xia Mi laughed and shook his head: "I remember what I said, not what you think."

Erika was puzzled.

But Xia Mi didn't speak any more, just raised his face, his gaze followed the ups and downs of the roller coaster, turning in circles...

(End of this chapter)

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