Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 233 What Did You And Xia Mi Do?

Chapter 233 What Did You And Xia Mi Do?

Biting his warm teeth on his shoulder and neck, Xia Mu subconsciously took a deep breath.

Different from the time when he sucked her neck, this time he didn't take the initiative to cut out the artery and let the blood come out, but Xia Mi really bit it down.

Xia Mu could even clearly feel the delicate white teeth piercing into his skin.

The blood in the whole body suddenly became scorching hot, frantically converging towards the shoulders and neck, and was sucked away by Xia Mi one by one.

The body clinging to his body was getting hotter and hotter, and gradually it was like a burning furnace, scorching hot.

Xia Mu felt that he and she were going to burn together...and then they really burned.


The flames were born out of thin air, covering the two of them from bottom to top, and the clothes on their bodies were burned in a moment.

Xia Mu... froze.

"Get out of the way!" He whispered hurriedly in Xia Mi's ear.

But Xia Mi didn't care about it, and hugged him tightly with both hands, his two white jade-like arms remained motionless.

Xia Mu's head gradually became a little dizzy, and a large amount of blood in his body was sucked away by Xia Mi. Although his body was hot, he felt more and more blood loss.

"Are you... are you going to suck me dry..."

He murmured in a low voice, his eyelids gradually drooped, and the last consciousness was to put his hands on her shoulders.

If he tried his best, he would be able to push her away, but he pushed her lightly, and it still fell down...


After a while, Xia Mi finally raised his head slowly, his eyes seemed to be boiling like a golden sea, gradually submerging the black pupils completely.


She let go of Xia Mu's hand, and helped him to sit on the floor together, hugging his knees each, with his chin resting on his knees, presenting an egg-like posture, like two newborn eggs.

"I'm sorry... Jormungandr..."

Xia Mi put his forehead and Xia Mu together, and the fire lights lit up on their bodies intermittently, as if they were exercising, but they used each other's bodies as materials.

"If he didn't fall in love with you, all you are doing now is giving yourself a funeral."

Her expression was indifferent for a moment, and then became weak again.

The two personalities of Xia Mi and Ye Mengjiad appeared intertwined on his body, and he was completely schizophrenic.

"I know…"

Xia Mi closed his eyes, and a drop of golden tears fell from the corner of his eyes, "But love is like this... How can you make the other person burn if you don't have the awareness to burn yourself out..."

"Dragons don't have love, I can't understand it, maybe your understanding is wrong." Yemengard said.

Xia Mi closed her eyes tightly, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, "Wrong...I admit it too..."

Ye Mengjiade's voice was indifferent: "It is I who paid the price."

"I am you..." Xia Mi said.

"No, you are just a human personality that I created, we are dragons, and always will be."

"Norton and Constantine are both dead, so what can we do...what if we participate in the future battlefield? Allah has already awakened, there is no chance..."

Xia Mi said softly, "Instead of heading for that kind of ending, it's better... to fight for a future for ourselves."

In the basement, there was no sound for a long time, except for the flickering fireworks.

"Brother, what should I do..."

Yemengard seemed to be gritting his teeth and said, "Do you want him to sacrifice for our own selfishness?"

Xia Mi was silent for a while, and the flickering shadows in the basement loomed behind her Guangjieyu, "Either eat brother, we will become Hela, and walk on the fate of abandoning the clan...or let brother die, we may have future…"

"Is there a choice?"

She closed her eyes and smiled lowly, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Do we have a choice, Jormungandr?"

Jormungandr didn't speak again.

After an unknown amount of time, Xia Mu finally opened his eyes slowly.


The headache was splitting, and the whole body seemed to be falling apart.

He moved his head back, and the first thing he saw was Xia Mi sitting in front of him with his knees hugged.

She closed her eyes tightly, with a trace of pain remaining on her face, as if she was in a deep sleep.


Xia Mu was startled...

what happened?what did she do to me
Both of them have no clothes on their bodies...

Xia Mu looked up, down, left, and right, except that his whole body was sore and exhausted, there seemed to be nothing abnormal.

"Isn't this unusual..."

He almost murmured, his whole brain was in chaos.

"Xia Mi... Xia Mi..."

He yelled several times, but Xia Mi didn't respond at all.

Xia Mu calmed down a little, stood up and walked around Xia Mi, and he was relieved to find no blood.

But Xia Mi's dispirited appearance after exhaustion still made him uneasy...Who knows if the Dragon King's regenerated body will not have that layer...


The phone that fell on the ground suddenly vibrated.

Xia Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he picked it up to see that it was indeed Erika's phone call.

Looking at the time again, one night has passed...

He pressed the answer button.

"Mumu, where are you?"

"Well, I'm outside..."

"Xia Mi didn't come back either. Norma said that something happened last night and the surveillance was disabled, so I don't know where you are."

"We'll be right back..."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Xia Mu looked at the hung up phone, then looked at himself and Xia Mi naked, wanting to cry but not crying.

How do I get out here...

"Yiyi, call me."

Xia Mu's brain was running wildly at this moment, and then sent this text message on the phone.

Soon, there will be a summoning reminder.

He still maintained the posture of hugging his knees, and was summoned like an egg.


He really didn't need to worry about being exposed, because Erika was taking a bath again, and bath salt was added to the bathtub, making it cloudy and opaque.

Xia Mu breathed a sigh of relief, let himself stretch out in the water, but immediately touched Erika's smooth legs.

He brought his leg back again.

"Mumu, you don't have any clothes on?"

Erika looked at him with a little confusion in her eyes, "You were with Natsumi just now...without clothes...overnight?"

"We didn't do anything!"

Xia Mu blurted out, and then felt a little ashamed...Does he know whether he did it or not?


Eliyi's eyes fluctuated, and she slowly leaned over, leaning in front of him.

With a moist breath on her steaming face, she gently bit his lip.

Xia Mu paused and responded softly to her.

But Erika stopped immediately, her eyes were attracted by the scar on his shoulder and neck.

She raised her hand from the water, gently stroked the two rows of teeth marks, and sniffed with her nose, "Did...Xia Mi bite?"

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand to touch his shoulder and neck, there were really faint tooth marks left there.

The previous wounds had healed in a few hours, but this time it didn't heal.

"Mumu, what did you do?"

Erika moved a little distance away, her eyes fixed on Xia Mu's eyes without blinking.

Xia Mu...is numb.

(End of this chapter)

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