Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 248 Natsuki evolves into a dragon?

Chapter 248 Natsuki evolves into a dragon?

"What the hell do you mean..."

Xia Mu hugged her tightly, ignoring that each other's clothes were burned in the high temperature, just like the last time she sucked blood.

Xia Mi stretched out his white jade arm to hook his neck, and the pupils of his eyes seemed to reflect the raging flames in his body.

"You have always assimilated me..."

She looked at his face and said softly, "Because I slowly became a part of you, that's why you are so obsessed with my blood... That's why you can't control yourself... That's why you are entangled with me together..."

"What to do now?!"

Xia Mu hugged her and roared, "Tell me! How can you have a future?!"

fall in love with me... just like...

Xia Mi didn't say anything.

If you are in love, there is no need to say it; if you are not in love, it is useless to say it...

"When the keel and dragon blood in my body are assimilated to the same level as yours, you will digest me much faster than Norton and Constantine..."

Holding Xia Mu's face, she said softly, "Congratulations, you will become a real king soon."

"I don't want to be a real king!"

Xia Mu shook his head, another growl in his throat was like a piece of sandpaper being pulled, "Tell me! What should I do!"

"You don't have to do anything..."

Xia Mi lowered his hands, and brilliant burning dragon blood gushed out from his whole body.

"You just……"

She actually laughed, and the line of her lips slowly curled up in an arc, causing the whole small face to rise together, like an angel smiling in the sun.

The thick dragon's blood permeated her whole body, looking like a huge wrapped ice cream, and the sweet breath poured into Xia Mu's nostrils, making his eyes turn red all of a sudden.

He lowered his head almost uncontrollably, no matter how hard he tried to stop himself, he couldn't stop his body movements.

"He... what are they doing..."

Mai Shutoku looked at the screen, his eyes circling.

Su Enxi blushed slowly.

Because Xia Mu started from Xia Mi's forehead.

Thick blood gushed out from Xia Mi's whole body.

"It's...so embarrassing..."

"Girl, do you want to watch a movie?" Mai Tokuku patted her face speechlessly.

Su Enxi turned her head away: "Have you never seen this scene before? Ah...Look!"

The two looked at the screen, and their expressions suddenly became weird... This situation is a bit funny under the current situation...

In the dark space, a flame-like light suddenly fell from the sky.


She slowly landed on the platform, her toes pointing down first, the fluttering skirt fell down, and her curly long hair covered her shaved shoulders and fell down her waist.

The left hand is in the spacious sleeve, and the tip of the knife gleaming with cold light is exposed under the sleeve of the right hand.

The golden pupils reflect the light and shadow of the two people on the platform ahead

"You came…"

But Xia Mi turned his head at this moment, looked at Eliyi with full eyes, and slowly curved his eyebrows and eyes.

"I won…"

She smiled like a little fox.

Erika thought of many, many things at this moment.

From his saying that he will never change, to the little pictures of him accompanying me, and the peace of mind and happiness of myself curled up in his arms.

One thing, one picture after another, I always think back to the day I first met...

She summoned the boy, like a light that suddenly shot out from the dark world, illuminating her and the whole world.

but why…

It became like this now...

Erika kept thinking, kept thinking, until her eyes gradually became blurred.

When she woke up from her memory, when she saw the scene in front of her again, she suddenly froze.


The long red knife slipped out of his hand and fell on the platform with a crisp sound.

Xia Mi's body on the opposite side completely blocked Xia Mu's back, and countless knife marks appeared on her back, as if countless knives had been brandished in an instant.

Erika remembered what she had just done.

She raised the knife, she opened the domain, she swung the endless knife light, and she ordered that perfect girl like a vixen... to die!
Yan Ling Judgment has passed, and no one can be saved.

"Yes... sorry..."

The golden color in her pupils receded like a tide, and she instantly changed back to that soft and weak little girl who needed protection.

On the opposite side, Xia Mu looked at her in disbelief, and hugged Xia Mi who was covered in stab wounds in disbelief.

"you win…"

Xia Mi looked at Eri Yi, and whispered something softly.

Eliyi was in a daze, unaware that a kind of blessing had fallen on her...through the dragon's blood left on the long knife.

Only in this way can it take effect.

Sorry to irritate you...

Xia Mi felt his consciousness begin to blur.

Judgment is so powerful...

She is out of time.

"Xia, Xia Mi..."

Xia Mu's body trembled slightly, and the veins on his neck twitched and spasmed.

At this moment, his mind went blank, and he couldn't move any more thoughts, as if all the strength in his body was used to feel the wordless sadness.

"No... blame... her..."

Xia Mi's eyes were already blurred, but she bent her brows and eyes hard, trying her best to leave him with a final smile.

She cupped his face and pressed a passionate kiss to his lips.

But just when it was about to be posted, her body seemed to be blown away by the wind, turning into thousands of golden lights and slowly disappearing...

"Let her kiss! Let her kiss!"

Su Enxi acted like a madman, and directly overturned the table full of snacks. If Jiude Mai hadn't held her back, even the monitoring screen would have been smashed.

"You think you're watching dramas! Calm down, Potato Chip girl!"

Mai Tokuro locked her from behind, "Although the process was different, didn't we already know that it was a phantom? It was originally a fantasy bubble that we were supposed to control with our own hands."

Su Enxi was stunned for a while, and slowly sat down.

"Wanderers chasing phantoms..."

Mai Tokuku sighed...I didn't expect it to be so twists and turns.

On the screen, Xia Mu remained motionless, maintaining the gesture of hugging Xia Mi, as if she was still there.

The golden light covered his whole body and slowly merged into his body.

"Dragon blood is absorbed, is that... keel?"

Mai Tokuro stared at the screen, "This person... has been blessed by the Dragon King? Will he be considered a mixed race in the future?"

There was nothing on Xia Mu's body, but dragon scales grew out at this moment, and the noble lines were so exquisite that they gradually covered the whole body.


The shoulder blades on the back protruded violently, and after a while, there was a chirping sound, and a pair of extremely cold black membrane wings spread out.

Su Enxi murmured foolishly behind the screen: "My God...he turned into a dragon?"

(End of this chapter)

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