Chapter 251
In the old community hidden behind high-rise buildings, there are still sycamore trees, the leaves have fallen, and the dead branches cut the faint moonlight into pieces.

Xia Mu stepped into the dark corridor stepping on the shattered moonlight.

He stood at the door of Room 15, Unit 201.

Reaching into the black stand-up collar jacket, he took out the key hidden in the middle of the pocket.


He inserted the key and turned it slowly.

After unlocking, he put his hand on the door and paused for a long time, he dared not push it open.

A person's passing away is very fast, a moment, a moment of effort, can disappear without a trace.

But the past she left behind was like a mountain, so heavy that it seemed to crush the whole world.

He pushed the door open anyway, like opening a dusty memory box.

The door opened, and the moonlight mixed with the fragrance rushed in.

He closed the door, turned on the light, and stood by the door, stunned.

The spacious room is as clean as washing, and the ground under your feet is smooth and bright, without any dust.

He turned his head to look at the stove, but he didn't see the familiar figure and jumping ponytail, only the neatly stacked dishes and kitchen utensils.

What was her mood when she left?
Xia Mu closed his eyes, as if he saw the girl humming a song in the house to tidy up, tidy up all the things, throw away all the garbage, wipe the floor clean, and lock the doors and windows.

Did she also yell "I'm going" with her back to the house?
He opened his eyes, walked to the chest of drawers, and opened it gently.

It was a full chest of drawers, neatly packed.

Folded dresses, it can be seen that she only brought back part of what he bought for her; stockings, socks, cotton socks and stockings are all rolled up and placed one by one on the side of a certain drawer, like a nest of fluffy squirrels , the other side is actually colorful underwear, also neatly folded.

In the middle are other miscellaneous items, a quaint record player, and rows of archival records.

Xia Mu lightly caressed the records one by one, even he didn't collect them all, but he saw them here.

There is not even a TV set here, so when you are alone, you often sit on the bed with your knees hugged, right?The curtains are open, you can see the sunset, and there is a record player playing his songs in your ears... Will she feel lonely?

Do you draw the curtains tight in the middle of the night, or you will be afraid?A little girl who just came into the world, wouldn't she be afraid of the dark?
He closed the chest of drawers and sat down by the bed, and he could still see her wearing only underwear and stockings... Is that what you said, don't waste this body?

Xia Mu closed his eyes, stretched out his hand to gently stroke the soft bed, and accidentally touched the pillow with his fingers.

He opened his eyes and took out a thick photo album from under the pillow.

He suddenly felt breathless.

Turning to the first page, there is a little girl wearing a princess dress, four or five years old, who is a little awkward compared to the scissors; on the second page, a seven or eight-year-old girl with twin ponytails and innocent eyes; the third page , in elementary school, she is wearing a red scarf; on the fourth page, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, still childish; on the fifth page, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, youthful and lively...

Flipping through the pages, it was like watching the girl grow up gradually, slowly imitating human beings, and finally look like a real person.

Xia Mu's fingers stopped.

What is on the album is not a photo, but a hand-painted... On the day we first met, he was lying on the bed at Chu Zihang's house, and she was standing by the bed, the sun shining on each other's faces.

"Xia Mu, I often think, if I take you away that day, will there be no more entanglements after that, you won't be filled with that girl, you will belong to me."

Under the hand-painted is Xia Mi's handwriting.

Xia Mu lightly stroked the black writing, and slowly turned to the next page.

Still hand-painted, they met again, in the hotel, she bit his shoulder and neck.

"If we hadn't noticed your abnormality, if we hadn't inhaled that first mouthful of blood, we wouldn't be here today."

On the next page, it was walking together in the Bronze City. She pushed him, and a bubble was drawn on it: "Men go ahead!"

The corners of Xia Mu's mouth curled, but his eyes became sore.

Sheet by sheet, page by page, he slowly flipped through, all of them were about the little things they got along with each other.

There are group photos taken forcibly at the airport, cheating photos secretly left at night, hand-painted pictures of eating popcorn, and the look of him fondling her white velvet skirt...

In the end, there is a photo of holding hands in the sunset. They walked in the dim world, leaving long shadows overlapping on the ground.

"I guess everyone meets someone in their life and falls in love with him."

"Some people meet at the right time, like a flower blooming in spring, and everything will be fine. They will fall in love, get engaged, marry, and live together."

"And some people met at the wrong time, just like falling leaves in autumn. She came late, and could only stare blankly at the back of that person until she could no longer see it, and there was no result."

"But can we say that it is right to meet blooming flowers in spring, and it is wrong to meet fallen leaves in autumn? Can you restrain yourself from not liking that person when you meet at the wrong time? Will you still exhaust your strength? Want to get close, trying to cover up yourself, even pretending to be a green leaf in spring?"

Xia Mi left this passage at the end of the album.

"Change the last letter of the pinyin of the name Xia Mu, and there will be one more Xia Mi in the world."

"In the past ten years, she has only looked at one person and listened to one person's voice."

"His emotions are her emotions, and his wishes are her wishes."

"She finally decided to give him everything she has and become a part of him from now on."

Xia Mu weakly closed the album.

He turned off the light, darkness invaded his back, moonlight spread in from the window, and his long shadow was cast on the wall.

Is this her choice?Wrong start, wrong liking, finally choose to burn himself, don't want anything, leave nothing, just hope to engrave a permanent and indelible mark in his heart.

Is it worth it?
"This is the first time you have taken the initiative to hug me." I remembered her voice again.

In fact, she decided to burn herself at that time, right?Cooking for him, playing with him, and sleeping with him are all her last thoughts.

From now on, there will never be a girl bathed in the brilliance of the sunset, standing at the end of the setting sun, reaching out to him.

He felt out of breath, curled up in the middle of the big bed, put the album on his chest, and clasped his knees with his hands.

He slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, the moon was covered by clouds, taking away the last remaining light in the room, and the night covered him like a curtain.

He clearly knew that after waking up this time, there would never be another girl looking back in the sunshine, with her beautiful face smiling like a flower, stretching out her hand and saying to him...

hold me.

(End of this chapter)

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