Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 254 You Are Not Xia Mi

Chapter 254 You Are Not Xia Mi

Anger didn't talk about him first, but about Caesar, Chu Zihang, and Lu Mingfei.

"There are not many hybrids worth cultivating in the academy."

"Caesar is a bit rebellious and ignores everyone, including his father. He is very confident and believes that he must be the number one in the world. One day he will come to challenge me, right? When he thinks the time is right. I never praise He, but send him to the most important tasks. He needs success, and the more successful he is, the more confident he is, and the more confident he is, the stronger he will be."

"Chu Zihang is a lunatic, and he is a sword that constantly tempers himself. For a sword, the meaning of existence is just to cut. The enemy and fate can be cut together. If you don't stop cutting, just cut again. So I never worry. Let Chu Zihang experience failures, and every failure makes him more perfect. I always send him to perform the most dangerous and nonsensical tasks, and give him endless crises."

Angers talked eloquently.

"As for Lu Mingfei," he smiled, "he's great, I just have to smile at him."

"Xia Mu, I am an educator, I use different methods to educate different people."

Angers stopped laughing suddenly, "Have you ever thought about the education plan I made for you?"

Xia Mu was silent.

"You're a philanderer, like me."

"What is a temperamental person is a person who will regard his companions as more important than everything else."

"So I just need to give you more bonds. Whether it's Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei, Xia Liyi, Xia Mi, they all play this kind of role..."

"I even thought that if one of them were to die at the claws of the dragons, you would become a second me... Although I don't want my story to repeat itself, it will undoubtedly make you the real The magic weapon that exterminates the dragon clan."

Anger sighed, "It's a pity that Xia Liyi became Uesugi Eriyi, and Xia Mi became Ye Mengjiade... You didn't have a deadly enmity with the dragons, but you got a gift from the Dragon King..."

He said in a low voice, "Xia Mu, I can no longer determine your future position."

Both of them stopped talking and remained silent for a long time.

"I will grant you early graduation."

"Thank you, the principal will always be my teacher."

"I hope I won't meet you on the battlefield in the future."

The phone hangs up.

Xia Mu's fate with Kassel Academy and the secret party ends here.

Then he swept across Japan, just as Angers had done decades ago.

He let go of the phone and leaned against the head of the bed.

The setting sun has completely set, leaving only a few brilliant sunset glows.

"You have no position, you only have yourself."

There was a voice in my head.

"I still have you."

The curtains fluttered gently in the breeze, they were white lace gauze curtains and dark blue velvet curtains.

Xia Mu's eyes were in a daze, and he seemed to see a transparent figure of a girl standing in front of the curtain.

She smiled at him lightly, and disappeared again.

"There's another girl waiting for you."

Xia Mu closed his eyes wearily: "I just want to sleep here now."

"Go to sleep."


The next day, the news of Xia Mu's early graduation spread throughout Kassel College. The server of the Night Watchman Forum was almost blown up, and the screen was full of slogans such as "The dragon slaying hero was forced to drop out of school! The school board is so unfair!".

Angers is making the final push.


Chu Zihang was invited to the principal's office for tea.

"The candidates for the Nibelungen Project are basically confirmed, and I want to confirm one thing with you," Anger slowly poured water into the tea bowl, "Xia Mu won this for you, but if one day you both What will you do if you are hostile?"

Chu Zihang raised his eyes, staring at him with immortal golden pupils: "Why are there different positions?"

"What if...he supports the Dragon Clan?" Anger's expression became illusory in the curling smoke.

"He won't stand on the opposite side in a racial dispute, even if Xiaolongnv...even if Yemengjia gave him a lot." Chu Zihang said seriously.

"What if..." Ange said in a low voice, "what if he becomes a pure-blood?"

Chu Zihang's pupils tightened: "How could that be!"

"In the history of hybrids, no one has ever been able to kill the first-generation species one-on-one without paying any price...except Xia Mu."

"But that's no reason to doubt him."

"Actually, that's what he himself reminded me..."

Angers propped his head, eyes slightly closed, "He wants us to be wary of him."

"Why?" Chu Zihang was puzzled.

Anger raised his forehead: "Just tell me your answer."

Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said, "I'm just a knife in the principal's hand, it's not up to me to decide who to cut at."

"very good."

Anger nodded in satisfaction.

When Chu Zihang left, he was still sitting behind his desk and thinking.

Chu Zihang is not a knife, he is a good sword, the sword has double edges, when you cut at others, you have to be careful not to hurt yourself.

"Thank you."

Xia Mu glanced at the text message from Chu Zihang, and replied with "Yeah".

The days flew by, and even with the grand event of slaying the dragon like the king of the land and the mountain, after a while, it began to return to calm.

Xia Mu got his graduation certificate and degree certificate.

Although these two things can't be employed anywhere, they still have a diploma. At least according to Wikipedia, his education has become an overseas undergraduate, so he won't be discriminated against in the entertainment industry for no reason.

"Going to find your girl?"

Xia Mu cleaned the room, packed everything, and was ready to go out.

"Why don't you speak?"

Xia Mu carefully locked the door, as if a past memory had been sealed.

"Are you afraid that she will be jealous?"

Downstairs, the sycamore tree began to sprout again, and it was no longer bare.

Xia Mu walked on the sun: "Her?"

There was no sound again.

After a long while, until he stopped the taxi, the girl's voice sounded again: "You can marry Erika Uesugi earlier, no one will mind, maybe you are looking forward to it."

"We have to wait until she becomes a pure-blood."

"Who can grasp it so accurately in the future, it is better to do it in time, so as not to regret it in the future."

The taxi driver couldn't help but glance in the rearview mirror.

Xia Mu was expressionless, as if it wasn't him who spoke suddenly just now.

After that he didn't speak again until he got out of the car.

"So, you are not Xia Mi, right?" He said softly.

"Am I not your fantasy? Whoever you think is who you are." The girl said.

"Every time I mention Xia Mi, you will be silent, and every time I talk about the past with Xia Mi, you will also be silent. You only care about the affairs of the Dragon Clan... and my affairs."

"I can still judge whether it is hallucination or not. I am not a fool."

Xia Mu looked up, the sky was blue and white clouds, and the sky was clear.

His mood is very tense, and the next conversation is very important.

"You're Jormungandr, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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