Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 256 Shared completely with her...

Chapter 256 Shared completely with her...

"Xia Mu is here."

In the black extended car, Kazama Liuli looked out the window, with a faint smile on her handsome face, a gentleman like jade, gentle and unparalleled.

The masked man king will drive in front, his ugly face is in stark contrast to the handsome man in the back seat.

"We already know that Erika Uesugi is the secret weapon of the Saki Hachi Clan, so this Natsuki..."

Kazama Ruri said lightly, "He is Uesugi Erie's weakness, mastering him is tantamount to capturing Uesugi Erika."

General Wang couldn't see any expression on his face, but he cursed secretly in his heart.

This is different from the last time. Last time I thought Xia Mu was Erika, so when the Snake Bajia couldn't control it, they could try to let the ghosts lock him up.

But now of course he can't wait to cut Xia Mu into pieces, that's in his interest, and bring everything back on track.

However, this is not in the interest of the ghosts!
As Kazama Liuli thinks now, it must be to win over or control Xia Mu, so as to influence Erika and cause big troubles to the Sheqi Bajia.

"Let's send Ryoma to contact again." General Wang said.

Feng Jian Liuli frowned as expected: "Last time I thought he was innocent and simple, but now I know he is not, what's the use of sending a dragon horse?"

In fact, he remembered the previous agreement with Xia Mu, but he was not sure whether Xia Mu, who was pretending at that time, would still admit it now.

"The last time he was innocent and innocent, but this time he took advantage of the situation when he suffered a huge emotional setback." Wang Jiang said lightly.

Regardless of whether Sakurai Kogure can succeed or not, at least the innocent girl Erika will definitely be misunderstood, and that's fine.

It is in his interest to cut off the relationship between Xia Mu and Erika!

"Okay, then let Xiao Mu try again."

Kazama Ruri opened the car door and got out of the car, walking on the street like a cute boy, smiling like a spring breeze.

"It's Master Kazama Liuli!"

A girl cried out in surprise.

Kazama Liuli looked back and smiled, and it was half a street.

General Wang drove away and gave orders to Sakurai Kogure.

The two have their own ghosts, and each thinks they have a plan...

"Wake up."

Jormungandr's voice sounded in his mind.

Xia Mu rubbed his sleepy eyes: "Is it there yet?"

"Don't take the stewardess to drive people away," Ye Mengjia was a little confused, "You seem to sleep well?"

Xia Mu packed up his things and carried his bag, and got off the plane in the sound of the beautiful stewardess bowing and saying goodbye softly.

"You have Xia Mi's memory, can't you understand my current mood?"

He went to the luggage check-in area and took out the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella... Anger seemed to have forgotten about it.

Although he can forge an alchemy weapon of the same quality with his current ability, it is definitely not as strong as the Seven Deadly Sins that Norton has carefully crafted for so many years in terms of material selection and hard work.

"I have her memory, but I'm still a dragon, that's clear," Yermungandr said.

Completely schizophrenic, if Xia Mi's personality cannot be awakened, she will always behave like this.

Xia Mu sighed: "I let go of most of the pain in my heart, and of course I will relax mentally, and the feeling of exhaustion will come up..."

He stretched himself, "I really want to find a place to sleep."

"Don't think of me as Xia Mi, you will be disappointed." Ye Mengjia couldn't help but say.


Xia Mu held a black umbrella and smiled at the girl checking the passport like a British gentleman.

"You are... Xia Mu?!"

The girl was dazed by his handsome face, and then suddenly cried out.

Many pairs of eyes around looked over.


Xia Mu patted his head, took out his sunglasses and put them on, "I almost forgot, I'm also a celebrity here."

"You...can you sign me? I really like your songs!" The girl at the front desk asked cautiously.

Xia Mu took her pen, and asked, "I'm not from your country. Now that you know it, you still like me?"

"Like it!"

The girl got his autograph and was very excited, "Just like Mika Nakashima said, music knows no borders!"

Xia Mu smiled, took back his passport, and left before the crowd gathered around.

He suddenly thought of the blockbuster dragon slaying movie that was still in post-production, and he didn't know when it would be released.

Although the popularity value seems to have little effect at present, he has an intuition that it is very important for him to be sought after by the world.

"Are you going to go straight to her?"

Seeing that he had directly hailed a taxi and asked to go to Genji Heavy Industries, Yemengade couldn't help but said, "Didn't you just say you wanted to find a hotel to sleep in? Are you in such a hurry?"

Xia Mu opened the car window, and the wind blowing on his face made him very comfortable: "Of course it's urgent, Erika hasn't contacted me for a long time, I'm very worried."

Ye Mengjiad blurted out: "If Xia Mi is still there, would you go to her so openly?"

"of course not…"

Xia Mu remained calm, but secretly laughed in his heart, "I will at least ask for her opinion, but you are Ye Mengjiad, you are a dragon, and you don't care."

Ye Mengjia didn't speak for a long time.

"This is your stimulus plan?"

Her tone was a bit weird, "Are you planning to make me jealous?"

"So you still know what it means to be jealous, not bad, not bad, I feel more confident." Xia Mu laughed.

"Xia Mi will be jealous, but I won't. Even if you mate with her today, I will just watch indifferently. Maybe I will remind you to change your position when you get bored." Ye Mengjiad said lightly.

"Damn, if you are always here..." Xia Mu suddenly widened his eyes.

Ye Mengjiad actually smiled a little: "Excuse me?"

"What should I do if I go to the bathroom!" Xia Mu yelled.

Yemengard: "..."

His focus is actually this.

"It's not that I haven't seen it, I woke up the next day, and you only remembered it now."

Xia Mu was numb.

The scenery outside the window passed by quickly, but Xia Mu's mood seemed to be desolate and desolate in the cold wind.

"Can you close your eyes?"

"Why do you close your eyes mentally?"

"Then can you turn off perception?"

"No, my spirit is linked with you, and what you see, smell, feel, and feel is the same for me," Yermungandr said, "That's passive, do you understand?"

"Then how did you know the plane landed when I was asleep?"

"Your ears are not deaf, you can hear voices as if you were asleep."

Xia Mu closed his mouth.

"Well...you can only see what I see..."

He said a few words silently, his eyes lit up, "That's easy, I'll go to the bathroom in the future, and I won't look down!"

"...boring, I won't talk to you anymore, goodbye."

"Wait! One more thing! Do you feel the same way I feel about my body?"


"Then I eat, take a bath, sleep..."


"Get in the trumpet...squat in the tuba..."


(End of this chapter)

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