Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 263 You Are Here to Poach Someone!

Chapter 263 You Are Here to Poach Someone!

"Xia Mu, get in the car."

Not long after leaving the ancestral house of Sheqi Bajia, Xia Mu turned a street and saw the window of the nanny car on the corner of the street, and Sakurai Kogure's pretty face appeared.

"You guys are helping me today?"

Xia Mu approached.

"Well, our people helped you stop about half of the hybrids."

Sakurai Kogure opened the car door.

Xia Mu lowered his head to get into the car, and sat beside her, the delicate fragrance lingered gently on the tip of his nose.

The car starts immediately and joins the traffic along the street.

"Are you so brave that you came near the Bajia of Sheqi?" Xia Mu said with a smile.

Sakurai Kogure leaned very close to him, exhaling like blue: "It's worth it to save Xiaomu."

Xia Mu leaned back, moved a little away from her, and smiled brightly: "Sister Xiaomu is planning to seduce me again?"

Sakurai Kogure blushed, stretched out her hands to smooth her hair to cover up her embarrassment: "Ah, I almost forgot, you are not some innocent little boy!"

"Sister Xiaomu is not a real big sister, we are all the same." Xia Mu said with a smile.


Sakurai Kogure leaned forward, her hair brushed against Xia Mu's face, and she smiled charmingly, "Change your identity and meet again?"


Ye Mengjiade snorted coldly.

"Now that you're in your car, of course you're ready."

Xia Mu put his palm between her and himself, and blinked, "But this time, there is no need to seduce, we already have a basis for cooperation, don't we?"

Sakurai Kogure was stunned, and the corners of her lips curled up: "Is the enemy's enemy a friend?"


Xia Mu looked out of the window and said leisurely, "The Eight Sheqi families are our common enemy, aren't they?"

Sakurai Kogure breathed a sigh of relief: "That's right."

Xia Mu looked out of the window lightly.

After two years, he once again intervened in the huge vortex of Tokyo. The difference is that last time he was a struggling fish, but now he is a big shark stirring up the situation.

Neither Tachibana Masamune nor Sakurai Kogure could have guessed from which entry point he would intervene in this vortex.

"Is the Bliss Pavilion still there?"

Xia Mu and Sakurai Kogure got out of the car and saw a familiar building.

"I've changed three places, and the Sheqi Bajia doesn't do nothing, they just stare at me every day."

Sakurai Kogure led the way, her enchanting figure twisting and turning.


Yemengard snorted coldly again.

Xia Mu secretly smiled in his heart.

Originally thought Erika would stimulate her, but Sakurai Kogure was more lethal.

"Huh? This room..."

Xia Mu followed her into the elevator and went up to the top floor, only to find that the layout of the room was almost exactly the same as the one on the ground floor.

"It's all the same decoration, you still live here, are you satisfied?" Sakurai Kogure said with a smile.

"Satisfaction is satisfaction, but you probably won't reserve the room for me? For whom?"

Xia Mu unceremoniously sat down on the sofa and stretched himself.

I was already very tired, and after another day of running around in Tokyo, I am even more tired now, exhausted.

"It doesn't matter who you stay for, no one has stayed here for two years."

Sakurai Kogure squatted down in front of him and reached out to help him take off his shoes.

Xia Mu miraculously watched her gently pinch his feet to relieve his fatigue, and asked curiously, "Why do you always do this? Aren't we partners?"

Sakurai Kogure paused his hand, and continued to move: "I forgot..."

Xia Mu silently looked at her a few times, and frowned: "He hasn't come back for two years? Why?"

Sakurai Kogure lowered her eyes, and silently kneaded his calf: "He is very possessive, since he used me to win you over, naturally he won't touch me again."

Xia Mu scratched his head a little.

Does Kazama Ruri have to lose it to find out that Sakurai Kogure is the girl he likes?Or maybe it's just a bro...

"You seem to be very tired. May I give you a full body massage?" Sakurai Kogure raised his face and asked.

Xia Mu smiled but not a smile: "God-given hand?"

Sakurai Kogure frowned, "Do you dare?"


Xia Mu lay down on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Work harder, the task of stimulating Yemengard is entrusted to you!
He promised so simply, but it made Sakurai Kogure a little suspicious: "You didn't come here for Uesugi Erika? Just messing around... Is it really good?"

"What are you doing?" Xia Mu opened his eyes inexplicably, "Isn't it a massage? What are you going to do?"

Sakurai Kogure's pretty face slowly turned red: "I remembered that massage..."

"Well... you're the one holding me up..."

Xia Mu sweated, and quickly shut up.

"Hold on to what?" Yemengard asked.



Sakurai Kogure took out ear picking tools, essential oils, scrapers, etc. from the cabinet and arranged them next to the sofa, knelt down under his sofa, and served him with the most humble gesture.

"You are the leader of the demons, don't you feel ashamed for doing such a thing?" Xia Mu asked with his eyes closed.

Sakurai Kogure gently pinched his shoulder, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "I'm just pushed by General Wang to block the gun. When it's time to give up, he won't hesitate."

Her technique was very professional, and Xia Mu's body gradually relaxed.

Under the warm light, the elegant sandalwood floats from the incense burner, floating quietly in the room.

"Kazama Liuli means a lot to you, right? He is the light in your heart?" Xia Mu asked.

Sakurai Kogure's hands massaging his auricle paused for a moment, her eyes were a little confused, but she quickly realized that the movement of her hands continued.

"Ghosts like us will go mad and die at some point. The so-called road to becoming a god is just a sustenance. If there is no light in my heart, I may have burned myself to death..."

Xia Mu closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a while, then asked again: "Are there really many of you fierce ghosts who will suddenly go crazy?"

"Yes, every once in a while, a group of people will be transformed into Deadpool," Sakurai Kogure said, "So not only the Saki Hachijia are constantly eliminating Deadpool, but we are also doing it ourselves."

"I mean, have you ever seen those people who suddenly turned into Deadpool?"

Sakurai Kogure was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, it all happened overnight."

A hint of sarcasm emerged from the corner of Xia Mu's mouth: "So, everything is what the king said, right? He told you which people turned into dead servants, so you believed it."

Sakurai Kogure was silent for a while: "I also doubted it, but unfortunately those dead waiters are indeed the faces of their former companions."

"Have you ever suspected that someone made Deadpool?"

Xia Mu laughed softly, "As far as I know, you have been researching bloodline enhancement potions, so let me ask you, don't you need a test product during the research process, and the test product fails... What do you think is the most likely result?"


Sakurai Kogure blurted out.

Her chest rose and fell, and she didn't speak for a long time.

Xia Mu didn't urge her either.

"This is just your guess..."

Sakurai Kogure continued to massage his head.

"Let me remind you, with me here, neither the general nor Liuli Kazama can control you," Xia Mu said.

Sakurai Kogure was stunned, his pupils narrowed: "So you didn't come to cooperate with us, you came to poach people."

Xia Mu smiled and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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