Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 265 Authorization of Erika

Chapter 265 Authorization of Erika
"What are you going to do today?"

"Go see your brother."

Early the next morning, Sakurai Kogure perfectly demonstrated the docileness of a Yamato woman, helping Xia Mu to wash, combing his hair, and tidying up his clothes.

"My brother?" Sakurai Kogure was taken aback.

Xia Mu was dressed in black casual clothes, with a stand-up collar that made him look like jade.

"The clothes are changing, and the stand-up collar is always missing. Do you think this is the most handsome?" He said with a low smile.

"Xia Mi thinks so." Yemengade said.

Sakurai Kogure approached him a little strangely: "What are you talking about?"

"I said, where is your brother locked up now?" Xia Mu turned his head and asked.

"A church school," Sakurai Kogure said sarcastically, "in other words, prison cells."

"Let's go."

Xia Mu turned and walked out.

The so-called missionary schools were established in the outskirts of the city, surrounded by water, and there was only one access road with numerous checkpoints.


The black suit stopped their car.

Sakurai Kogure narrowed his eyes, moved his hand away from the steering wheel, and held the handle of the gun hidden in the dark compartment.

"No pass, but I have this."

Xia Mu unexpectedly threw out a circular badge.

The black suit was stunned for a moment after catching it, the metal pattern on the badge looked familiar... Chuck!

"Patriarch Uesugi!"

The black suit bowed ninety degrees and handed back the badge respectfully.

Not everyone knows what the Patriarch looks like, and most of the lower classes are just hearsay, but everyone recognizes the badge, which is a unique symbol.

Sakurai Kogure gave Xia Mu a strange look, and continued to drive in. Along the way, the black suits were like fallen rice, bowing at ninety degrees and not daring to look up.

"Warning! Surveillance shows that Xia Mu has entered the church school area!"

Kaguya Hime's siren sounded in Saki Hachi's central control room, and Tachibana Masamune got the news a minute later.

"Zhensheng is awake?"

He immediately turned around and walked into Yuan Zhisheng's room.

After what happened yesterday, he doesn't want to have any more trouble with Xia Mu, it's better to leave this kind of matter to the super hybrid.

Yuan Zhisheng looked out the window, not far away was Eri Yi's room, she was kneeling in front of the window sill, holding her little red umbrella in a daze again.


When he turned around, his face was still a little pale.

"How is your recovery?" Tachibana Masamune looked at him with concern.

Yuan Zhisheng shook his head: "It's okay, it's just an overdraft."

Tachibana Masamune nodded, but stopped talking.

"Xia Mu...what did you do again?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned.

Not far away, Erika suddenly pricked up her ears.

Tachibana Masamune sighed: "He entered the church school with the badge of Patriarch Uesugi."


Yuan Zhisheng slammed the table and stood up, "What is he going to do!"

Tachibana Masamune was silent for a while: "I have a bad feeling..."

"Notify the church school immediately, block the campus, and stop Xia Mu!" Yuan Zhisheng put on his clothes in a hurry, "I'll go there!"

"The notice is useless. It is impossible for ordinary mixed races to deal with him. It's just a delivery." Tachibana Masamune shook his head.

"At least let those at the bottom of the family know that his Uesugi Patriarch badge is invalid! Otherwise, we don't know what he will do in the future!"

Yuan Zhisheng inserted Zhizhiqie and Tongziqie behind him, and strode out of the courtyard.

Tachibana Masamune looked at his back, his eyes flickered.

"elder brother."

Erika's figure was beyond their expectation, and she suddenly blocked the door.

Yuanzhi was overjoyed: "Eliyi, what's wrong?"

This is the first time she has spoken since she came back, and she returned to the small book communication state before, and it was silent for a long time.

"I gave the badge of the Uesugi family," Erika said without blinking her wine-red pupils, "He can represent me, no matter what he does."

Yuan Zhisheng has a string of ellipses on his forehead.

"Erika, this is against the rules," Tachibana Masamune came out, looked into her eyes and said seriously, "The Uesugi family belongs to one of the upper three families and has a great say within the family. You can ask him to do some things for you , but if you want him to fully represent you, how can this be recognized within the family?"

Originally, the two votes of Minamoto and Erika belonged to him. Tachibana Masamune thought that maybe Minamoto would have his own ideas and not support him one day, but he never thought that it was the Uesugi family's vote that caused the problem first. .

Erika's long hair dances in the wind.

"What if... I married him?"

Her soft voice melted into the breeze.

Tachibana Masamune and Minamoto looked at each other with weird expressions.

The little girl who had never had any ideas suddenly had her own ideas, and she also talked about getting married, which really made them feel out of harmony.

The two of them still remembered Erika two years ago, and only now did they realize that the girl in front of them was no longer the child who knew nothing in the past.

"I'll marry him when I figure something out."

Erika walked away holding the little red umbrella, and said softly but firmly, "So, he can always represent me."

Tachibana Masamune and Minamoto stood side by side under the eaves, looked at each other, and saw the same pain in each other's eyes.

"Trouble..." Tachibana Masamune sighed.

If Xia Mu could be killed to death, he wished he could rush over and cut Xia Mu into pieces now.

But why can't beat...

"I'll go talk to him and see what he does first."

Yuan Zhisheng turned and left the courtyard.

Tachibana Masamune looked at his back, the haze in his eyes was like dark clouds covering the sky, dense and dense.

The matter of finding Bai Wang's bones must be paid close attention to. The more time passes, the more uncertain things will become. All he can rely on now is the sound of the clapper, which is still under control for the time being.

But what about the future...

Church school.

"Is he your brother?"

Xia Mu pointed to the young man in school worker's clothes on the playground and asked.

"Well, after graduation, I will stay and work as a school worker until I am 40 years old. If there is no problem, I may be released to live my own life..."

Sakurai Kogure looked at Akira Sakurai's back, not knowing how she felt.

"Why didn't you think of taking him out?" Xia Mu asked.

Sakurai Kogure shook his head and said in a low voice: "At least I can live here, and maybe I will have a chance to go out in the future, unlike me who is destined to be burned to ashes."

"Follow me, you won't be burned to ashes."

Xia Mu strode forward, walked to the playground stands, and sat down beside Akira Sakurai.

Sakurai Kogure silently glanced at him and followed him.

"You are... ah!"

Akira Sakurai looks very ordinary, his facial features are not as delicate as Sakurai Kogure, coupled with being closed all the year round, suppressing his heart, he looks sluggish and has no energy at all.


The moment he saw Sakurai Kogure, his pupils dilated, and he stood up all of a sudden.

"You, fierce ghosts!"

Akira Sakurai subconsciously wanted to shout loudly, but when the voice reached his mouth, he swallowed it back suddenly.

"You, did you come to see me?"

He stared at Sakurai Kogure's eyes, the eyes seemed to be burning with flames, flames that had never been so bright...

(End of this chapter)

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