Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 275 Eriyi Wants To Be A Daughter

Chapter 275 Eriyi Wants To Be A Daughter
After half an hour.

Like those underworld bosses who have lost their power, Yuan Zhisheng walked away with two new knives in his arms.

"He didn't suffer a loss, it was a pair of swords infused with spiritual power." Chu Zihang said lightly.

Caesar was taken aback: "Incorporate spiritual power?"

Chu Zihang glanced at him and ignored him.

Caesar didn't expect Chu Zihang to take care of him, he turned his head to look at Xia Mu with burning eyes, "Can you help me practice Dick Tudou too?"

Xia Mu stretched out his hand with pure eyes: "What's the benefit?"

Caesar stared at him with blue eyes, and said decisively: "Money is not a problem, you can make a price as you like."

"Money is not an issue for me either..."

Xia Mu spread his hands, "Your Gattuso family has a grudge against me."

The only poor man, Lu Mingfei, listened to their tyrant's speech, his nose was sore that he was about to cry.

"Don't compare me with the family. I will inherit it and change the status quo. At least I won't use that kind of trick against you." Caesar said seriously.

Xia Mu stretched out his hand: "Then make friends."

Caesar put Diktodo into his hand, and smiled cheerfully: "Okay, let's make friends!"

Xia Mu began to practice alchemy on the spot again.

It's just adding some spiritual elements, unlike Chu Zihang's village rain that has been smelted, it can't compare with the new village rain on the whole, and of course it can't compare with his and Eriyi's Thousand Chance Umbrella.

“Good coffee.”

Caesar waited for Xiamu to be smelted, and did not forget to drink the coffee made by Aso.

Although this instant coffee tasted like swill to him, he still thanked you tenderly for the gentleman's demeanor, leaving wonderful memories for this ordinary Tokyo girl.

"All right."

After 10 minutes, Xia Mu stood up, threw Dick Tudou back again, and involuntarily lingered on Aso Zhen's face for a while longer.

"Uh, sir?"

Aso really blushed and lowered his head.

Xia Mu smiled and shook his head.

I hope this ordinary girl can also have a good ending this time.

"Do you want to play with me for a few days and see the unification of the underground forces?"

"I want what I want."

Lu Mingfei's eyes sparkled.

Compared with following Yuan Zhisheng, Xia Mu obviously made him feel more secure.

Xia Mu nodded: "It's just right, you can also help me to see if there is any omission, this is the first time I do this kind of thing..."

For the next three days, Lu Mingfei and the others followed Xia Mu to see how he would integrate the entire Tokyo underground into one step by step.

It’s complicated to say, but in fact it boils down to doing something similar to Emperor Shihuang’s. Cars are on the same track... It’s transformed into a special service market price regulation, books and texts...that is, everyone must speak the same words and behave in the same way...Even underground forces must have Same code of conduct.

The unified underground forces are very conducive to the stability of social order. At least the presidents who are engaged in half-white and half-black businesses suddenly find that the usual situation of being intercepted by multiple gangs is gone, and replaced by a set of protection fees. As long as they pay in accordance with the regulations, they can flow freely in the entire underground market.

"Xia Mu, where did you get so many mixed races? None of them have lower than B-level blood, and many of them have A-level blood." Caesar asked.

A group of four ate in a hot pot restaurant.

"It's a coincidence." Xia Mu said casually.

The Snake Ba Family as a whole has a higher bloodline than the others, and these caged birds who are judged to be out of control are even more talented. It is not surprising to have such bloodlines.

"The hot pot is still delicious at our side, but this sukiyaki pot tastes too strange." Lu Mingfei muttered softly.

Caesar glanced at him: "It's already the most high-end hot pot restaurant in Tokyo. Look at the service around. The Yamato woman kneels down to peel the shrimp for you. This is what you eat."

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but glance at the gentle girl in kimono next to her, her cheeks were slightly red.

"Xia Mu, I want to ask you a question, but it's a bit offensive." Chu Zihang was still so direct.

Xia Mu looked up at him: "About Xia Mi?"


Chu Zihang nodded seriously.

Xia Mu was silent for a while: "She is always by my side."

Chu Zihang subconsciously turned to look at Lu Mingfei and saw the same message in each other's eyes... Xia Mu hasn't come out yet.

"Then what about you and Uesugi Erika?" Chu Zihang asked again.

Xia Mu smiled: "She has been there too."

The three turned their heads and looked: "Where is it?"

Xia Mu pointed to the top of his head.

Several people looked up, and then their eyes widened.

This is a quaint Japanese house with beams above it, and when they looked up, they found a girl's head protruding from the beams...

"Is she...pretending to be a ghost?" Lu Mingfei spoke incoherently.

"Girls, there are always some special hobbies."

Xia Mu beckoned, "Come down."


Erika fell from the sky, causing the surroundings to exclaim.

Xia Mu stretched out his hand to hug her, but she twisted her body lightly to avoid it, and then carefully knelt down beside him.

"Come on, Wagyu, this is the most powerful in your country... ah..."

He picked up a piece of beef roll and cooked it, blew it around his mouth, and handed it to Erika's little mouth. When she opened her mouth, he put the beef on the tip of her lovely tongue.

Xia Mu put down his chopsticks and looked sideways at her with a smile, seemingly unintentionally said: "You have to keep a distance from me, but these chopsticks are the ones I used just now."

Erika's small mouth, which was chewing lightly, froze, her eyes stared blankly at him.

Xia Mu laughed out loud.

"Why do you keep your distance? Because of Xia Mi?"

On the gossip road, Chu Zihang took the lead.

Xia Mu opened his mouth, a little helpless: "Don't guess what the girl is thinking..."

"You can't figure it out after guessing and guessing?" Lu Mingfei probed his brain and continued.

Xia Mu shrugged: "I don't understand why she laughed haha..."

"I don't understand why she is so happy."

"How did you manage to sing?" Caesar knocked on the table.

Chu Zihang ignored the two psychopaths, and looked at Erika: "Is it because of Xia Mi? Actually, I don't think there should be any estrangement between you, because you always like each other and are always together. It's even more difficult at this time." You should strengthen each other's hearts, shouldn't you?"

Erika looked up at him in confusion, swallowed the beef roll in her mouth, and said with some uncertainty: "But I don't know what I want...Maybe I don't need to marry Mumu..."


Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei shouted at the same time.

Xia Mu raised his forehead... These two people reacted more than he did.

"I think what I want is different from the love you said..."

Erika lowered her head.

"I want peace of mind, I want to be cared for, and I want someone to always be by my side, protect me, love me, and give me warmth..."

"Is that any different from marrying him?" Chu Zihang asked.

Erika raised her head and shook her head slightly.


"I think... I probably want to be his daughter..."

(End of this chapter)

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