Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 277 Natsumi and Erika face off

Chapter 277 The Conversation Between Natsumi and Erika
Erika's small hand squeezed and loosened, and finally stretched out her hand slowly, wrapped around Xia Mu's waist, and helped him stand up.

"I'll take him back."

She put Xia Mu's hand on her thin shoulders, and carried him out step by step.

Akira Sakurai glanced at Kogure Sakurai.

Sakurai Kogure shook his head quickly: "It's okay, don't worry about it."

A group of mixed races watched Erika kidnap their boss away.


Xia Mu didn't completely lose consciousness, but was in a state of bliss.

The biggest function of alcohol is to eliminate daily scruples, make the superego disappear, let the id take the lead, and not continue to live with a mask, so as to achieve the effect of decompression.


He opened his hazy eyes, the tip of his nose was itchy, and it was the girl's smooth hair.

Her small earlobes are not far from her mouth, delicate and cute.

Without even thinking about it, Xia Mu opened his mouth and bit it lightly.


Eliyi's body trembled, the crisp and numb feeling went straight to her brain, and her face turned rosy all of a sudden.

"Mum... Mumu... don't make trouble..."

She tilted her head to the side and freed her small earlobes, but her neck immediately fell...

Xia Mu only felt thirsty, and her fair skin was so sweet.

Erika twisted her body, her eyes were misty, she was on the verge of crying.

I had already thought about it, I had to think it through myself, I would not be intimate with Xia Mu for a long time, and even...maybe I could be his daughter.

But there is no such thing, what kind of father and daughter!
"No... not there!"

Erika pushed Xia Mu's face away from her chest in panic.

Xia Mu fell backwards and was about to hit the electric pole with a bang.

Erika quickly pulled him back, but he sank in again...


The girl's eyes were hazy and gradually blurred.

At this time, a car stopped beside her.

"Eriyi, help him into the car."

The car window fell, and Tachibana Masamune's old face appeared.

Erika hesitated for a while, but still shook her head.

Subconsciously, she felt that Xia Mu could not be helped into Tachibana Masamune's car.

She turned her back, pulled Xia Mu's arm to make him lie on her back, carried him on her back, and walked forward steadily.

Tachibana Masamune looked at Erika's back, his eyes struggling.

If he uses the bangzi sound now, he may be able to kill Xia Mu, but what Erika will become, he cannot predict.

In case of self-defeating, he himself can't bear the crazy Erika...

Tachibana Masamune had no choice but to watch Erika go further and further, and finally sighed heavily, feeling that the world was getting more and more difficult, since Xia Mu came, it seemed that everyone was against him.

Erika carried Xia Mu back to her small courtyard, ignored those watchful eyes, and put Xia Mu on her bed.

She carefully took off Xia Mu's shoes, moved his feet up, let him lie comfortably on the small bed where she usually sleeps, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

It was already very late, the moonlight was like water, flowing in from the window and falling on Xia Mu's face.

Erika sat kneeling on the edge of the tatami, lying beside him, watching the moonlight illuminate his handsome face, the eyelashes were clearly countable.

She really counted them one by one, and stretched out her fingers to trace his face. The chaotic mood these days seemed to be soothed and calmed down.


She murmured, her eyes blurred, "I... like you, or do I rely on you..."

The problems that had been entangled in her heart these days suddenly became clear at this moment... when she was staring at his face.

"Even if I can't rely on you... I still hope... I can always see your face..."

E Liyi pursed her lips, and ripples melted in her heart.

She stretched out her finger to gently touch Xia Mu's cheek, and a different emotion was brewing in her heart.

"This feeling is not dependence... Is it liking..." She thought to herself.


Xia Mu's lips moved, and he whispered unconsciously.


Erika put her ear to his mouth, and only then could she hear what he was saying in a low voice.

"I'm so overwhelmed...Yiyi...I'm going to the bathroom..."

Erika was stunned for a moment, but she realized the next moment, her face was immediately flushed red, but there was curiosity in her eyes.

What is it like for a man to go to the bathroom...?
She helped Xia Mu up, and carried him into the bathroom.

"Mumu, we're here."

It was only after she reminded her two or three times that Xia Mu opened his hazy eyes and pulled the zipper in a daze...

Erika widened her eyes.

After she sent Xia Mu back, the joy of getting answers to her curiosity still remained in her eyes.

It turned out to be like this...


Eliyi knelt beside Xia Mu, poking the faucet that had just been turned on with her fingers, and having fun.


Soon there was a miraculous change, and her eyes widened a lot, "It's fun..."

"Stop playing! Sit on it if you have the ability!"

At this time, a girl's voice suddenly sounded.

Erika's hands trembled, and she almost grabbed her.


She raised her eyes and looked around, but found nothing unusual.

"Don't look for it, you can't see mine," the girl's voice sounded again, "but can't you hear my voice?"

Erika slowly let go of her hand, her eyes trembling slightly: "Is it... Xia Mi?"

The girl's voice flickered from left to right: "Hmm..."

"Where are you?" Erika asked.

"On your Mumu body."

Erika was stunned for a moment: "Oh..."

"Eriyi, would you like to try sitting on it? It's very comfortable." The girl's voice said.


Erika's delicate face turned red: "I... I've seen that... I, I can't..."

"What can't be done, he won't refuse, don't you want it in your heart?"

"No! I don't want to!"

Erika suddenly raised her head and said softly, "That belongs to you, Xia Mi."

"Uh..." the girl was dumbfounded, "Have you forgotten that I am the third party?"


Erika gently stroked her hair, and said in a low voice, "I just depend on him and enjoy everything he gives me, you are the one who really loves him."

The girl was silent for a while, then muttered: "You idiot..."

"I'm not stupid. I've never thought through many things like I do now."

Erika said seriously, "Natsumi, you love him more than me, and you are more suitable for him than me. I want to wait for you to come back...maybe, maybe..."

"Can you really watch me marry Xia Mu?" The girl's voice was extremely surprised.


Erika was stunned for a moment.

"Could it be... are you going to be our daughter? Enjoy pampering?" the girl asked again.

Erika's eyes lit up unexpectedly: "Is it okay?"


The girl cried out: "It's almost the same in reverse!"

"Reverse...reverse?" Erika was in a daze.

"Well, in reverse!"

The girl said with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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