Chapter 287 Engagement
"You really want to name your child Xia Mi?"

On the way back to Hualiyi Garden, Yemengard's voice rang in Xia Mu's mind.

"What do you think?" Xia Mu said seemingly unintentionally, "Didn't you always say that Xia Mi would not come back? Then I choose to commemorate her in this way."

Yemengade's voice was a bit weird: "If your future child is called Xia Mi... what kind of eyes do you look at her? Are you looking at your own child? Or your little lover?"

"It's not much different. Don't they say that the daughter is the lover of the father's previous life?"

Xia Mu reached out to catch a fallen leaf, and played with it in his hand.

"Humans still say this? It's too dirty." Ye Mengjia couldn't believe it.

Xia Mu smiled without saying a word.

After a while, Ye Mengjiad said tentatively, "Suppose... I mean suppose, suppose I was reborn as your daughter, what do you think?"

Xia Mu's face twitched: "I don't think so much! I feel like I'm going to die!"

"Didn't you just say that a lover can be reincarnated as a daughter? Why can't Xia Mi?!" Ye Mengjia was furious.

Xia Mu said faintly: "The question is... are you Xia Mi?"

"I'm Xia Mi?"


Ye Mengjia was too speechless.

After three days.

Big raindrops shattered on the glass. Looking down from the hills, Tokyo looked like a mirage.

"The time is up, the patriarchs and the family heads of all surnames have arrived, and it's up to you next."

Yuan Zhisheng was dressed in a black windbreaker, and used it as a resting room after entering the shrine.

Xia Mu and Eri Yi stand in front of the window, hugging and watching the rain.

"Engagement is not marriage. There's no need to make such a big battle, it's like a clan meeting."

Xia Mu let go of Eri Yi's willow waist, and turned to face Yuan Zhisheng.

He was wearing a simple and solemn black kimono, which matched the pink and white kimono's Erika.

"It's really not necessary. Apart from announcing your engagement, and you will represent the Uesugi family in the future, there should be other important things to announce." Yuan Zhisheng said blankly.

Since chatting with Xia Mu that day, he looks like a robot now, and no one can see what he is thinking in his heart, including Tachibana Masamune who thinks he knows him very well.

"Are you going to start a war with the ghosts?" Xia Mu said nonchalantly.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned: "You can even guess this?"

"Do you really still think those hybrids in the ghost crowd are 'ghosts'?" Xia Mu asked.

Yuan Zhi took a deep breath, looked at the heavy rain outside the window, his eyes were a little dazed: "I don't know..."

Xia Mu approached him: "He has prepared everything, let you inherit these, and completely wipe out the ghosts, but I hope you will cooperate with me when the time comes."

"What will you do?" Yuan Zhisheng turned to look him in the eyes.

He has never been able to fully understand Xia Mu's thoughts, and he does not understand what he is planning. Just like the current situation in Tokyo, it seems that today's weather is shrouded in a layer of fog, and people in it cannot see each other clearly.

"I want to give the mixed races of the Bajia of Sheqi and the ghosts one more choice." Xia Mu said lightly.

"Is there another choice..."

Yuan Zhisheng murmured in a low voice, "If they are not ghosts, then what is the justice that I have insisted on for so many years..."

"It's the justice that others tell you, you didn't do anything wrong, you were just blinded."

Xia Mu folded his arms, "We can only see many things with our own eyes, just like what I told you now, you don't have to believe me completely, right and wrong can only be judged by yourself, if you are wrong, the consequences will be your own. Gotta admit it."

"If I make a mistake..." Yuan Zhisheng said in a low voice, "I will want to die."

"Then it's better to try to make up for it with a useful body. After all, there are too few people in this world who really want to be friends with justice. Everyone acts according to their position. You are really good." Xia Mu said sincerely.

Yuan Zhisheng fell silent.

"Actually, I've always wondered about one thing. If your speculation is true, why did he use the clapper sound to switch Erika's state when it was so important?"

He gritted his teeth a bit, "It's understandable if the ghosts want to sabotage our plan, but why would he do it?"

"Because you want to test whether I am willing to help you, isn't this what you thought?"

Xia Mu smiled faintly, "The other thing is to test my strength, know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles!"

"He's not worried that something will happen to Erika?"

"Don't worry, because Erika's status can be switched back at any time."


There were two thuds outside the door, and the crow popped up: "Everyone in the shrine is waiting for you."

"Let's go."

Xia Mu turned his head and stretched out his hand to Erika.

Erika turned around, her bright makeup lit up the whole room.

She put her soft little hand in Xia Mu's and smiled sweetly at him.

Xia Mu clenched his hands, and led her out of the room step by step, along the corridor, through the rain curtain, as if he could walk forever like this.

"Patriarch Uesugi! Mr. Xia!"

The voice at the door came into the shrine, and countless eyes stared at it.

The patriarchs of the three surnames and the five minor surnames have arrived. In the shrine where the ancestors are enshrined, the atmosphere is extremely dignified and solemn. Everyone shows a sense of ritual that suits the occasion. straight.

This is not a simple engagement ceremony, but a meeting about the future of the underworld. Yuan Zhisheng stood outside the door, watching Xia Mu and Erika step forward, and suddenly understood this.

He inhales deeply.

He couldn't let his thoughts run wild any longer.

A samurai can't think too much, and he will hesitate when he draws his sword. The mission of a samurai is to cut off everything that violates the "Tao".

"This is the fiancé of Patriarch Uesugi, who will be in charge of the family name Uesugi in the future."

Tachibana Masamune sat in the first place, with silver hair and a solemn expression.

"During the bombing of the burial place of the gods, it was thanks to him that he turned the tide and buried all the descendants of the awakened gods. He is the benefactor of the Bajia of Sheqi."

Everyone looked at Xia Mu.

Tachibana Masamune adjusted his kimono, stood up, took a few steps back, and bowed deeply.

"As the patriarch, I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of the family."

"This is an unbeatable war. It is Mr. Xia who helped us save the family's future!"

This move surprised everyone, the senior elders in the family immediately bowed down, and the younger generations followed suit.

"Welcome to join the family and become a member of the Saki Hachi Clan!" Tachibana Masamune straightened up, his voice penetrating inside and outside the shrine.

"Welcome Mr. Xia!"

Enthusiastic applause rang out in the shrine, and the eyes of the clansmen with three surnames and five minor surnames all focused on Xia Mu, and many of their eyes looked very sincere.

They were really grateful to Xia Mu, for his god-given strength, and for his performance in turning the tide during the operation, because it saved the lives of many people in the clan.

No one wants to face loss, so be grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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