Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 289 How to Spend the Engagement Night?

Chapter 289 How to Spend the Engagement Night?
"You are so long in advance, even if it's all here?"

Tachibana Masamune's voice at this time made Xia Mu feel a sense of malice.

He looked back, and sure enough, many people looked at him with vigilance.

Even if all this has been done so long in advance, it is no wonder that they will release those "caged birds" because they want to dispel the peace-minded people among the fierce ghosts.

Unfathomable scheming!

"I know what Mu Mu did. I gave the Uesugi Patriarch's order. I agree with his actions, because I know it is for the good of everyone and the good of the clan."

Erika's gentle voice echoed in the shrine, shocking everyone, including Natsuki, Tachibana Masamune, and Minamoto.

Is this the little girl who doesn't know anything?Have you misunderstood all these years?
A hit!

No matter what Xia Mu does, his purpose is always for the good of the tribe.

"It turns out that this is the third option you've been telling me. I didn't believe the wrong person."

Yuan Zhisheng also spoke.

His relieved tone also dispelled Tachibana Masamune's doubts, which made him feel relieved.

No wonder this silly boy suddenly turned against him today, it turned out that Xia Mu had communicated with him a long time ago.

so far so good…

"I support 'and'."

Patriarch Inuyama suddenly spoke.

He can also be regarded as an invisible supporter of Xia Mu, and the two have linked interests.

Many people's eyes began to loosen, and Xia Mu's idea was also what they wanted to see.

When peace can be maintained, people always want to maintain peace, and the ghosts are our compatriots after all.

Although they rebelled against the family, they still shed the blood of the Bajia of Sheqi.

"I suggest doing both."

Yuan Zhisheng looked at Tachibana Masamune, "Master, don't think about war or peace, seek peace through war."

Many people's eyes lit up, quite amazed.

"That's right, I think so too." Xia Mu said.

Tachibana Masamune sighed: "Have you ever thought about what to do if the surrender loses control?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and their expressions gradually became ugly.

This is the crux of the confrontation, not only because of the position, but also because they will worry that these tribesmen will go crazy.

"Forgot? I just said that they surrendered to me."

Xia Mu said leisurely, "So, it is my responsibility to ensure that they don't go crazy, you don't have to worry."

He stretched his arms around Erika's small shoulders, and said with a smile: "With the two of us here, who can go crazy?"

Tachibana Masamune looked at everyone's faces, and the expressions gradually became calm and unpredictable.

He tried to think differently, to figure out the logic of Xia Mu's behavior, why did these things to save the demons?

In his eyes, Xia Mu and Eri Yi leaned close to each other, as if they were about to become one.

Tachibana Masamune suddenly realized.

"Zhisheng, do you have a tacit understanding with Xia Mu today?"

After the meeting ended, Minamoto didn't leave immediately, neither did Tachibana Masamune.

When everyone left, Tachibana Masamune said sadly: "I thought you would support me no matter what, and cut everything for the sake of justice in my heart."

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a while, and looked away from his face.

For some reason, seeing Tachibana Masamune's hypocritical old face now, he wanted to give him a hard punch, to see his true nature under his "mask".

"Xia Mu paid special attention to the family's 'ghosts' because of Erika, and he felt pity for them." He lowered his head and said.

"Well, I thought about it too," Tachibana Masamune said, "Because Erika was restricted by us in many ways, I came up with the idea of ​​saving her, and by extension, I saved all such ghosts."

"Also, I found out that Erika never needed a serum since she came back..."

He paused, with a strange tone, "Is this the reason why he is sure to suppress the 'ghost'? He found a way?"

Yuan Zhisheng shook his head: "I don't know."

"Although this is the method he found by himself, it is too important to the family. If he really regards himself as a part of the family, he will be willing to share it." Tachibana Masamune said.

This sentence is to sow discord, using Xia Mu's selfishness to sow Yuan Zhisheng's righteousness.

If Yuanzhisheng asks for it, but Xia Mu refuses to give it, then the goal has been achieved.

But he didn't expect that this sentence made Yuan Zhisheng's impression of him even worse. Nowadays, Yuan Zhisheng is already full of vigilance towards him, and he will think about it for a while when he says anything, let alone using it like this. his words.


Yuan Zhisheng lowered his eyes, not letting Tachibana Masamune notice the emotion in his eyes.

The naive Pinta Island tortoise in the past began to have his own ideas, and he no longer regarded Masamune Tachibana as his father, let alone taking his help for granted.

Tachibana Masamune watched his back leave, and sat alone in the shrine for a long, long time with deep eyes.

"I need to find something for Xia Mu to do, don't mess with my plans..."

he thought.

"Mumu, don't you want to go home?"

Xia Mu took Erika's little hand and walked on the path behind the mountain.

The mountain road was very slippery after the rain, but it was still like walking on flat ground for the two of them.

"I want to see the scenery of different places with you." Xia Mu said with a smile.

Erika's little heart was poked, and she subconsciously clenched his hand, very tightly.

"I want to go to the top."

She stretched out her little hand and pointed to the highest point of the mountain.

Xia Mu raised his eyes and looked: "The mountain path only reaches two-thirds of the entire mountain."

Erika raised her white arms, hugged his neck, and buried her head on him: "Hold me up..."

Xia Mu smiled softly, stretched his arms around her slender waist, kissed her forehead lightly, then jumped high, stretched his wings behind his back, flew over the mountain forest in an instant, and reached the highest point of the mountain in a straight line.

They landed on a rock platform and looked into the distance.

The whole world seemed to be shrouded in a mist.

"It's not a day suitable for viewing the scenery." Xia Mu shook his head.

Erika hugged his waist, pressed her small face against his chest, listening to his thick heartbeat.

"It's fine if you're here," she said softly.

Xia Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help hugging her even tighter, looking at this misty world together, feeling very peaceful in his heart.

After an unknown amount of time, Erika's small body moved.

"What's the matter? Have you thought about it? I discussed with the priest of the shrine, and I will stay here at night." Xia Mu said.

Erika seemed a little shy, she didn't raise her head, and said in his arms, "Mumu, we're getting engaged today..."


Xia Mu nodded, and gently stroked her back, "In the future, you can tell everyone that I am your fiance."

Erika's brows and eyes buried in his arms creased quietly, and she said after a while: "I want to ask... the day of our engagement is over like this?"

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "What else do you want to do, I will accompany you."

He was so decisive, which made the girl very happy.

"I think…"

Erika's eyes flashed, her face turned red and hot.

"I want to give you a baby, okay?"

Xia Mu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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