Chapter 299 Bondarev? !
"Are you struggling right now, Dr. Herzog?"

Tachibana Masamune looked at the text message from an unknown source on his phone, and almost threw it out with a shake of his hand.

His true identity was revealed without any warning.

"Don't be nervous, we are not opponents, but teammates. I have been looking forward to your successful demonstration."

"who are you?"

Tachibana Masamune responded quickly.

"An old friend."

Tachibana Masamune's pupils tightened, and a name that he had been thinking of for decades appeared in his heart...Major Bondarev.

"You are studying the purification of dragon's blood, aren't you?"

"You want to create a container to exchange blood, to purify the poisonous dragon's blood into something you can absorb?"

"You want to grasp the supreme authority and become the White Emperor in ancient times, don't you?"

"You're now at the end of the day, but your container hasn't been doing too well lately, hasn't it?"

"So, I said you were burned out, right?"

"If you weren't in such a bad situation, my old friend wouldn't be able to stand it any longer, and I wouldn't let you know of my existence."

Tachibana Masamune's hands were shaking violently, and at the same time, infinite fear surged in his heart.

The secret that I have planned for so many years, was actually explained clearly and accurately by the person behind the text message.

How on earth did he know?Is he Bondarev?Why is he contacting me now?What does he want to do?
All kinds of doubts hovered in his mind, and finally turned into fear of losing control, making him tremble all over.

"Don't be nervous, dear Dr. Herzog, until you succeed, we are not enemies, and I even intend to help you."

Tachibana Masamune didn't even dare to reply to the text messages, otherwise it would be tantamount to admitting all of this, which he absolutely can't do now, and it's not until the time to see him again.

"The three babies you took away were all good, especially the girl, who is very suitable as a container, right? But you can't seem to control them accurately now, can you?"

"The sound of the clapper is not omnipotent, it just switches their personalities, but if both personalities have a different heart for you, then you will not be able to fully control them."

"I am now going to share with you the results of my years of research on how to take full control."

Tachibana Masamune looked horrified.

He was almost certain that the other party was Major Bondarev!hateful!Someone had been watching him secretly all the time, but he himself didn't know it at all!

Imagining himself jumping up and down like a clown, everything he did was seen by others, and he wished to tear the other party to pieces.

However, he soon saw the information sent by the other party, about the improved version of Bangzisheng.

Tachibana Masamune was stunned, and slowly looked down, his eyes suddenly burst into light.

Perfect control!Perfect control never imagined!

After the extreme surprise comes the thriller.

What a terrible fact that the other party's research at this level actually surpassed his own? !
"Don't worry, the White Emperor is on your side. As long as you evolve successfully, who else can compete with you for this world? Do you think I can get the skeleton of the Black Emperor?"

Tachibana Masamune subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately frowned.

So it seems that the other party doesn't need to help him at all, so why share his research results?

"I have encountered a research bottleneck in some technologies. I have to observe your results before I can make a judgment. Otherwise, do you think I will help you so sincerely?"

"There is also that Xia Mu, he is a huge obstacle, I hope you will kill him after you succeed."

Tachibana Masamune didn't reply him a word, after a while he confirmed that the other party no longer had any new messages, he threw the phone directly into the sea.

"Hmph, you want to use me as a test subject? After I succeed, the first thing I will do is look for you all over the world, and dig you out to crush you!"

Although he was uneasy, he obtained a new technology after all. If it is really effective, it will become his most useful hole card.

Xia Mu, he is not afraid anymore!

Tachibana Masamune strode forward with high spirits.

On this day, the doomsday fell on the heads of the ghosts.

A day earlier they controlled [-] of the [-] underworld gangs in Osaka, and the seven gangs loyal to the Saki family have always maintained restraint.

But the whole world changed overnight. The gate of Genji Heavy Industries was opened, black vans drove out one by one, and the high-level cadres of the Snaki Bajia were dispatched.

At the same time as they arrived in Osaka, the seven gangs launched an attack on the gang under the demons.

There has never been such an efficient underworld war in history. The gangs to which the ghosts belonged were smashed one after another before they could be organized.

Overnight, Osaka became the Osaka of Saki Hachiya.

Not only in Osaka, but from the south to the north, the gangs loyal to the Bajia of Saki have taken action, sparing no effort to attack the gangs loyal to the ghosts.

Either surrender or die on the spot, those little bastards who have never seen the world were frightened.

If the power of the demons scattered across the country is like a spider web, then the Bliss Hall is a spider's nest.The spider nest is destroyed, which means the death of the spider.

And now is the end of the Bliss Pavilion.

The executive bureau is in charge of attacking the Bliss Pavilion, which is Thunder's method. At the same time, the family is also implementing Xia Mu's Huairou strategy.

Yesterday, an "innocence certificate" issued by the Sheqi Bajia was circulated among gangsters. According to the certificate of exemption, those gangs who once served the ghosts are innocent, as long as they regard the Sheqi Bajia as their own clan from now on , you will receive the grace of the family, including enjoying the pension fund established by the family with a lot of money.

Similarly, ghosts who give up their resistance will be temporarily imprisoned in church schools, and Xia Mu, the representative of the Uesugi family, will be in charge of arranging and guarding them.

The two methods of hardness and softness went hand in hand, and the power of the ghosts in various places collapsed. Wherever the guilt went, the gang would hear the news and declare their allegiance to the family.

The violence of the Snake Bajia is above all violence, and it will eventually end all violence.

"Xiaomu, why did you betray me?"

The fire burned the vermilion pavilion, and Sakurai Kogure was dressing upstairs.

The man stood in the choking smoke, but he didn't seem to feel anything. He just stared at Sakurai Kogure's back, with violent emotions in his eyes.

Glass between the winds.

Sakurai Kogure put on the treasured "Twelve Singles".This is the most solemn kimono, consisting of twelve different silk garments, changing colors from the inside out, like layers of clouds.

"This is the last time."

She didn't look back, she just dressed quietly.

"I have found a home for most of the companions of the fierce ghosts, and I have found a way to guide them to the light, and I will die without regret."

"I just asked you, why...betrayed me!" Kazama Ruri growled.

Sakurai Kogure put down the comb, looked back and smiled: "Because the wandering people are chasing phantoms, the light in my heart went out, so I found a new light."

No one knew that when she said these words, her heart felt as painful as being cut by a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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