Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 305 Belonging to Sakura's Peerless Beauty

Chapter 305 Belonging to Sakura's Peerless Beauty
Kazama Liuli didn't know that Xia Mu participated in his plan, he thought that the three of Caesar had suddenly figured it out, so he started his long-planned assassination night.

On the other hand, Yuan Zhisheng also had a seemingly very frank and in-depth communication with Tachibana Masamune. Tachibana Masamune wished to dig out his heart to show him, and even prepared to commit suicide to prove his innocence.

If Xia Mu hadn't said that he would not die even if he committed suicide, and had described to him the ability of a shadow warrior, Yuan Zhisheng might really have been deceived.

As for now, he just watched Tachibana Masamune acting silently, and he couldn't let the other party see that he was also acting with him.

This is a game that runs through to the end, and there is no room for error.

Yuan Zhisheng is looking forward to the moment when he will meet his brother again.

"When can I meet the childish girl?"

"Soon, don't worry. In fact, I suggest that you don't take Sakura with you in this operation... Well, forget it, as long as she knows that you are doing dangerous things, she will no longer be under your control."

Xia Mu is talking to him.

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a while, a little worried: "Since it's a scene, no one should have an accident, right? What's going on with Sakura?"

Xia Mu was silent for a while: "The greatest tragedy of human beings is that you don't know how important a person is to you until you lose it, but you don't cherish it when you have it."

"Don't worry, with my backing, nothing will happen to anyone, I just sigh with emotion."

Xia Mu hung up the phone.

In this scene, everyone must play their roles well, so as to win Herzog's trust, make him feel that everything is still under control, and make him think that the tortoise is still that naive tortoise.

In Minato-ku, Tokyo, not far from the coast, you can faintly hear the sound of the midnight tide.

The iron tower stood upright in the rainstorm, like a gigantic giant silently supporting the sky.

Tokyo Tower.

"Youkyo, Youkyo, Liuli called, reporting your location."

"Arrived on the first floor of the underground garage, it's strangely quiet here."

"Basara! Ukyo! Quiet! Unidentified vehicles are approaching Tokyo Tower!"

Xia Mu stood on the edge of the rooftop of a business building more than 100 meters high opposite Tokyo Tower, standing in the wind and rain, looking into the distance, listening to the call between Kazama Ruri and Kaiser in the earphones, silently paying attention to the development of the situation.

A high-speed elevator takes a mysterious visitor straight up to the observation deck of Tokyo Tower.

"It's Tachibana Masamune, he arrived an hour early, and he drove here by himself." Kazama Ruri whispered.

The lights suddenly went out, the hum of the motor disappeared at the same time, the fan stopped rotating, all the safety doors opened at the same time, and the violent wind and rain poured in.

The power went out, and the radio tower suddenly became a lifeless ruin.The cold wind blew through, making shrill laughter, Tachibana Masamune's windbreaker vibrated and roared.

In the darkness, the iron ladder surrounding Tokyo Tower lights up. LED lights are installed under the iron ladder.

Tachibana Masamune walked into the special observation deck and closed the door behind his back.

Next was the double reed play between him and Wang Jiang, but Kazama Liuli and the others were kept in the dark and listened with gusto.

"Tasting this wine is like sipping the essence of power, bright red, the same color as blood!"

"Those who oppose us, let them die, this is our law!"

"If you don't seize power, anyone will feel inferior, just like a buck without antlers, it has no place in the herd!"

"No one remembers what is dead, and what no one remembers is as dead!"

Huge darkness shrouds everyone's heart, which is the law of dragons.

Yuan Zhisheng took off the earphones, and he didn't want to listen anymore after hearing this, every sentence of the conversation made him hurt, as if he was in hell.

Xia Mu didn't tell him everything because it wanted to keep him angry.

He was really angry, outrageous.

Yuan Zhisheng came through the storm, and the trench coat fluttered in the strong wind like a battle flag.

He looked up at the sky, his pupils were as molten as molten iron.

Others haven't arrived yet, but the offensive has enveloped Tokyo Tower and all surrounding areas.

"The king gave Tachibana Masamune a slap in the face. This knife would definitely be fatal to an ordinary person, but Tachibana Masamune actually grabbed the king's sword! He fought back! Beautiful! The situation has undergone a shocking reversal! He Taking advantage of the opportunity to get close, he elbowed the general's face, maybe the general's mask was cracked, or his eyes were injured! The general gave up the sword and started to retreat, Tachibana Masamune launched a pursuit!"

Lu Mingfei was holding a high-powered binoculars, his emotions were high, and his tone seemed to be a commentator for a fierce boxing match, "It's a pity that you can't see it, it's so explosive!"

"It's really exciting. Compared with Chu Zihang and I fighting deadpools in waist-deep water, it's nothing new!" Caesar roared, with intense gunshots in the background.

"You haven't gotten rid of those dead servants yet?" Lu Mingfei admired the fight in the special observation deck, "The old man of the Ju family seems to be at a disadvantage, he has been fatally injured several times!"

"Are you telling us to hurry up? When did it become so easy to kill the Deadpool group?" Caesar continued to roar, "You sound like you're asking us why we haven't finished our breakfast yet!"

"If it's Xia Mu, it should be like eating breakfast."

There was silence in the earphones, except for the suddenly heavy breathing of Kaiser and Chu Zihang.

"Why don't you talk?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Hell, it turns out you were right."

Kaiser and Chu Zihang watched Xia Mu's figure descend from the sky, and then the majestic dragon's majesty enveloped the entire parking lot like waves, crushing all the Deadpools to the ground.

"It's not that simple, so be careful."

With his back to them, Xia Mu used his blood advantage to order Deadpool to make way.

Kaiser and Chu Zihang ran out quickly.

"Lu Mingfei, look around Tokyo Tower, is there any suspicious targets?" Caesar put his mouth close to the microphone.

"I didn't find any suspicious targets. I used an infrared telescope. There are only five high-temperature targets next to Tokyo Tower. Wang Jiang, Tachibana Masamune, you and senior brother, and two inhumans, tortoise and Xia Mu."

Lu Mingfei suddenly paused, "No... No! It's seven targets! The seventh person is on the top of Tokyo Tower!"

Sakura stood on the top of the Tokyo Tower, wearing a tight black combat uniform, bathed in the madly falling rain.

Her signal was extremely weak in the infrared telescope, and the extremely thin black clothes could insulate most of the heat, and the rain drenched on her body, taking away the remaining body temperature.

"Here she is, silly girl..."

Xia Mu's voice sounded in the earphones, confusing the three of Caesar.

Sakura took off the mask, her face was as white as raw silk, her long jet black hair was scattered in the wind, and her whole body was covered with all kinds of delicate throwing weapons, some were like crescent moons, some were like inclined crosses.

This night was her unique beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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