Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 309 Future Happiness

Chapter 309 Future Happiness

"What is this? Alchemy formation? Like an ice cellar? What does bloodline summoning mean?"

Xia Mu was at a loss, and only after all the information flowed into his mind did he have a general understanding.

But he still couldn't figure out what to do with this thing.

"Be prepared and learn first."

He made up his mind.

"Mumu, the girl who got what she wanted...so beautiful."

Eri Yi next to her suddenly sighed softly.

"Huh? What?"


Erika pointed inward with her finger.

Xia Mu looked over, and saw Sakura tilting her head and looking at the direction Yuan Zhisheng left, her eyes were as gentle as water, touching people's hearts.

"Yeah... so beautiful..."

Xia Mu let out the same sigh.

After doing so many things, I was careful not to dig three feet to dig Herzog out, and I waited for him to appear by myself, wasn't it just to protect these lovely people?
Whether it is the Sakurai sisters, or the Genji brothers, or the head of the five surnames, or Sakura, if their tragedies can be reversed, then Xia Mu himself will feel that his efforts were not in vain.

But then he will change his strategy and attack instead of passive defense, because when the time comes to see him, if he does not attack, Herzog will not show up.

He has already been the key to this circle, and without him, Herzog would not feel that everything was a complete success.

"Master Mu...Miss Erika..."

Sakura's weak voice came.

Xia Mu and Erika looked at each other, and walked into the room hand in hand.

The two came to Sakura's bed and knelt down.

After Sakura overdrawn her strength, she also experienced emotional ups and downs, but she still hasn't recovered.

"Master Mu, it's too thin to say thank you..."

Sakura stared at Xia Mu, and said softly and seriously, "Sakura's life belongs to the young master, but if one day you need me, I will help you at all costs."

Xia Mu laughed: "You go to the French nude beach with him and live happily ever after. This is my greatest need."

Sakura's face turned red, and she looked away: "You and Miss Erika will live happily ever after."

"Don't take it lightly, you will have a biggest rival in love in the future." A funny smile appeared on the corner of Xia Mu's mouth.

"Ah? What?" Sakura was taken aback.

Xia Mu chuckled: "Did you see that man just now? He looks exactly like your young master. They are twins. You understand that they grew up together?"

"I know him, what's the problem?" Sakura was a little surprised.

Xia Mu approached her ear mysteriously, and whispered, "He's a brother-controller."


"Hey, I remind you that you are here, how you defeat him and occupy the heart of your young master in the future depends on your own performance."

Xia Mu stood up, looked at the colorful faces of cherry, blue, red, soap and white for a while, took Erika Yi's delicate little hand and left.

He didn't know what Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhinv talked about, and he didn't care. He only noticed that Yuan Zhisheng's face was red when he came back, and he knew that the result was very good.

"Xiaomu, Zhinv and I have discussed it. We acted together until the moment he was fully exposed. Only the three of us knew about it." Yuan Zhisheng found him and said after returning.

Xia Mu nodded: "Did you give him the earphones? Did you remind him to pay attention to the sound of clappers?"

Yuan Zhisheng said solemnly: "It's all done, but he is worried that his combat power will be affected, and he may not be able to disguise the strength of Kazama Liuli."

"It's a question..."

Xia Mu rubbed his chin, "But don't worry, I'm going to take the initiative, and the other party's attention will immediately focus on me."

"What are you going to do?"

"I need to know the location of the well of bones, I believe you have almost detected it."

Yuan Zhisheng cheered up: "Good news came from the Red Well. This morning, Patriarch Miyamoto broke through to the red rock formation. There was blood-red water seeping out of the rock formation, and a thunderous sound could be faintly heard inside. This shows that they are close to Akakigawa. Everything is in line with the legend of the well of bones."

"What legend?"

"It is said that half of the well of bones is filled with cold water, and the other half is filled with flames, and the flames and cold water are mixed inside."

Yuan Zhisheng said, "The head of the Miyamoto family believes that the magma and groundwater meet in the Chigui River, which is the origin of the thunder. The magma flows from the active volcano near Mount Fuji. The magma provides enough nutrients for the birth of the gods, and at the same time It also heats the groundwater to a high temperature. The recent instability of Mount Fuji is also due to the abnormal flow of elements caused by the birth of God. All signs indicate that what we found is indeed the well of hidden bones, but it is not a vertical shaft, but a horizontal one underground. "

Xia Mu pondered for a long time: "Block all the area around the red well, don't let anyone approach, stop digging."

"Stop digging? Then we won't be able to reach the place where the remains are hidden." Yuan Zhi was puzzled.

"No, I'm enough." Xia Mu said lightly.

Yuan Zhisheng: "..."

Made, pretender!

"Also, let me remind you that the entire Kanto branch has already betrayed, so be prepared and deal with it, don't let Patriarch Longma join forces without knowing it, some casualties are really unnecessary." Xia Mu said again.

Patriarch Miyamoto was saved by stopping the excavation, and Patriarch Ryoma was saved by reminding the Kanto branch of betrayal.


In this way, the patriarch of the five surnames probably won't be the only one left with Sakurai Nanami.

Xia Mu stood up: "Tomorrow I will set off for Hongjing."


Yuan Zhisheng suddenly stopped him.

"what happened?"

Xia Mu turned around.

"Stay with Erika, she only has you." Yuan Zhisheng looked at him seriously.

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth turned up, smiling all over his face: "Don't worry, we will be liberated after this incident, and then we can get married together and travel to France."


Yuan Zhisheng also showed longing on his face.

Xia Mu returned to Erika's courtyard, and saw her sitting alone in the corridor, holding her knees and looking at the white clouds in the sky.

Shi Jinzi sat kneeling behind her, but couldn't integrate into her world.

It wasn't until she discovered Xia Mu's appearance that she regained her vitality and came back to life.


Xia Mu walked over and sat beside her, hugged her with some distress, and took her small body into his arms: "When I'm not around, are you just in a daze like this?"

"No, I'm looking at the clouds."

Erika leaned against him and said softly, "Seeing them flying freely, I imagined myself to be like them."

"You can also fly freely...after everything is over." Xia Mu gently stroked her head.

Erika rubbed against his hand, a hint of melancholy flashed in her eyes.

She doesn't know how long she will live...

 Make it up tomorrow...

  People's state-owned enterprises are dawdling, why am I so busy...

  I originally expected that I would have more time after changing jobs, but I miscalculated.

(End of this chapter)

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