Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 311 One person can reach ten thousand horses

Chapter 311 One person can be worth thousands of troops

Early the next morning, Xia Mu set off alone.

He did not choose to fly over, because the entire area was shrouded in the range of anti-aircraft missiles.

Ryoma Patriarch Genichiro Ryoma is a first-class air assistant, who can control a certain amount of air force and incorporate the surrounding area into a military protection site.


Sure enough, Xia Mu was stopped by soldiers one kilometer away from Hongjing.

He didn't bother too much, and directly called Genichiro Ryoma.

Soon, the soldiers were ordered to get out of the way.

"Jun Xia, why don't you let me continue?"

Ryoma Genichiro and Miyamoto Shio joined hands to welcome them out.

Xia Mu was the first to face the wrath of the technical tycoon Shio Miyamoto.

"Did you know? As soon as I stopped here, I realized that the other side was also working. It was the ghosts! The ghosts were digging from the other side!"

Shio Miyamoto danced and danced, saliva flying everywhere.

"If they are dug into the well of corpses first, we will be finished! We will be finished!"

Xia Mu took a step back, dodging the spittle attack from the opposite side.

"Once they find God first, everything will come to naught! I'll tell the elders! But he said that everything in Hongjing is entrusted to you!"

Shio Miyamoto's neck was red, "Does it matter who is responsible for this kind of thing? It's time to race against time! Only a technician like me can decide the outcome!"

"Miyamoto-kun, don't get too excited."

Genichiro Ryoma saw that he was about to throw himself on Xia Mu, and helplessly pressed his shoulder.

"Don't worry, handing it to me means that I can reach thousands of troops by myself." Xia Mu said lightly, crossing his arms.

Shio Miyamoto's old face twitched: "This is not going to the battlefield, this is digging underground."

"Well, leave it to me."

Xia Mu stretched out his hand to pat him on the shoulder, and passed him by, "Do you know what will happen to you the moment you get through? Do you know that there are countless ghost-toothed dragon vipers inside? You will die."

Shio Miyamoto was stunned, and then stiffened his neck in disbelief: "For the righteousness of the family, Mr. Masamune can die, and so can I."

Xia Mu was stunned for a moment, angry and respectful at the same time.

These idiots!
"Thank you!"

But then, Shio Miyamoto bowed to him solemnly.

Xia Mu shook his head and walked towards Hongjing.

At this time, the roar of a modified sports car suddenly came from the front of the road.

A red Alfa Romeo sports car, which is driving at a high speed of 200 kilometers per hour, is simply a soaring arrow.

Xia Mu's footsteps stopped, and he turned his head with a frown.

"Patriarch Ryoma, the Kanto branch is ordered to support!"

The car door opened, and the cold young man got out of the car.

Asuya Akechi, head of the Kanto branch, bowed deeply to Genichiro Ryoma.

"The head of the family has canceled the branch support plan, what are you?"

Ryoma Genichiro didn't get the news of the branch's betrayal, Yuan Zhisheng only informed him that the support was cancelled.

Before Asuya Akechi could answer, there was another roar on the road behind him.

More cars stopped in front of the roadblock, all high-powered sports cars, and the owners were all young people in their 20s, both men and women.

They parked in a row and immediately opened the trunk to check their gear.

All twelve team leaders from the Kanto branch were present.

"The groups had already set off when they received the orders from the parents. I thought it would be inconvenient to intercept them halfway, so I decided to come and take a turn." Asuya Akechi said.

"You don't obey the orders of the elders?"

Genichiro Ryoma's face changed, and he frowned deeply, "What's in your trunk? It smells bad!"

"You look after yourself."

Asuya Akechi opened the trunk.

Genichiro Ryoma was almost stunned by the dizzying smell, and he immediately realized something was wrong.

The snake-shaped black shadow jumped out of the trunk, stretching its body in the air like a straight arrow!
Ryoma Genichiro was too close, without the slightest precaution and no time to react, his throat was about to be bitten.

But he suddenly found himself flying backwards, and the dead waiter actually bit the air.

After finally standing still, Ryoma Genichiro realized that it was Xia Mu who brought him back in time.

And the dead waiter touched Xia Mu's golden pupil immediately lying on the ground, not daring to move.

"What benefit did the king give you, and ran all the way to die?" Xia Mu said lightly.

Seeing that he easily rescued Ryoma Genichiro, Asuya Sensei's face remained unchanged, and his tone was a little excited: "You are Natsuki, right? An outstanding student who just graduated from Kassel Academy? You broke my record in the academy ? I have already applied to the elders to challenge you, but he just refused, so I have no choice but to rebel."

"You want to rebel just because of this kind of thing? No wonder the Kanto branch is a concentration camp for mental illness that the family doesn't want to touch."

Xia Mu sighed, "At first I thought I didn't need to save people myself, but you came all the way to deliver them. I'm really touched by the villains in Tokyo!"

"Let's fight!"

Wise Asuya drew his sword in his hand, his gaze was fiery.

The rest of the young people were also eager to try, as if they were ready to jump up and get involved at any time.


Xia Mu turned his back and walked towards Hongjing.

"You look down on me?!"

Wise Asuya roared.


But before he could finish his sentence, those modified cars suddenly flew into the air, and then smashed down heavily.

"Boom boom boom..."

Young people are rolling all over the ground, trying to avoid their cars.

But these flying iron bumps were more flexible than themselves, and after a few back and forth, they smashed into the ground and turned into a mess.

"Look, I just look down on them, so what can I do."

Xia Mu spread his hands.

Genichiro Ryoma and Shio Miyamoto looked in awe, as if they were gods.

It should be said that although the Kanto branch is a group of neuroses among a group of neuroses, it is also a group of bloodthirsty geniuses, and their average combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the headquarters.

But this kind of combat power is like an ant challenging a lion in front of Xia Mu... It's too horrible to look at.

"I'm beginning to believe that Xia Jun plans to dig through the red well alone..." Ryoma Genichiro murmured.

Shio Miyamoto opened his mouth, still a little unconvinced: "That's an underground operation, and there are only two super excavators in the world that can do it."

"Then let's go to visit together?"

Ryoma Genichiro hooked his shoulders and walked him forward.

Shio Miyamoto wanted to watch it himself, but he had to look reluctant and chattered endlessly: "Let me tell you, I am worse than you in the round of battles, but you really have to trust professionals when doing excavations. Can't compare with this large machine..."

The two followed Xia Mu into the elevator and went down several hundred meters underground.

There is a super excavator that has been stopped, and there are many technicians waiting for orders.

"Let them all withdraw, the moment they get through, no one here will survive."

With a faint sound, Xia Mu put his hand on the rock wall.

In an instant, the mountain mechanism and stress flow within a three-kilometer radius are all brought into view...

(End of this chapter)

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