Chapter 315
kilometers away.

Xia Mu approached behind the monster.

The monster seemed to realize that there was an enemy behind it, and it clenched the "Amazona Cloud" on its chest, and the sharpest bone in the world was responding to it with violent vibrations.

Xia Mu followed behind, keeping a certain distance. The monster ran faster and faster, and he also flew faster and faster, but the distance remained the same.

Finally, the monster jumped up, and the Tian Congyun stuck in his chest popped out with a trembling sound, and swung it backwards. The sword light was like a zigzag silver lightning.

No one could see that moment clearly, not even the Genji brothers.

Xia Mu and the monster flashed alternately in the air, and each landed.

The monster held Tian Congyun's hand and fell to the ground together with the head and half of the shoulder, but no blood flowed out. The naked eye could see the muscles at the fracture site wriggling, and the cells were still frantically repairing the body.

Xia Mu stretched out his hand to the sky, caught the Amacongyun that was thrown into the air with his bare hands, turned around and pushed in from the monster's spine.

The body of the king who was forcibly possessed by the holy skeleton finally collapsed.

Amanokumo pierced through him, pinning something to the ground, something with a single golden eye.

One-eyed was still struggling.

Xia Mu slowly stretched out his hand, with a dignified look on his face.

This was the most critical moment. Of course, the holy skeleton could not be directly transplanted into Erik's body, then it would not be called evolution into a dragon clan, it would be called being reborn by King Bai.

First of all, he needs to wash away the chaotic will on the holy remains, especially the mania and desire to destroy the world that have been suppressed underground for countless years.

He doesn't want to see an Erika who wants to destroy the world...


Fortunately, he was accompanied by an extremely useful power from the very beginning, the fire of spirit.

In the world of the Dragon Clan, there are four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind, as well as the superior spiritual element, and the spiritual fire does not belong to the authority of the Bronze and Fire Kings, but the White Kings, or directly inherited from the Black Kings. king.

A ray of dark red flames ignited in the rain, spread across the bone sword sky, and swept across the holy skeleton.

"Hoo hoo..."

Shengke let out a sharp and unpleasant whistling sound, which made Xia Mu's hairs stand on end.

It was a mixture of countless years of resentment and longing, and the despair and unwillingness that arose after being crushed in the head made one shudder.

Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhinv's performance of brothers falling in love and killing each other also stopped. No matter how far or near, everyone's eyes were focused on the bone sword in Xia Mu's hand, including the vice-principal of Kassel College who was monitoring Hongjing with satellites from the Tokyo Meteorological Observatory , and the members of the equipment department who were cut off by Angers.

"Get rid of it! Get rid of it! Get rid of it and I'll call you Dad!"

The people in the equipment department burst into tears, almost wanting to praise Xia Mu to the altar.

It's about their own lives. Only when the gods are killed, they don't have to live and die with Tokyo.


Heaven doesn't follow people's wishes, or things are not that simple, and Xia Mu's purpose is not to kill God.

Everyone looked over and saw a black car driving slowly across the rocky road outside Hongjing and stopped at the edge of the valley.


Genichiro Ryoma and Shio Miyamoto were still two cosplayers, and couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment.

The king general who seemed to have died appeared in front of everyone again.

"Your mask still looks so disgusting." Xia Mu said lightly.

The king ignored his words, and only stared at the skeleton nailed to the ground with the bone sword in his hand. The flames in his eyes were so hot, as if he was looking at some peerless beauty who had stripped naked.

"What a great life! You treat it like this! It's too much! It's too much!" He cried out a little madly.

Seeing him yelling like a monkey, Xia Mu looked contemptuously: "Crazy."

General Wang's jumping up and down suddenly stopped, and his voice sounded like he was grinding his teeth, with a cold smile: "I hope you can laugh again later."

"What am I afraid of? The relic you want is under my control, what can you do?"

Xia Mu behaved flawlessly.

The king actually clapped his hands: "Of course a powerful person is confident, but it's a pity that you worry too much, and you are destined not to be invincible."

"Stop talking nonsense, what are you going to threaten me with?" Xia Mu picked out his ears.

The Genji brothers looked at each other and retreated at the same time.

Genichiro Ryoma and Shio Miyamoto were secretly happy.

For many years, General Wang has always been a serious concern of the Sheqi Eight Clans. Even the two elders joined forces some time ago and failed to send him to death. Now it is very cool to see that Xia Mu doesn't take him seriously.

"Cassel College's ace combination, Caesar, Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei, do you care about their life or death?" Wang Jiang said lightly.

The commissioners of the Tokyo Meteorological Observatory and Kassel College stood up and stared at the screen.

"Principal Angers is responsible for their safety, so I don't need to worry about it." Xia Mu shrugged.

Wang Jiang sneered: "I know you arranged for the mafia leader Uesugi Yue to help Angers, but do you know how many corpse guards are surrounding Tokyo?"

"No less than a million."

He stared at Xia Mu, "Aren't you going to save someone?"

Xia Mu's eyes seemed to flicker slightly, but his tone remained unchanged: "I believe them."

Wang Jiang thought that he had already started to waver, so he immediately gave him a strong shot: "I said you worry too much, so your weakness is very obvious, you are too emotional, then..."

The hands under his sleeves were exposed, each holding a strange clapper, "Does it look familiar?"

Wang Jiang showed his blood-smeared teeth: "At that time you treated my control like a monkey, so what about this time?"

With the sound of the weird clapper, the rear door of the black car was slowly pushed open, and a calf as beautiful as white jade stretched out.

"Painting Pear Clothes!"

Xia Mu and Yuan Zhisheng screamed at the same time.

The next moment, Xia Mu shot forward at a high speed, as if he was going to reach Erikai.

"Now she is completely under my control, think about it!"

A knife appeared in Wang Jiang's hand, and it lay across the neck of Eiliyi after getting off the car.

Xia Mu's footsteps stopped abruptly, and his eyes turned away from the expressionless face of Erika: "What do you want?"

Wang Jiang sneered: "Leave Shengku, and hand Tian Congyun to Fengjian Liuli."

"No! Xia Mu! Get rid of the holy skeleton!" Yuan Zhisheng stopped loudly.

Xia Mu expressionless: "Exchange, I will exchange Tian Congyun and Shengku for Erika."


Yuan Zhisheng's expression changed drastically.

At this moment, he didn't know what Xia Mu was going to do. He thought that if he lured the king out and killed Shengke, everything would be over, but the direction of the matter made him more and more confused.


Wang Jiangzhen held Erika and approached Xia Mu.

Xia Mu used the bone sword to drag the holy skeleton forward.

The two sides will meet soon.

Xia Mu suddenly laughed.


Wang Jiang had just raised his vigilance, but his chest was pierced by a bright white light...

(End of this chapter)

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