Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 318 The Battle with Erika

Chapter 318 The Battle with Erika

"What should we do now?!"

Yuan Zhisheng asked Xia Mu while parrying Kazama Ruri's attack.

"I do not know either…"

Both of them were equally restrained.

A younger brother who has been guilty of guilt for many years, and a girl he loves, neither have the consciousness to kill each other.

Originally, Yuan Zhisheng was not the female opponent of Yuan Zhi who had taken the potion, not to mention that his will was not firm, and now he was retreating steadily under the various killing moves of his brother.

As for Xia Mu, there is nowhere to go.

Being in Erika's trial domain, the temperature rises and falls for a while, the blood seems to be frozen into ice at one moment, and evaporates at the next moment.

He may be able to resist the trial and subdue Erika, but there is no doubt that he will lose both.

And he couldn't bear to have Eriyi get hurt a little bit.

"Herzog is waiting for an opportunity."

"He's waiting for Erika to beat me back, and then he can start changing blood!"

"I can't fall in love with Erika and kill each other, otherwise I will only fall into the other party's plan."


The water waves in the well turned into a huge ice cross spear and smashed towards Xia Mu.

Xia Mu's whole body was covered by Junyan, and he charged forward.

The ice gun shattered, and the water vapor was evaporated into nothingness in an instant.

Compared with the sharp sword slashing of the Genji brothers, the love and killing scenes between him and Erikai are even more grand.

Gradually, the scope of the valley was no longer enough for them to play.

Within a radius of ten miles, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, water and fire swept through, and it looked like a scene from a disaster movie.

"These two... can they still be considered mixed race..."

Ryoma Genichiro and Miyamoto Shio had been frightened for a long time.

Only the temporary command center at the Tokyo Meteorological Observatory could use satellites to observe this life-and-death fight, so that the Genji brothers on the other side were all implicated, and the battlefield was completely destroyed by Natsuki and Erika.

"No, you shouldn't ask if you are a mixed race, you should say...is this still human..."

The vice-principal said leisurely, "Never mind him, as long as he can kill the god...wait!"

He suddenly sat up straight, "Where did God go?"

"EVA! Report the location of the relic! Use satellite imaging!"

Three minutes later, the image of the energy movement of the holy remains appeared on the big screen.

Everyone couldn't help standing up.

"It didn't take the opportunity to escape, but kept moving underground, staring at the positions of Xia Mu and Uesugi Erika!"

"What is it going to do?"

Everyone looked at each other.

The vice-principal frowned, and said in a low voice: "It needs to find a body for regeneration, and Xia Mu and Erika Uesugi are undoubtedly the most suitable choices, please trouble..."

"What will happen if it possesses Natsuki or Uesugi Erika?" Someone couldn't help asking.

The vice-principal twitched fiercely: "White King is born again!"

Everyone was silent, terrified.

"Bastard Angers! I want to go back to school! This bastard actually destroyed the helicopter!"

The vice-principal suddenly jumped and scolded Angers.

"Old man, don't think you can't hear you scolding me because I'm not here."

Ange's voice suddenly came out through the loudspeaker.

The vice principal didn't love him at all: "You old bastard! Hurry up and arrange for us to escape! Hurry up!"

"EVA, how long will it take for the Scourge to reach the sky above the Red Well?" Anger ignored him.

EVA quickly replied: "It will take another six and 10 minutes."

Anger was silent for a while: "Okay, it will be launched on time, no matter who is in the red well."

"What about Xia Mu?" EVA reminded.

"He knows the existence of divine punishment."

Ange said lightly and disconnected.

"How's the headmaster?" The vice-principal waited for Ange's voice to disappear, and suddenly stopped jumping.

EVA replied: "There is an endless stream of corpse guards coming from the coastline, and the principal and Caesar's trio can't get close to the sulfur bomb installation point."

"This old bastard..."

The vice principal muttered to himself, "Don't really leave your life there..."

"Xia Mu arranged for a person to support the principal. He has just arrived, and his combat power has exceeded expectations."

EVA suddenly adjusted the screen, and Uesugi Koshi's back appeared on the screen.

It was the back of an old man wielding two antique knives.

The blade drew a perfect circle, and the arc was bright red, looking more like the sun in a total solar eclipse. The moon temporarily blocked the sunlight, but the bright corona still escaped from the moon shadow.This is a kind of speech spirit beyond the scope of textbooks - the black sun.

Uesugi Yue stood in the center of the black sun, reciting ancient testimonies. At this moment, he was like a Buddha statue standing in the flowing clouds and flames, extremely calm and majestic.

The black sun slowly rotated, devouring the air at an alarming speed, setting off a violent hurricane.

The nearby wind direction was changed by Uesugi Yue in an instant, and the building debris and sea water were all swept up by the strong wind, heading towards the black sun disk.

Corpse guards were also affected by the hurricane, they clung to the ground to avoid being taken away by the hurricane, but the wind still pulled their long tails into the air, and the sight of countless snake tails swaying towards the sky was strange and inexplicable.

"This... Is this what Yan Ling can do?" Caesar couldn't believe his eyes.

Chu Zihang said softly: "Those who have never reached the peak can never imagine the scenery on the top of the mountain. We have all seen Xia Mu's strength. Since he can beat the Dragon King as a human, why can't this old man?"

"Yemengade! Is there a way to wake up Erika for me?!"

At this time, Xia Mu was tired of parrying Erika's attack.

He can't fight back, and he doesn't want to fight back.

"Just hold her down, she's just a little injured, she won't die." Ye Mengjiad said flatly.

Xia Mu avoided the ice and snow blade, frowned and said: "No, as long as it is still controlled, it will not stop. Herzog doesn't care if Erika is injured or not, I care."

"Oh, let's try Bloodline Summoning." Yemengade said indifferently.

"What bloodline call?" Xia Mu suddenly felt a little familiar.

But Yemengade seemed more surprised than him: "That can't summon blood? Isn't it? Isn't that your core ability?"

"What the hell..."

Xia Mu was stunned.

core competence?Could it be the initial mutual summoning ability?That's not systematic?
"I used to be able to summon Erika, but now there seems to be a problem."

"Oh, if you can't summon, then you can only find people or dragons who are connected by blood to summon," Yermungand said, "Just like Deadpool will surrender to hybrids and purebloods with high bloodlines, refuse Executing orders, the call of the bloodline can break all control."

"Is it an alchemy formation?!"

Xia Mu's eyes suddenly brightened.

Isn't this what the system rewarded before?

Wait, Jormungandr said he should have?
Xia Mu's mind suddenly turned into a mess, and he almost didn't dodge Erika's attack.

"Xia Mu, what can I do—"

Yuan Zhisheng's cry came.

Xia Mu looked back, he was almost beaten to the ground by Kazama Liuli.

"Of course there is a way! It's—"

Yuan Zhisheng was still looking forward to some plan, but Xia Mu suddenly spread his wings and flew up, and swooped down to lift him up and fly away.


(End of this chapter)

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