Chapter 326 Dad or Brother?

"Xia Mu..."

Xia Mi called softly in his mind.


Xia Mu could hardly hear his own voice, he was hurt too badly.

"Remember what I told you...every dragon that comes into this world is just a child..."

She said softly, "She's still a child."

" that so..."

Xia Mu raised his eyes with difficulty, and carefully looked at the white figure in front of him. If he ignored the ferocious dragon scales on her body, he could still find the shadow of Erikai.

Especially those eyes, although looking at him vigilantly, are very pure, very pure.

"If you can survive, please help Erika and I take a good look at this world, and be gentle with it."

Xia Mu actually laughed.

Before Bai Wang Eriyi could figure out what he meant, he stumbled towards him.

She lifted Tian Congyun almost subconsciously.

There was a soft pop.

The long bone sword pierced Xia Mu's chest.

She couldn't help but widen her eyes.

what is this?suicide?

"Don't... be afraid..."

Xia Mu pushed forward against Tian Congyun, still smiling, letting the long sword penetrate through his body.

He stretched out his hands and hugged her gently.

The newborn King Bai was stunned.

Xia Mu hugged him tighter and tighter, as if what he was holding in his arms was not a newborn dragon, but his beloved girl.


He called her name tenderly, and said softly, "I love you..."

The newborn King Bai trembled, as if the whole world was spinning and melted by his warm embrace.

In the depths of her spirit, a strange energy surged out like a stormy sea, washing away her newly born spiritual power.

Suddenly she understood that the Erika whom he called so affectionately was actually herself...

But she couldn't wait for the integration and subsidence of the spiritual world.

She suddenly felt that something was coming. Although she couldn't hear the sound, she could feel the dazzling light.

She looked up subconsciously, and six parallel fireballs pierced the night sky and fell straight towards the top of her head.

Full blast!

The Skywatchers in low Earth orbit are all fired!
The six Damocles swords in the sword groove all fell to the ground, covering the airspace where she was.

The scorching hot high-density metal rods disintegrated during the flight, and the half-molten metal fragments formed a dense strike net.

Scourge is coming!There is no escape!

A swarm of meteors enveloped her...

She didn't have time to react, but the body holding her suddenly left Tian Congyun, and suddenly stood up, facing the six swords of Damocles.

"No one can... hurt... my girl—"

Xia Mu roared towards the sky, spread his hands, and his wings fluttered wildly.

Metal in molten state is also metal, and if it is metal, you must...surrender to him!
"Get out of here ahhhhhhhhh!"

The six swords of Damocles suddenly trembled violently, and they were disturbed, but because the kinetic energy was too large, and Xia Mu was seriously injured, it was impossible for them to change their trajectory in such a short moment.

The only thing he can do is... turn himself into metal and bump into them!Make them explode early!
Bai Wang Eliyi let out a desperate scream.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, why blood and tears were falling from the corners of her eyes.

She saw the man embracing her go away with him, his back bumping into the sword of Damocles was so tall and warm.

"Do not--"

She suddenly let out a stern roar, and the white body quickly lifted into the air at this moment, and crashed into Xia Mu's embrace with unparalleled speed, bumping into his direction.

Four swords of Damocles pierced through their overlapping membrane wings in an instant, and were blown to pieces in an instant.

But it didn't explode immediately.

Xia Mu is not the only one who can control metal, of course Bai Wangquan can also, and her condition is much better than Xia Mu.

The last two Damocles swords were each in charge of one of them, and they were pulled away from the direction abruptly!

They fell straight into the ocean, pierced through the huge piece of ice, violent waves rose up, and then turned into torrential rain and fell.

Six swords of Damocles and the strength of six small nuclear bombs set off a huge wave.

In a few minutes, this wave will reach Tokyo.

Meanwhile, the tsunami that besieged Tokyo began to recede.

Xia Mu and Erikai are still in the process of falling.

They lost their membrane wings, exhausted and broken, and could only let the gravity pull them to the ground.

But they hug each other.

Erika huddled in his warm embrace just like before, her body curled up, turning into a small one.

"In the end... both sides are still hurting..."

Xia Mu hugged her, and the blood on each other's bodies blended together, like blood-colored cocoons.

"It's a pity that I fell from such a high... It's still the same end..."

He couldn't help tightening his hands a little, just like holding Erika before.

But a young girl's voice came from her arms: "You... who are you..."

Xia Mu lowered his head in astonishment, but saw that the girl in his arms seemed to have shrunk a circle, becoming like twelve or thirteen years old.

Her eyes were pure and flawless, and she looked at him full of admiration.


Xia Mu was speechless.

"Are we going to die?"

The little girl Erika looked down at the rapidly approaching earth, her eyes filled with fear.

"It's's okay..."

Xia Mu hugged her tightly.

It took a long time to fall from an altitude of [-] meters, and it gave them the last time to communicate.

"You smell very similar to me, do we have the same blood?"

The little girl Erika sniffed at his chest, "We are all dragons, so... are you my father?"

Xia Mu trembled all over, almost letting go and throwing her out.

"You don't remember anything?" he asked in a low voice.

The little girl hid in his arms, and said innocently: "Remember, I have the memory of the inheritance of the Dragon Clan, but there are so many that I can't understand..."

She shook her head in confusion, "I don't understand why we are fighting..."

Xia Mu remained silent.

"Can I call you Papa?"


"But our blood is very similar. My memory tells me that when I was born, I met someone connected by blood. He is my father."

Xia Mu had a headache: "Brother, brother, brother can also be connected by blood."


The little girl called out sweetly, "Brother!"

She lay in his arms like a cat, and closed her eyes amid the more rapid sound of the wind.

The moment he got close to the ground, Xia Mu's eyes suddenly went dark.

A huge black vortex appeared on the ground.

The two of them fell into the vortex with huge kinetic energy, but they were pulled violently. The kinetic energy turned into rotational force, spinning quickly in the black vortex, and finally fell slowly to the ground.

It's all over the place.

Uesugi Yue's panting old face appeared in front of his eyes.

The world in Xia Mu's eyes is spinning, Uesugi's old face is smiling like a chrysanthemum, and in his eyes, it is like a colorful flower blooming all over the city.

"You use the black sun as a great transfer of the universe..."

These were the last words he said before passing out.

(End of this chapter)

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