Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 330 Eriyi wants to ride?

Chapter 330 Eriyi wants to ride?
"Come on, give me a hug."

Xia Mu smiled and stretched out his hands.

The other half-breeds of the Sheqi Bajia were shocked and speechless when they saw Erika throwing herself into his arms.

In the past three days, they have seen Queen Fan's Eriyi a lot, and seeing her suddenly switch to a little girl mode is really unacceptable.

"Brother, this man is full of royal glory, but has a strange covet and longing for me. It's really disgusting."

Erika hugged him, and quickly let him out, pointing to the lying emperor and said, "Why does he still speak in a dignified manner when he is clearly full of lies?"

Xia Mu smiled softly: "Because he hopes to get your strength and help. As for that gesture, he probably doesn't understand that you can see through many things."

The man kneeling on the ground trembled slightly.

Xia Mu and Eri Yi each said a sentence, and they easily figured out his purpose.

"It doesn't make sense to replace him, shall we go home first?" Xia Mu touched her long silver hair.

Erika shook her head and frowned: "I think it's more convenient to do this, and the battle flag will be erected again in the name of the emperor, and the resistance will be smaller."

Xia Mu tapped his eyebrows with a headache: "Eriyi, the situation in this world is not that simple..."

He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "You should know that you don't have any strength left, and you can't conquer the world by force, right?"

Erika's pretty face became stiff, with a somewhat cold look, a pair of eyes glowing with a faint golden light glanced at him, and said clearly and crisply: "It's all your fault, it's obvious that we are connected by blood, but we insist on being with you." I will lose both sides in the fight, and now I am fine, no one has the strength of a king."

"That's impossible."

Xia Mu reached out to explore her small face.

Erika avoided it awkwardly.

Xia Mu withdrew his hand and smiled: "If it wasn't like that, the consciousness about Erika in your body wouldn't wake up, then you would really be Bai Wang instead of Erika."

Erika looked up at him blankly: "What do you mean?"

Xia Mu laughed softly: "I mean, I'm very happy that you are still willing to stay by my side."

Erika couldn't bear his gaze, and avoided it: "Even so, I must be the one who rules the world in the end, and you have to surrender to me."

Xia Mu squatted down, grabbed her little hand and kissed the back of it, smiling warmly: "Okay, I surrender to you, my Majesty the Queen."

Erika felt a little feverish on her face for some reason, this was an experience not found in the Dragon Clan inheritance, she didn't understand what it was.

"Come on, come home with me."

Xia Mu stood up again, and when she reached out to her, she couldn't help but put her hand in his palm, and followed him away step by step.

"Huh, finally coaxed away..."

Sakurai Kogure rubbed the sweat on his forehead, looked back at the Emperor, and said in an extremely indifferent tone, "It's up to us to give him a brainwash so that he feels like he's been kidnapped by terrorists."

"Who the hell are you?!"

"I am willing to exchange everything, as long as you support me!"

"Don't! Don't brainwash! Ah——"

How could this group of people care about what he said, even when he was annoyed by what he said, their actions became more violent, making their brainwashing seem to make him blossom...

"and many more!"

Erika followed Xia Mu for a while in a daze, finally came to her senses, and shook off his hand.

Xia Mu turned around in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"That's not right."

Erika's small face wrinkled together, as if she was struggling with something.

"We dragons are strictly ranked, and our relationship with each other is either submission or hostility. Even if we have blood relationship, we can clearly distinguish between top and bottom."

She looked at Xia Mu seriously, "Since you surrendered to me, why are you so casual with me? It's not right."

"Then what do you want?" Xia Mu smiled slightly.

Erika proudly raised her chin: "Treat me respectfully, just like they treat me."

Xia Mu looked at her with deep meaning: "Do you really enjoy the superiority brought by power and power? Don't you feel lonely?"

Erika blinked: "What is loneliness?"

"Blood Sorrow."


Erika shook her head, "For dragons, we will always choose power and power. Even if the Sorrow of Blood makes us suffer, no one will succumb to it."

"This is the biggest difference between dragons and humans," Xia Mu said seriously, squatting down so that his gaze was level with hers, "Don't you want to try to experience human emotions? That kind of intimacy that is heart-warming."

"Like you did to me?"

Erika's small face was blank, she indulged in that kind of intimacy for a while, and felt that she didn't show her authority enough.

"No, I am a dragon."

Finally, she still spoke like this.

"Okay then, let's do what you want."

Xia Mu squatted and turned his back, "Come on, you ride on me, is this enough to satisfy your queen fan?"

Erika looked at his back and tilted her head.

Riding on it...should be conquering, right?
"I want to ride on your neck." She said suddenly.

Xia Mu paused, resisting the urge to laugh, and nodded pretending to be wronged: "That's fine."

"I am willing to ride on you, you should feel honored."

Erika spoke proudly, climbed onto his shoulders, and sat on the back of his neck, with a pair of flexible and elastic legs clamping Xia Mu's neck.

Xia Mu grabbed her calf with a strange expression and stood up steadily.

Erika subconsciously stretched out her hand to support his head, her legs felt weird and she exerted a little force.

"You're clamping too tightly, you're going to be out of breath!" Xia Mu cried out immediately.

Erika slackened a little, her cheeks were flushed... It felt strange to be stuck there.

Xia Mu couldn't help pinching the skin of the calf in his hand, it was soft and smooth, and there was still a subtle fragrance lingering at the tip of his nose.


In the spiritual world, Xia Mi showed a look of contempt.

"What did I do to me!" Xia Mu cried out.

Xia Mi's face was a little red: "You just smelled it."

"A subconscious move."

"She is a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old now, she still calls you brother, are you embarrassed?"

"We're both engaged, so why not be embarrassed." Xia Mu didn't feel ashamed at all.

Xia Mi raised her long legs: "Why don't you go back and get things done? Anyway, it's normal for unmarried couples."

As soon as she said that, Xia Mu felt that the touch on the back of her neck became more and more strange.

"Are you really ready to watch? How does it feel to be bullied?"

Xia Mu fought back.

Xia Mi narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"It's pretty good. It's quite exciting when you think about it. There's a kind of awkward pleasure. Although it's very twisted, it makes people's heart beating wildly just thinking about it!"

Xia Mu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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