Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 332 Raising a Daughter?

Chapter 332 Raising a Daughter?

"It's all soft..."

Xia Mu carried Erika's limp body out of the bath, and could still feel her shivering.

"Do you think she's really a little girl's body? She's a dragon now, a dragon!" Xia Mi said.


Xia Mu paused, "Long Xingben... so what?"

Xia Mi was a little embarrassed: "That's right, otherwise I thought how did those mixed races come out, even though they gave away human women, but dragons are indeed... capable of making things happen to other races..."

Xia Mu squinted his eyes: "Then you..."

"I didn't!" Xia Mi yelled, "Taking the initiative and being pushed are two different things. Thinking about being suppressed makes me sick!"

Xia Mu couldn't help being a little happy, and while helping Erika dry her delicate body, she asked, "Then what if it was me?"

"You can't either!" Xia Mi looked up proudly, "I want to be on top!"

Xia Mu laughed: "It's like fighting, it's so boring."

"Born as a dragon, you are born with such self-esteem."

"Pride isn't here to use it."

"You haven't done it before, why are you pretending to be an old hand?"

Xia Mu: "..."

He put a yukata on Erika, tied her belt, and then hugged her horizontally.

Erika subconsciously reached out and hugged his neck, and asked in a daze, "What are we doing?"

Xia Mu almost blurted out "I made you".

"I'm going to bed."

He swallowed back the words that came to his lips, walked into the room with her in his arms, and gently placed her on the bed.

"Where are you going?"

Erika felt that she had left his embrace, and suddenly felt a little lost.

Xia Mu blinked his eyes: "Isn't the Queen good at sleeping alone?"

"Ah? Is that so?" Erika searched for the inheritance memory, and immediately shook her head, "No, the emperor doesn't sleep by himself, he has a servant."

"Sleep servant?" Xia Mu's expression was strange, "You call me brother, but you want me to serve you?"

Erika blushed, she turned away her small eyes and didn't look at him: "No, it's just... you sleep with me, sleep next to me."

The memory of the newborn is still not worth the memory of the body, and Erika's long-term dependence on Xia Mu makes it impossible for her to live without him.

"Okay, I'll sleep with you."

Xia Mu smiled softly, lifted the thin blanket on her body and lay down next to her in his shorts.


He held out his hands as before.

Erika subconsciously leaned over and wanted to lie in his arms, but the Queen's consciousness immediately gave a warning.

"This is not right, come and hug me."

She lay back again.

"it is good."

Xia Mu responded to every request, and stretched out his hand to directly wrap her willow waist in his arms.

"It's not right..."

Erika changed from actively leaning on him to passively leaning on him, she still wanted to say something, but Xia Mu gently stroked her back and kissed her small mouth lightly.


She tapped Xia Mu's chest weakly with her two small hands, gradually softened, and hugged his neck again.

The wonderful taste made her sink...

It was already the next day when I woke up.

Erika opened her eyes in a daze, and subconsciously called out, "Brother?"

"here I am."

Xia Mu came in with a plate and put it on the low table.

"Come on, wash up."

He gently lifted the thin blanket from Erika's body, and the bathrobe had long since disappeared, only a little girl like a white sheep was lying there.

Xia Mu brought a new set of dresses, sat on the edge of the bed and held her in his arms to dress.

Erika kept looking at his side face, and stretched out her hands in cooperation, allowing him to put on the dresses one by one.

"Brother, do you want to be my husband?" She asked suddenly.

Xia Mu turned his head to meet her bright eyes, and said slowly: "You and I are a fiancé couple."

Erika knocked her head in a daze: "Is that so? I don't remember why..."

"One day you'll remember."

Xia Mu didn't put on her shoes, he got up and picked her up like a child, let her lie on his shoulders and walked into the bathroom.

"Open your mouth, ah..."


Xia Mu took a chair in and sat down, put her on his lap and sat down, then gently poked her in her mouth with a delicate toothbrush.

"Are you raised as a daughter?" Xia Mi looked at it with some taste.

"When you are reborn, I can also help you get dressed, brush your teeth and wash your face every day." Xia Mu said softly.

Xia Mi became happy: "Really? Then it's settled! No, I will also have Yiyi to help me do these! Hee hee!"

After hearing this sentence, Xia Mu's brain began to throb again: "Can't we find some other alternatives?"


Xia Mi's words surprised Xia Mu for a second.

"But the normal cocoon rebirth takes hundreds of years, are you willing to wait?" Xia Mi said again.

Xia Mu obediently closed his mouth.

Okay, in order not to wait hundreds of years, even if the relationship is weird, I can accept it...

"Is there anything worth conquering today?"

Erika looked cute with her head up, and then she lowered her head and spit out white foam.

"Go and relax today, even if you are a queen, you can't work every day."

Xia Mu's face towel helped her dry her mouth, and then washed her little face before she was done.

The two sat side by side by the window sill and had breakfast, watching the leaves falling in the courtyard.

It's already autumn.

Erika felt a little happy.

Sitting with him, it seems that you don't have to think about anything, conquering the world or something, you can forget about it, even if you sit like this until night, and then you can go to sleep.

Half an hour later, they appeared in front of Gao Tianyuan's gate.

There are so many people here.

"This is the first time Eunuch Lu has performed on stage, right? Why are there so many people?"

Xia Mu found the best box and met Kaiser and Chu Zihang here.

Both of them didn't even look at him, they all looked at Erika at the same time.

The eyes showed a fan-shaped pattern, with 6 points of vigilance, 3 points of curiosity, and 1 point of vague hostility.

"What are you looking at me for? Get out of the way, give me the best seat."

Erika stared, "Eternal Burning Pupil Master" Chu Zihang took three steps back, and "Proud Young Master" Caesar hastily got out of the sofa.

Erika walked slowly, without even looking at them, she pulled Xia Mu to sit in the middle together.

"Don't worry, she won't suddenly jump up and eat you." Xia Mu couldn't help laughing.

Kaiser and Chu Zihang looked at each other, and sat down beside Xia Mu.

"Not tasty unless deep fried."

Erika added something casually, and the two of them were terrified again.

"Is she the same as Xia Mi?" Chu Zihang couldn't help asking.

Xia Mu immediately understood, and winked: "Well, so far, yes."

Chu Zihang and Kaiser were slightly relieved.

They all had a good impression of Xia Mi, after all, it was not rumored that Xia Mi had done anything evil, but instead gave everything to Xia Mu in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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