Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 380 Breaking the Axle!

Chapter 380 Breaking the Axle!

Caesar's marriage is not only his biggest event, but also the most important event for the Gattuso family.

Early the next morning, all the senior members of the family gathered deep in the castle to welcome the awakening of the ancestors.

They are like vampires who have been sleeping for hundreds of years. When they first wake up, they are like mummies.

These are the family elders accumulated by the Gattuso family for more than 1000 years, and they will not be awakened until the most critical time.

"Hey, they woke up once when we were engaged last time. This time the wedding is coming again. Is it necessary?"

Nuonuo didn't wear a wedding dress, but a Chinese-style cheongsam, which seemed out of place with the whole Western-style wedding.

But this is all planned by Caesar, and the final wedding ceremony will be very oriental, in order to appease Nuonuo's heart.

In fact, Nuonuo didn't need to be appeased at all. Since she decided to marry him, she wouldn't hesitate and shrink back.

The word regret does not exist in the witch's dictionary.

"It's not just for our wedding. Ordinary people may think that the climate change some time ago was just an accident, but all the mixed races know that it was the king's war."

Caesar sat side by side with her in the super-extended wedding car, and he was also dressed in a Chinese-style Han suit.

"Do you think Xia Mu is also a hidden dragon king?" Nuonuo asked.

Caesar shrugged: "In fact, many people have guessed that, but as long as he doesn't wake up, he is still our friend."

Nuonuo lowered her eyes: "First Lu Mingfei, then him, and Uesugi Erika, before Xia Mi, the feeling that everyone around me turned into monsters... really uncomfortable."

"But you have me."

Caesar approached her, pressed his forehead against her, and couldn't see her pupils clearly due to the close distance, but he still looked at her firmly, "Nonuo, I will protect you no matter what, Stand with you."

Nuonuo blushed a little.

Caesar will always do some very romantic things, such as giving gifts under various names, or spending time writing novels to include the two of them. He is rich and careful, and he can easily win the girl's heart.

But Nuonuo never felt any emotion. He was the best boyfriend in the world, but to her it was nothing more than that.

She could see through everything, so she knew that Caesar would do that only because he had too much money to spend, or because he couldn't understand her temporarily, so he had a desire to conquer.

She never intended to have a real heart-to-heart with him, because she knew that day would also be Caesar's day of boredom.

Until he appeared at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean in the dark, and he left her the chance to live.

She knew that it was at that moment that she fell completely, and she was finally willing to be his bride.

There was a shift in mentality, and everything became extraordinary.

Caesar used to talk sweetly and talk long and long, but she never listened.

Now she believed it with all her heart.

Because he is such an upright man...


At this moment, there was a sound from the chassis of the extra-long wedding car, and the car stopped suddenly.

"what happened?"

Caesar raised his head, a little displeased.

Although he has no superstitious ideas, he has studied oriental culture for a long time, and he is also half oriental, so he has a sense of seeking auspiciousness in his heart.

A wedding car breaking down on the way is not a good sign.

"I, I'll check right away."

The driver was sweating on his forehead and got out of the car to check.

But at this time, the luxury convoy of thousands of cars stopped at the same time, and Caesar soon learned a wonderful news...the axles of all the wedding cars were broken!

"So many cars with broken axles..."

Caesar and Nuonuo looked at each other, a little dumbfounded, "This troublemaker is so bored!"

At this time, their mobile phones vibrated together, and the same text message appeared on the screen: "Dear Kaiser, Nuonuo, on behalf of the future Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang, I would like to extend my sincere blessings to you, happy wedding!"


Caesar made a call very calmly, "Bring the spare convoy over."

Ten minutes later, thousands of wedding cars appeared again, and the convoy set off steadily again.

"You underestimate me."

Xia Mu squatted on the hill by the sea, looking down at the whole city, as well as the convoy winding forward, and then snapped his fingers lightly.

The stress structure of the entire city is visible to his eyes.

In the past, he didn't have such precise control over elements.

At that time, he might be able to make thousands of cars fall apart, but he couldn't just break the axle.

But now... it's just a snap of the fingers.

Real weightlifting.


There was another sound in unison, and all the cars turned off.

Caesar and Nuonuo looked at each other, and they clenched their fists together: "Find out that guy and beat him up!"

The two found that they said the same thing to each other, and couldn't help laughing.

"Is this your custom? Marriage?"

Caesar opened the door and got out of the car.

The onlookers were surprised to see the handsome young master appearing in front of everyone, he turned around and carried the bride out of the car, and shouted to the surroundings: "Even if there are ninety-nine or eighty-one difficulties, I will marry Nuo Nuo." !"


Many people were impressed by his publicity and domineering.

Xia Mu leaned against the hill, took out a bottle of wine out of nowhere, and smashed the bottle cap.

"How do you guys know what a mind-blowing promise it is to break the axle of a wedding car, but those two guys aren't here..."

He drank the wine in a big gulp, letting the liquor flow into the depths of his throat.

"Respect Lu Mingfei."

Xia Mu raised his wine glass high, watching the backs of Caesar and Nuonuo getting farther and farther away, "Respect...Chu Zihang."

When the atmosphere of the wedding here became hotter and hotter, Lu Mingfei felt cold all over his body.

There was no sled behind him, nor Bunin and Zero, and he didn't know when the rope around his waist broke. He dragged a broken rope and ran for an unknown distance on the snow field!Fear surged into his heart for a moment, and he felt that his blood was freezing.

"Hi! Hi!"

He roared loudly, but the sound was swallowed by the wind before it could travel very far.

He was lost in this no-man's land. It seemed that both Bunin and Ling had given up on him. It was a road of no return that belonged to him alone, and he had to walk alone in the end.

He couldn't believe it, he believed in Bunin, and even more in Zero, even if the two of them were hiding something from him, they should never be the same...

But the reality seemed cruel, they cut the rope and left, leaving him alone in the snowstorm to die.

The polar night came, and the darkness covered the sky. He trekked in the snow, getting colder and more tired, because his body temperature dropped, his vision began to blur, and his brain seemed to be frozen and unable to think.

The track of the sled was gone too, and he stopped, smiling sadly, and fell to his knees in the snow.

He couldn't even feel the cold anymore, and his consciousness gradually dissipated, as if the last candle in the depths of his brain was about to go out. At this moment, he heard the ringing of the bell in the wind and snow.

The light at the end of the world is like someone lighting a match. In the light of the fire, four reindeer with a height of more than two meters are pulling a sleigh, and the reindeer has red ribbons on their bodies, as if they are coming to carry him. Heading to a big celebration…

(End of this chapter)

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