Chapter 385 Eri Yi Nuo Nuo.

The sound of sirens swept through the final sanctuary, Lu Lincheng raised his head suddenly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from far to near, and a person in protective clothing pierced through the mercury vapor and ran to Lu Lincheng, "Secretary-General! We have detected a large-scale space unit near the safe haven!"

"At this time, can the identity of the space unit be determined?"

"The identity cannot be confirmed, but judging from the action mode, it looks like it is from the dark side!"

Lu Lincheng's pupils dilated slightly: "How big is it?"

"In terms of scale, it is at least a thousand-strong mixed-race team. This is probably just the first wave, and the second wave is on the way. This may be the first time the dark side has mobilized on such a large scale!"

"The monarchs of the dark side finally smell us." Lu Lincheng pondered.

"Could it be that you have already prepared?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Lu Lincheng pointed to Lu Mingze with a gray face in the final sanctuary: "He is what we call the Supreme Being, guarding his body is equivalent to owning a huge treasure."

"Really, so many people covet the little devil." Lu Mingfei lowered his head.

"Let's go, let's take a look at Haven's military system. This is not something that a mere mixed race army with thousands of people can break through."

Lu Lincheng flung his windbreaker and walked ahead.

Lu Mingfei silently followed behind him.


After leaving the final sanctuary, the entire safe haven seemed to have turned into a red world, and sirens were howling everywhere.

The originally peaceful world in Lu Mingfei's eyes immediately turned into a military fortress, and a powerful counterattack was launched quickly, with the sound of artillery and gunshots everywhere.

"What is that?" Lu Mingfei opened his eyes wide.

Two flames roared out like an angry dragon, drowning the rushing hybrid figure.

"Dragon's Breath Bullet, a very precious alchemy bullet that can spray out dragon flames." Lu Lincheng looked stern, watching the progress of the battle ahead.

"Secretary-General! The other party rushed up like desperately, our front line is about to collapse!"

Lu Lincheng was very calm: "The Death Squad will not be consumed like this all the time, hold on, and use more dragon's breath bombs, there is no need to save."

"No, it's not the Death Squad... Secretary-General, they, they look exactly the same!"

Finally, someone noticed the abnormality. As more and more people fell under the line of defense, those faces that were basically the same appeared under the red light.


Lu Mingfei took a deep breath.

"Do you know what it is?!" Lu Lincheng spoke extremely fast.

Lu Mingfei was almost moaning: "I saw it before I came in. At that time, it was just a small-scale clone and hybrid production, but now it's an army of hybrid clones..."

Lu Lincheng's face was extremely ugly: "Even if it is a replica, it is impossible to produce infinitely. No matter what kind of weapon you have to pay, it depends on whether you can bear the price!"

He picked up the walkie-talkie and gave an order.

Afterwards, Lu Mingfei saw dozens of rocket launchers fired from behind, and directly scrubbed the surrounding area.

Lu Mingfei trembled: "Can ordinary artillery kill it?"

"No, those are alchemy shells."

Lu Lincheng's face was heavy, "The stock of the shelter for more than ten years has been launched just now, and it was supposed to deal with the doomsday war."

"But it's finally over."

The sound of blocking in front was much quieter, gradually no more clone hybrids appeared, and Lu Lincheng heaved a sigh of relief.

"Check how they got into the Nibelungen, whether they opened the door with something..."

Lu Lincheng's voice suddenly stopped.

Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded: "She..."

Under the quiet moonlight, the girl with silver hair came slowly, and all the mixed-races in the refuge where she passed spurted blood and fell to the ground, never to be able to get up again.


Lu Mingfei was stupid.


Caesar always remembered the first time he met Nuo Nuo that day.

It was raining lightly, and in front of the dormitory building of Kassel College, the girl drove a convertible Ferrari for a spin.

"I'm going for a ride! Is there a man to accompany me for a ride!"

She yelled in the wind and rain, and her red hair was wet and stuck to her face, which added to the charm of a witch.

He has always known that his girl is not a law-abiding guy. He doesn't know how many people in the academy like her, but few people dare to challenge him.

But it was such a mysterious girl who firmly grasped his heart.

He finally understood why she was so attractive to him.

Because she is his eyes, she is a part of him.

Some people think that Nuonuo has no words.

She doesn't need the spirit of speech at all, because the black king's eyes can see through everything.

Therefore, her ability is profile.


Caesar finally cried.

Because Nuonuo's imprint disappeared.

She is gone forever.

There was her dress beside the bed, such a bright red wedding dress was especially suitable for her.

Caesar once thought that this was the most important day in his life. He found the person who would accompany him all his life, and his life would continue to sing loudly, all the way to glory.

But Nuonuo is gone, his Nuonuo is gone.

Caesar once firmly believed that as long as there is nothing he can't do, as long as the person he wants will always be together.

But Nono is gone.


Black air of ferocity and madness emerged from his body, covering the entire Gattuso family's manor.

"The keel is unstable! Fill it with dragon blood!"

"Passy! Quick!"

The elders shouted again and again.

"No wonder you old things are all waiting here. If Caesar sees you now, he will tear you to pieces." Pompey laughed.

"You too." Chen Motong's father said.

Pompeii's face froze: "I'm just a stallion, and I just follow the orders of the family. Why would he lose his temper with me?"

Seeing his shameless appearance, the man shook his head and was speechless.

The place where Caesar passed seemed to be covered in a layer of blood.

The underpass opened.

That is the fastest way to reach Caesar on the ground from the location of Passy underground, which is why so many tunnels have been dug in the entire underground.

The harsh sound of claw stabbing echoed in the ground.

Paxi and Xia Mu are fighting fiercely.

"It's so fast..."

Xia Mu was in a very passive state.

The King of Sky and Wind's power in speed almost achieved the effect of stopping, he could only protect himself with the keel, like a big sandbag.

"That's it."

Paxi said something regretful, and the extremely fast flashing figure suddenly disappeared from the underground space.

"Is that... Caesar? What happened?"

Xia Mu heard the painful roar from the ground.

He was just about to go up the opened passage to have a look, but his eyes were attracted by the huge figure on the platform.

"Both Herzog and Bondarev tried to filter the dragon's blood, but left the keel behind. Is it because the keel cannot be detoxified?"

Xia Mu's figure flashed, stopped beside Fellowes, and pressed his hand on it.

"Let me see how much power I can absorb..."

(End of this chapter)

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