Chapter 394 Immortal!

Erika looked back in disbelief.

Caesar raised his hand with difficulty and said to her, "Cancel."

"You're crazy."

"I don't know what the future holds, and I don't know whether you are good or evil, so I can't hand over the world to you."

Their words echoed in their hearts, and there was no time to say them.

Meteor swarms enveloped them, red spears pierced through their bodies...

The half-breeds were already cheering loudly.

Has everything settled?

Caesar and Erika felt a figure approaching at the same time, and under the acceleration of Yanling Setsuna, it passed by in an instant.


Caesar once again planned to cancel the spirit of speech, and those who intervened in that way would die together under the sword of Damocles.

But he saw a passing was Xia Mu.

"If it's you..."

Caesar didn't say that word again.

"The in your hands..."


The majestic force shot him into the ground, and the entire snow-capped mountain fluctuated like ocean waves. In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth sank.

Under the 27 swords of Damocles, Caesar lost half of his resistance.

The dragon-slaying weapon made by the Gattuso family finally fell on their Caesar, which has to be said to be extremely ironic.

"Who gave the order! Who allowed Caesar to be targeted!"

Pompeo Gattuso was jumping up and down, furious beyond measure.

"The Gattuso family handed over these scourges to the academy, not for you to target my son!"

"And I have the highest authority, why can't I cancel the launch?!"


The school directors looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they tried their best to keep calm, they were actually very happy.

They did not give the order to launch, because Pompeii, who was secretly controlling the situation, could not be avoided, but the result of this launch was extremely fast.

Kill the black and white king together, and the world will belong to the mixed race!
This is a race victory!
"Eva! Eva! You tell me! Who gave you the order to allow you to do this!" Pompey yelled.

It is not tolerated that he is not hysterical, and pretended to be an idle stallion for so many years, just for the future of the Gattuso family, so that his son can regain the glory of the emperor.

The result is this fate, who can accept it? !

"it's me."

A faint, somewhat familiar voice sounded in the ears of all the senior management.

Pompeii's Sanxi image froze, and when he looked back, he couldn't believe it: "You are alive again, you old man?!"

The old man was wearing a decent black suit with a rose in his coat pocket, and his silver hair was neatly combed.

Hilbert Jean Angers!


The elders got up one after another.

So many things happened during this period, if Angers himself hadn't appeared, many people would have almost forgotten the existence of this dragon-slaying male god.

"Are you already healed? You have been healed a long time ago? Are you hiding behind your back and watching with cold eyes?!"

Pompey came over and pointed at Ange's nose, "Old man! You fuck me!"

Angers looked at the angry Pompeii calmly, and said in a low voice: "No, I didn't expect so many things to happen. When you handed over the sword of Damocles to Eva, I just asked her to find the core. permissions, just in case..."

"Later, I was assassinated, Lu Mingfei defected, the king of sea and water appeared, the world was in chaos, the dragon clan stood on the stage, Caesar became the black king, Uesugi Erika became the white king... one thing, after I woke up dazzled..."

"I choose to observe in secret, only communicate with Eva, no one else knows about my awakening..."

"I firmly believe that I will wait for an opportunity. Although there are not many cards that can be played in my hand, since no one knows the existence of this card, it has the possibility of a comeback..."

Angers walked and talked, and finally sat down slowly in the first place in the conference room.

Mr. Turing and the other school managers breathed a sigh of relief.

In times of war, it is always reassuring to have an iron man like Angers around.

Although usually he did bring a lot of headaches to the school board, but for the sake of such a wonderful episode today, they all selectively forgot their past dissatisfaction.

"So at the last moment, Eva made a move to catch Caesar and King Bai all at once. It was your handwriting..."

Pompeii leaned weakly on the seat, his face more depressed than ever.

He stared blankly at the ceiling, no longer in the mood to act out any stud mentality.

"After what happened with Caesar, your Gattuso family has done a lot of things within the secret party. On the surface, the secret party still has autonomy, but in fact it is all promoted by you."

Angers looked around and knocked on the table, "I suggest temporarily excluding the Gattuso family from the school board. We will wait until the world war subsides. We still have a lot to do."



"no problem."


Within 1 minute, all votes passed except for Gattuso himself.

"Okay, cancel the three-breath image of Pompeii, Eva." Angers waved his hand.

Pompey's eyes were fixed on him, motionless.


With a wave of Eva's little hand, Pompeii disappeared from the meeting room.

"Okay, what we have to do now is to confirm the effect of the sword of Damocles and recover the keel," Anger said, "The forces exposed this time have never surfaced before, especially the countless replicas. And influence in third world countries, even the ability to destroy all nuclear weapons overnight, against a dark lord submerged under water, our enemy is strong."

"Could it be that the war is not over after killing the Black and White King?" Mr. Turing asked cautiously.

Ange shook his head slowly.

The school managers looked at each other in shock.

"Do you remember that I said 'it's you' after I was assassinated?" Angers said suddenly.

Many people's eyes were blank, and Mr. Turing's eyes lit up: "Yes! Who stole the keel and injured you at that time?"

Ange was silent for a while, and sighed lowly: "It's Chu Tianjiao, a man who has time zero just like me."

"Who is Chu Tianjiao?" Many school directors were at a loss.

Anger paused: "It's a long story, it's part of the 'Artificial Dragon King' plan..."

He fell into the memory, "At the beginning, an unknown existence informed us that a mysterious dragon king appeared in Siberia, and hinted that it was the Supreme above the four monarchs..."

Mr. Turing was taken aback: "Is it the time when the 'Line' was dispatched?"

"That's right, there is also the S-level Lulin City."

Angers said, "What happened later was beyond our expectations. Even the golden holy gun could not kill him completely. This is the birth of the Doom faction. They used the Supreme Nibelungen to create a shelter... It's a pity that it seems to have been breached by King Bai some time ago, and the life and death of the mixed race inside is still uncertain..."

The trustees whispered and exchanged information.

"What does this have to do with Chu Tianjiao?" Mr. Turing asked.

"The 'Artificial Dragon King' plan was made by me and Lu Lincheng and the others. The reason is that Lu Mingfei was discovered. He seems to have been entrusted with spiritual power by the Supreme..."

Anger said in a low voice, "Chu Tianjiao was sent to monitor Lu Mingfei at that time. Our later S-level students have actually lived in a world of Truman since childhood, and their father and mother are not what he appears to be. As seen..."

"No wonder you were determined to give Lu Mingfei an S rating at that time. It turned out to be the case." Mr. Turing sighed.

If this incident broke out in normal times, it would definitely be an earth-shattering event, and the school directors would definitely accuse Ange of messing around.

But now that the Gattuso family is about to make a black king, Angers' approach can only be said to be extremely far-sighted...

"I don't know if it's because of Lu Mingfei, or it's just a coincidence that Chu Tianjiao discovered the Nibelungen covering the entire city in Lu Mingfei's hometown Sioux City..."

Ange rested his chin on both hands, his eyes were deep, "Chu Tianjiao told me the last was Odin."

"Odin?! The mythical king of the gods?!"

Many people screamed.

"Odin proposed a deal, asking him to bring the golden holy gun over, and the benefit is to make him a servant of God."

Angers sneered, "Perhaps it is a great reward in the eyes of God."

"and after?"

"Later Chu Tianjiao disappeared, along with his 15-year-old son on the elevated road..."

Angers said, "Until this time around."

(End of this chapter)

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