Chapter 396 What Eri Yi Did

"and after?"

Xia Mu suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked.

Oh my God!

Golden Holy Spear, Supreme, Lu Mingfei?So Lu Mingze is indeed that supreme being, and the place that Erika broke through is the refuge where Lu Mingfei's parents are?


Erika's eyes were full of anxiety, "I remember that his parents seemed to have died in that war."

Xia Mu: "..."

"Later, later..."

He stammered and asked, but his mind went blank.

Oh my god, did Lu Mingfei kill Lu Mingfei's parents in the war launched by Erika? !
What the hell is going on?Who made up the rubbish story!

"I remember someone calling me Satan, saying that I would definitely disrupt the situation in the whole world. During that time, I was muddled and did a lot of bad things..."

Erika said in a low voice, "They asked me to dismantle those nuclear weapons, and those small countries worshiped me as queen..."

"No, I want to ask, what happened to you in the shelter."


Erika thought for a while, "Originally I wanted to take the golden holy gun away, but that Lu Mingfei rushed in suddenly, he didn't fight with me, but just muttered a few words, then pulled out the holy gun, hugged me Leaving the body of the Supreme…”

"There's also the Holy Golden Spear. Suddenly, a guy with a mask on an eight-legged horse came and took it away..."

She tilted her head, "They ignored me, so I also dug out the keel of King Bai and left."

"And after that…"

Xia Mu's forehead was full of paste.

"After that, the Nibelung root collapsed, and everything was gone," Erika said.

Xia Mu remained silent for a long time.

Odin hasn't appeared yet, neither has the Black King, and Lu Mingfei is missing...

Some things have come to fruition, but bigger things have yet to happen.

"Mumu, did I do something wrong..."

Erika was a little uneasy.

Xia Mu came back to his senses, touched her cheek lightly, shook his head and said, "No, it's not you who did the wrong thing, you're just the flag on the chessboard that messed up everything, the one who is really evil is the one behind... or the dragon .”


Erika felt relieved.

"Come on, let's get out of here."

Xia Mu recovered a bit, hugged her tightly, and spread her wings behind her.

He didn't leave immediately, but flew to the place where Caesar had fallen.


When he landed, he saw an unexpected figure busy with something beside Caesar.


His voice reached the figure's ears.

The man trembled all over, but without raising his head, he immediately inserted something into his arm.

With a wave of Xia Muxin's hand, Bondarev immediately flew out, vomiting blood all over the floor.

"Are you planning to transfer Caesar's blood to yourself? Sure enough, you are the same as Herzog."

Xia Mu raised his hand in disgust.

"wait wait wait!"

Bondarev shouted anxiously, "I just don't let him waste it! Isn't it the same for you! You sucked a lot of dragon king's blood?! How is it different from me? How is it different from those dragons!"

Xia Mu's hand was stagnant in mid-air.


Erika suddenly looked back at Bondarev.


Bondarev covered his neck, but immediately bled from his orifices and fell to the ground with a bang.

"It's your turn to do it..."

Xia Mu exhaled, and put her on the ground, "This guy is no different from Herzog, except that his partner is stronger and his coveted power is even greater."

"No, Mumu," Erika leaned against him and said softly, "You are different from him, you just take back what belongs to you."

A string of ellipses appeared on Xia Mu's forehead: "Have you also transformed into a Miyu person now?"


Erika tilted her head.

Xia Mu shook his head, reached out and stroked her long hair, "wait for me."

He crouched beside Caesar.

Caesar has lost all breath and vitality.

Originally, six Damocles swords could bury Herzog's version of the White King, but even more than two dozen lore Caesars couldn't bear it.

Xia Mu was silent for a while, then sighed and put his hand on his chest.

The dragon's blood belonging to the sky and wind poured into the body and quickly fused.

But Caesar still had a top-level power belonging to the black king, but he didn't touch it.

Xia Mu has an intuition that now is not the time to involve the power of the Black King.

"Mumu, his eyes..."

Eliyi hesitated to speak.

Xia Mu absorbed the strength, and saw the blood-stained but empty eye sockets.

"In his hands..." Xia Mu's heart twitched, "For Nuonuo..."

Erika quietly lowered her head: "I told can revive Chen Motong by digging out your own eyes..."

Xia Mu was taken aback, then looked up at her: "Can it really be done?"

Erika lowered her head even lower: "It's the fighting instinct...that lied to him..."

Xia Mu: "..."

"I'll try."

Xia Mu collected all of the wind king's blood, and could clearly feel the two residual forces on Caesar's body burning like flames in the dark night.

One is the Eye of the Black King in his hand, and the other is the remaining Black King keel in his body.

He tried to bring the two forces together.

"In fact, the rebirth of dragons is also like this. Nuonuo's consciousness comes from the eyes of the Black King. If these eyes exist, her spirit will not disappear..."

The black king keel slowly peeled off from Caesar's body, like a flame, a flame that could destroy the world.


Xia Mu spoke softly.

As if ordered, the flame slowly melted and turned into a dark golden... cocoon.

"Well... put it away first, maybe she can come back to life." Xia Mu put away the golden cocoon.

He stood up and looked at Caesar silently, the power in his body was fusing rapidly.

"Maybe you still have a chance to come back to life...provided you can't be taken away by those greedy guys."

Xia Mu felt a group of helicopters approaching.

He stretched out his arms to embrace Eriyi's slender willow waist, and stomped his feet lightly on the ground.


The earth rolled like a dragon, and Caesar's body sank into it, sinking into the ground for storage.

Finally, several helicopters stopped over them.

Xia Mu looked up.

A floating ladder fell, and the vigorous old man fell to the ground pulling the rope.

"Principal?" Xia Mu smiled lightly, "You came so fast..."

(End of this chapter)

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