Chapter 398 Family
"You chat by yourself, why do you keep looking at me secretly?"

Erika sat in front of the window, quietly looking at the rain curtain outside the window, when she suddenly turned her head.

After recuperating for a few days, her complexion gradually stopped being pale, and she regained some of her previous appearance.

Yuan Zhisheng's eyes were a little dazed.

The moment she looked back, her red hair was flying, and she was still the same as before.

It's just that many things are different.

Yuan Zhisheng knew it in his heart.

This Erika is no longer that family weapon who doesn't know anything, and is no longer that obedient girl who has no self.

She knows the truth of this world, she understands her previous situation, she learns to know herself, she understands what liking is, what love is...

She has grown up.

"Eri Yi, why did you lose your memory before?" He asked softly.

Uesugi Koshi and Yuan Zhinu looked over.

Erika gently combed her long hair with a wooden comb, and her sweet voice flowed slowly.

"Because of the conflict between the dragon's heart and the human's heart, I inherited the power of the White King, and I will also be eroded by the dragon's heart. In addition, the strength in my body is unstable and the keel is incomplete, so my mind is in a state of confusion."

Listening to her slow words, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly felt a little strange.

It turned out that in his eyes, Erika had always been the child who hadn't grown up, while the Erika in front of him belonged to Xia Mu.

"Could you call me brother?" he asked inexplicably.

Erika looked at him in surprise: "Brother?"

Yuan Zhisheng's heart brightened: "Yes."

"And me, I'm your brother too." Yuanzhinv gently raised her hand.

Erika looked at him strangely: "Aren't you my sister?"

Yuanzhi girl in female costume: "..."

Yuan Zhisheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What about me, can... can you call me Dad?"

Uesugi became more cautious, acting like a daughter slave.

"Who are you?"

Erika's beautiful eyes blinked and blinked.

Uesugi danced and danced: "I am your father, the genes in your body come from me, and you shed my blood, so you have to call me father!"

Erika still blinked in confusion: "Then I should be called Mumu's father..."

"What, what?" Uesugi was dumbfounded.

Erika said seriously: "The first time I absorbed the bones of the White King, it was Mumu who gave me a lot of blood to keep my consciousness. This time I was about to die, and it was Mumu who used a lot of blood to keep me alive." my life…"

"So, my life was given by Mumu, and Mumu's blood is flowing on my body. I should call Mumu Dad."

She spoke with sincerity, which made Uesugi dizzy.

"This logic...this statement...wrong...wrong..."

Uesugi wanted to cry more and more without tears.

"In Erika's world, Xia Mu is the sky, we can't compare with him." Yuan Zhisheng comforted him.

"She still calls me sister, don't worry about it." Yuan Zhinv chuckled.

Uesugi put his hands around the necks of the two of them, and shouted viciously: "You two still don't call me Dad! Hurry up!"

"Hey! How can you be so aggressive! Daughters have human rights, don't sons have rights?!"

"Let go! Let go!"


The three of them made a fuss, but Erika turned around, and a calm smile disappeared from the corner of her mouth.

She looked at the sky, at the rain curtain, and counted the days when Xia Mu would come back...

At this time, Xia Mu is looking for the existence of the monarch of the dark side all over the world, and he can't wait to dig three feet into the ground.

Finally, he discovered the large-scale birth of replicas in the underground of Siberia, and there are many replicas of the world's rich and powerful.

"It's really interesting, how many of those high-ranking rulers are still real?"

Behind Xia Mu, the sky collapsed.

This is the last clue. All the replicas point to this place. It seems that after being buried, everything becomes the dust of history.

But the real Dark Lord still hasn't appeared.

He passed the copied personnel list to Eva, and those countries under the control of the secret party will naturally be cleaned up by themselves.

"Is this the end?"

Xia Mu looked up at the sky.

It was drizzling.

"It's time to go home..."

He spread his membrane wings and went straight into the sky, with the light rain not touching his body.


After a while, several mummified figures in robes appeared on the spot.

"In another ten days or so, all the dragon kings will recover, and then there is no need to hide."

"Everyone continue to complete the task."

"Someone needs to monitor his movements so that he cannot be discovered."

The few people are like communication machines with no emotions. You say something to each other, but they stagnate here, and no one takes the initiative to accept it.

"I go."

A deep and heavy voice sounded.

The eight-legged Pegasus came slowly, and the light of thunder and lightning kept flickering.


The others bowed respectfully, obviously inferior to him.

Soon, they backed away.

The tall figure rode an eight-legged Pegasus horse, holding a golden holy spear in his hand, and did not move for a long time.

"Xia Mu..."

"The real opponent... is not so easy to deal with..."

"Maybe I'll do something you don't expect..."

"Be sure to understand what I mean..."

"I believe you…"

He turned around, and stomped away.

Natsuki returned to Tokyo.



Under the eaves of the window, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Xia Mu leaned in from the window and hugged Eri Yi by the waist.

Minato propped her head on her hands, Yuanzhi was drinking tea, Uesugi Yue looked at him like a rival in love.

"Is your wedding really unnecessary?" Yuan Zhisheng asked suddenly.

Xia Mu hugged Erika tightly, jumped in from the window, and held her tightly in his arms.

"No, Erika wants a quiet wedding." He said with a smile.

For Eri Yi, the wedding with many people onlookers felt uncomfortable.

She didn't care how many people saw her wedding, and she didn't care how many people blessed her, she just wanted to be with Xia Mu forever.

Even if you are not married.

"That's all ready." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"Thank you, hard work."

Xia Mu thought for a while, then looked at him, "You and you want to be together?"


Yuan Zhisheng opened his eyes half wide.


Yuan Zhinv snorted coldly.

"Uh, no, no..."

Yuan Zhisheng scratched his head.

Xia Mu rolled his eyes, let go of Eri Yi's willow waist, and suddenly asked: "Is it important to be a young girl or a cherry?"


Yuan Zhisheng stared.

The childish girl looked over with great interest.

"If Sakura and Zhinv are facing life crisis at the same time, you can only choose to save one person first, who will you save?" Xia Mu asked again.

Yuan Zhisheng's scalp tingled.

"Idiot, your brother is by your side, and Sakura isn't here..." Uesugi Yue murmured behind him seemingly unintentionally.

The corner of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth twitched: "Believe it or not, Xia Mu started the recording?"


Uesugi looked back at Xia Mu.


Erika took out her phone from her pocket.

It's not recording, but it's already called Sakura's cell phone, and it's in the talking state.

"Young master, who do you choose?"

Sakura's voice came softly.

The childish and resentful eyes flooded Xia Mu...

(End of this chapter)

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