Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 400 Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang?

Chapter 400 Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang?
"Now, you can kiss your bride."

The priest backed away with a smile, leaving the altar to the two of them.

Yuan Zhisheng and others in the audience looked at them with smiles on their faces.

Usually at this time, the groom can lift the veil from the bride's head, and then kiss with everyone's blessing.

But Xia Mu made a move that was beyond everyone's expectations.

He stepped forward, lifted a corner of the veil, and the girl's beauty rushed towards him.

Xia Mu didn't lift the veil, he actually got in together, letting the big veil cover their heads.

He put down his hand, and lightly put it on Erik's slender and soft willow waist, looking at her big wine-red pupils, his heartbeat accelerated slightly.

"The day finally came..."

He murmured in a daze, and gently leaned over, leaning close to the little face exuding a little charming fragrance, and sticking to the soft and beautiful lips.

Erika wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoed lightly, and closed her eyes.

A ray of sunlight streamed in from the skylight and poured on them, coating them with a beautiful brilliance.

Yuan Zhisheng couldn't help being moved and yearning.

It turned out that this is the agreement of a lifetime.

On the hill in front of the church, behind the tree on the top of the hill, a dark figure slowly emerged.

"Brother, you should want to attend his wedding..."

The boy's voice came from under the black robe, "I'm here for you."

His gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the church and see the couples hugging and kissing deeply inside.

"Actually, I know that you envy him very much. There is such a good girl who will be with him for the rest of his life. Regardless of life, old age, sickness or death, he will never leave..."

"Brother... Actually, you can do it too, you can do it too."

"Trust me, it won't be long."

He looked at it for a while, and turned around slowly until the wedding ceremony was over.

But he stopped.

Because on the hillside behind, a masked figure riding an eight-legged Pegasus stared at him quietly.

That person raised the golden holy gun.

"Odin asked you to hold me back?" The boy smiled slightly.

The masked man shook his head slowly.

This surprised the boy: "No?"

The masked man exhaled like thunder: "'Now' is not everything, you are too arrogant."

The boy frowned deeply: "What do you know?"

The deep voice of the masked man came out: "You need a 'future' anchor point, I can't suggest more, if you don't understand, then you will definitely lose, his hole card..."

Suddenly an electric current flashed across his mask, stimulating his whole body, as if a thousand arrows pierced his heart.

But he didn't move.

The boy looked at him deeply, and after a while he suddenly smiled: "Very good, very good, it turns out that my brother is not alone, so this is very good..."

"Since you know a lot of things, you should also know that some things cannot be explained clearly to Xia Mu, otherwise the 'future' will be changed."

He turned and left, quickly spread his membrane wings, but instead of flying away towards the sky, he flew towards Xia Mu's Tokyo mansion.

Xia Mu, who was receiving blessings with Erika, suddenly frowned, apologized to everyone, and spread his membrane wings to fly into the sky.


A figure rushed into his room and left quickly.

Xia Mu speeded up to zero in an instant, and appeared in front of the opponent.

"Concubine Ming?!"

Xia Mu saw clearly the figure waving the black membrane wings.

"Happy wedding."

"Lu Mingfei" smiled and congratulated.

Xia Mu frowned and looked at him: "Are you really still Lu Mingfei? What are you doing in my room?"

"Lu Mingfei" sighed, stretched out his hand and took out a golden dragon cocoon from his bosom to show him: "I heard that Boss Caesar died, and Nuonuo also turned into an egg, I want to take her away..."

Xia Mu stared at him for a long time, making him a little nervous, "I know you're not Lu Mingfei, but I don't want to fight with you now, tell me, what are you doing with Nuonuo's cocoon?"

The boy continued to sigh: "If I say that she belongs to me, would you believe it?"

Xia Mu's eyes suddenly sharpened: "So, you are the Black King?!"

The boy smiled: "You can say yes, or you can say no. Many things cannot be explained clearly in a few words. I just hope you understand that only you can break all the rules."

Xia Mu stretched out a finger and scratched his temple, "You guys are so annoying..."

"The more you know, the more likely you are to lose everything. Knowing less is a kind of happiness."

The boy said deeply, "I'm not as smart as you, and I never thought I could give up my memory."

Xia Mu folded his arms: "It turns out that the reason why I don't know many things is because I have given up my previous memories."

"Uh...I can't tell you anymore, otherwise there will be an accident and the last support will be lost..."

The boy waved his hand, "Goodbye, Xia Mu, don't disappoint everyone's expectations."

Xia Mu watched him fly away, and found that the end of the world was getting closer and closer to him.


He reached out and patted his cheek, leaving the mess behind him.

Today is his wedding with Erika...

He packed up his mood and flew back again.

It's just that when he was about to land, a golden awn pierced him.

Some uneasy weddings...

Xia Mu took one hand.

Yanling · Dust-free land!
With a bang, the transparent area spread out in a spherical shape.

But when the golden gun tip touched the gas mask, Yan Ling suddenly disappeared.


Xia Mu's figure landed on the branch and saw the figure attacking him.

"Brother?" He whispered.

Looking at the outfit and mask, they were almost exactly the same as Chu Zihang's back then.

It's just that the other party didn't say a word, raised the golden holy gun and continued to attack Xia Mu.

"It turns out that Erika said that you were the one who took away the holy golden spear..."

Xia Mu dodged extremely quickly and did not make any counterattack for the time being.

Judging by his body shape, he was exactly like Chu Zihang, and he was a little confused about the current situation.

Have you lost your memory again?

The battle became more and more dangerous, and Yan Ling was all ineffective under the golden holy gun, so Xia Mu simply made an alchemy weapon to fight him.

"Although you keep poking at me with this gun, you have no killing intent..."

Xia Mu said while hitting, "Also, it may be useless to poke me with this gun. You'd better change your weapon."

Originally, it was just talking casually, but in the end, the opposite party actually put away the gun, purely fighting.

Xia Mu didn't like it, he still raised his sword and slashed.

You can't get your wedding dress dirty...

The masked man looked very strange. It was more like a sparring than a fight, and he was very aggressive.

Because every time Xia Mu stabs with a sword, he always raises two fingers to catch it, as if there is no attack that cannot be defended with a pair of scissors.

"What the hell is going on with this guy..."

The two tacitly did not expand the battle scene, otherwise the sky would have collapsed here.

Just spar, spar, spar...

"What the hell are you trying to tell me?"

Xia Mu suddenly reacted.

The masked man didn't say a word, and continued to scissorhands, scissorhands, scissorhands...

(End of this chapter)

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