Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 402 I Like Your Smell

Chapter 402 I Like Your Smell
After the kiss was over, E Liyi lay in Xia Mu's arms and panted slightly, her face flushed.

"Mumu... that matter... what will happen..."

She put her face against Xia Mu's neck, closed her eyes, and exhaled like blue.

"After you relax, you won't feel any discomfort." Xia Mu vowed.

Although he didn't know if it was true, it was right to relax. If there was a lot of friction, the possibility of bleeding would be high.

"Mumu...I want to take off your clothes..."

Erika's eyes blurred.

"Hmm..." Xia Mu was startled, "Your body...does it feel?"

It's not that they haven't tried it before, but because Erika is too innocent and her body doesn't respond, they have never been emotional.

If there is no emotion, there will be no preconditions. Forcibly completing it will only bring an extremely terrible experience to each other.

"I don't know..."

Erika raised her misty eyes, "Something seems to flow out of the body... I feel that after the fusion of King Bai's flesh and blood, the body starts to become different."

Xia Mu was thoughtful: "Dragon is really such a species..."

Xia Mi endured and endured so that he didn't complain at this time.

But she also knew that Xia Mu himself was not as sensitive to such things as dragons, which was determined by his own nature, otherwise Erika would have been wiped out, including herself.

At that time, in the college and at her home, she had already reached the limit of her temptation to Xia Mu, but in the end, that guy was still unmoved, definitely due to his own nature!
"Come on, let's go to the hot spring!"

Xia Mu lightly hugged Erika horizontally, and quickly walked towards the inner hot spring pool.

It seemed that no one was disturbing, but in fact there were more than a dozen maids in such a huge Japanese house building, but they quietly retreated after preparing everything.

The hot spring pool is also prepared after their arrival.

Hokkaido's special feature, soaking in hot springs in the wind and snow is an absolute enjoyment.

This Japanese house originally belonged to a hot spring hotel, and it is a place where you must check in when you come to Hokkaido, but now it has become Xia Mu's private domain.

"so beautiful…"

When Erika saw the entire hot spring pool, she couldn't help admiring.

Ordinary hot spring pools are hidden inside the house, at most open a window to see the scenery, so as to avoid exposure.

But Xia Mu surrounded the place for a few miles, so there was no need to worry about such things, so the hot spring pool was basically half open.

Even soaking in hot springs, a few snowflakes can still fall from the top of the head.

The hot spring in the hot spring pool is flowing, maintaining the temperature and will not drop over time.

"Come on, change clothes."

Xia Mu pointed to the Ruban on the hanger beside him, as well as his big underpants.

Erika kicked off the clogs cheerfully, pulled on the belt with her little hand, and the clothes all over her body slid off like petals and scattered all over the ground, and she was like the most delicate stamen in the center of a flower.

"This is your traditional art skill..."

Xia Mu himself just took off his shirt.

He subconsciously didn't look at the girl's alluring body... He was used to moving his eyes away.

"Can I not wear this?"

Erika pointed to Ruzumi with some displeasure.

Although it was a thin layer of bathrobe like flowing clouds, she still didn't feel as comfortable as soaking in the hot spring directly.

"Hey, let's put it on first."

Xia Mu coughed dryly.

He still wants to prolong this process as long as possible, to ease emotions and progress layer by layer, which is good for both parties.

It's not a good thing to be nervous after all...too fast.


Erika put on her snow-white silk bathrobe, and entered the hot spring pool happily.

When the spring water soaked her skin, she couldn't help letting out a lovely cry, like a child who is happy to see a hunter.

Although she has learned many things, she still retains the most precious innocence in her body.

Xia Mu looked at her from behind.

The appearance of her gently paddling in the pool water, the appearance of her holding up the spring water with her small hands, the appearance of her raising her hand to catch snowflakes, the appearance of her quietly looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance...

Such a picture, he can see the endless time.

"Mumu, why don't you come down?"

At one point the girl turned her head.

With long red hair and white snowflakes, she looks like an elf in the mountains, with picturesque eyes.

"Well...here we come."

Xia Mu walked down the cobblestone steps and sank into the hot spring water, a few meters away from Erika.

The water temperature is slightly cooler than the body temperature, not because of the cold weather, but because the maid deliberately adjusted the temperature, so that it can soak for a long time without feeling dizzy due to overheating.

Although this kind of consideration is totally meaningless to existences like Natsuki and Erika...

"Mumu, look."

Erika took a little snowflake and wanted to hand it to him, but when she stretched it out, there was only a puddle of water in her hand.

Xia Mu smiled, gently grabbed her hand, and kissed her palm softly.

Wet, but soft.

Erika leaned over with crooked eyebrows, and leaned her graceful body against his side.

Xia Mu stretched out his hand to embrace her willow waist under the water, feeling her head against his shoulders, the fresh and pleasant fragrance of the girl's hair was refreshing.

"Yiyi...I like your smell..."

He turned his head sideways, put the tip of his nose against the shoulder and neck under her small ears, and gently sniffed the quiet fragrance that belonged to him under the fragrance of her hair.

Erika happily raised her beautiful neck, "I'll let you smell it."

Xia Mu's hand under the water gently touched her soft and smooth waist, and the thin dress could not cover half of the satin-like touch.


The tip of his nose moved away from the beautiful neck, and his mouth slowly moved up along the skin, coming to her crystal clear ear, "Do you feel happy to meet me..."


Erika replied without hesitation.

The corner of Xia Mu's mouth raised, and he bit her earlobe lightly.

Erika's body trembled, and said angrily, "Itchy~"

Xia Mu smiled softly and let go of her, but his hands contracted to pull her slender body tightly around her body, and put his hands behind her back to gently stroke her long hair.

Erika lay on top of him, leaning her cheek against his exposed chest, and stretched out her hand to trace the shape of his collarbone.

"Mumu, is your collarbone more beautiful or mine?"

"The angle you pay attention to is very strange, let me take a look..."

Xia Mu turned his head sideways, reached out to her neckline, and touched the delicately shaped collarbone little by little.

"Hmm... I can't feel it with my hands..."

He turned over and let Erika sit on the pebbles by the pool, and he squatted by the water, leaning his face in front of her to look.

"Let me take a look..."

Xia Mu's face was almost close to her collar.

Because it is in the hot spring water, the thin yukata is already ups and downs with the waves, and the inside is also ups and downs.

"I want to... take a bite..."

Xia Mu said in a low voice, his mouth was already moved up, and he bit the beautiful and delicate collarbone lightly.


Erika couldn't sit still for a moment, and the two of them fell into the water with a crash...

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(End of this chapter)

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