Dragon Race: Start with Summoning Eri Yi

Chapter 423 The Possibility of Eriyi's Past

Chapter 423 The Possibility of Eriyi's Past

Xia Mi huddled in Eri Yi's arms, stretched out her small hand to caress Eri Yi's smooth and tender face.

Erika couldn't help squinting her eyes: "Yeah!"

Xia Mi withdrew her little hand, looked at her warm eyes, and felt soft in her heart, but said softly: "We should go."

"Well, let's go find Mumu."

Erika nodded without hesitation.

"Yiyi, you know what it means to go to him..."

Xia Mi's immature voice changed back to this title.

Erika wrapped her in swaddling clothes prepared beside the tatami, with a calm expression, "I know."

She walked around, "How do we get out of this black mist?"

Xia Mi's right hand stretched out from the swaddle, and gently tapped in front of her.

I saw countless green leaves flying away, and the black mist was pushed away where they passed, forming a road leading to the front.

Erika walked forward.

Luminous green leaves also spontaneously appeared under her feet, paving and growing a long path, extending into the depths of darkness.

The world around Erika was so dark, it was like trekking alone in boundless solitude.

Fortunately, Xia Mi was in his arms.

The black mist rolled violently, violently impacting on this emerald green light path, and exploded.

Feeling the violently trembling light path, Erika couldn't help but stop.

"Don't be afraid, Ned Hogg can't hurt us."

Xia Mi comforted softly.


Erika hugged her tightly and continued to walk forward.

She doesn't know how long and how far she has to go, but as long as Mumu is ahead, she will not stop.

"Xia Mi, when you were in Kassel College, did you get close to Mumu early because of this day?"

Erika had never had a serious discussion with Xia Mi about this matter, but if she didn't talk about it now, she was worried that there would be no chance in the future.

Xia Mi was silent for a while: "In the beginning, it was just out of curiosity. I was very curious about him, because there was something about him that attracted me..."

"Later, I sucked his blood and found out the truth, so I couldn't stop..."

"And, I really don't want to continue the fate of abandoning my family."

What appeared in Xia Mi's big eyes was the vicissitudes of seeing through the world, "Going against the sky is not such a tragic and passionate thing, but it is helpless..."

"In that case, why don't I choose another path?"

After hearing this, Erika shook her head: "You know, I don't care about these things, I just want to know... When you approach Mumu, do you like him? Or is it to get rid of fate?"

From Natsumi's point of view, Erika's gentle face is very calm.

"The beginning of fate is often not so beautiful. Some are out of lust, some are because it is suitable, and some may just want to have fun..."

"He was a better option for me, so I bet my future on him, that's what I thought at the beginning."

Xia Mi used the child's body to let out a strange sigh, "It's just that I didn't think that I would fall so deep. If it's just to survive and get rid of fate, there are actually other choices, but I chose to be your child. , chose to take over the power behind him..."

She stretched out her hand and gently stroked Erika's smooth neck, "Anyway, the three of us are completely entangled together. When you come back in the future, you will understand what he means."

"If you choose this power, you must share his responsibility accordingly, and we will share it with him."

Erika nodded, reached out and gently tapped Xia Mi's lovely Qiong nose: "When I'm not around, you must treat him well, please."

Xia Mi held her finger and grinned: "Of course!"


After a while, Erika stopped again.

"Yiyi, what's wrong?" Xia Mi asked with concern.

Erika raised her right hand to support her forehead: "Hmm... I feel a little dizzy... It seems that some memory... came out..."

Xia Mi opened his eyes: "What is it?"

"About the past...like another life..."

Erika murmured in a low voice: "I seem to...have never understood anything...no Mumu appeared...until Lu Mingfei..."

She suddenly opened her eyes, and the pupils stood up, "How could I like Lu Mingfei! Fake!"

"Ned Hogg is modifying your past!"

Xia Mi immediately reacted, tapped her finger lightly, and the glowing green leaves touched Erika Yi's eyebrows and blended in.

Erika felt that the inexplicable memory in her mind disappeared suddenly, and her whole body felt comfortable.

"Xia Mi, you are amazing." She couldn't help admiring.

Xia Mi laughed: "No, it's because you are a good man."

Beyond the light path, the black mist rolled like waves.

"Erika Uesugi, that's your real life, Xia Mu shouldn't exist, why don't you dare to face the real you?"

The divine sound was like the sea, shaking the light path.

Erika stopped and raised her head: "No, without Mumu, my life is full of lies."

"With him, there is only me."

With a word of delusion, the black mist subsides.

"Yiyi, that's amazing!"

Xia Mi's eyes turned emerald green, "You actually locked onto the fate line directly, negating all forks, and only keeping the possibility of his existence."

Erika hugged her tightly, and gently touched her heart: "Because... I really feel so."

"This anchor is very strong. Although I used my strength, it hit the right angle and erased all possibility of Ned Hogg's modification."

Xia Mi narrowed his eyes, "Whether he modifies the past, reverts infinitely, or creates a new world, he must erase you, but you are anchored to each other and cannot accept the future without each other, so everything is impossible. change."

"Xia Mi, do you think that I really exist?"

Erika continued to walk forward.

"What are you referring to?" Xia Mi asked.

Eriyi said silently: "I don't have a wooden life, I'm very lonely, very lonely, the only color in my life is the day when I ran away, but I still came back home, and in the end I didn't wait for the Sakura in my heart to save me. Herzog was used as a tool for washing blood and became a mummy..."

Xia Mi was stunned for a moment, pondered for a moment and said: "There is no parallel time and space in this world, and there are no countless possibilities. It has only one direction, which may be modified, but there is always only one real past and future."

"What you see is a possibility. Maybe Ned Hogg deliberately erased Xia Mu's existence, so the world automatically deduces such a possibility and tries to convince you that it is true, but we all know that Xia Mu cannot disappear Yes, so this possibility is doomed not to become a reality.”

Erika breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see!"

A smile appeared on her face again, "I just can't accept that I will not know Mumu in another time and space, and I will fall in love with another person..."

"Now it's perfect."

(End of this chapter)

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