
Xia Mu's eyes were a little dazed.

The girl who came running with a baby in her arms was a picture he had never imagined.

But the heart became extremely soft in an instant.

He opened his arms and hugged the girl and the baby in her arms tightly.

The familiar aroma suddenly filled the nasal cavity, chest and lungs, and the whole heart seemed to have found a home and became stable.


Erika leaned against his arms, just like when they first met, an inexplicable sense of security welled up in her heart.

She subconsciously wanted more, wanted to give everything to him, wanted to rely on him, and wanted nothing, just like she had done in the past few years.

But she knew right away that it couldn't be done.


She raised her head, tiptoed lightly, and bit Xia Mu's lips.

Xia Mi was squeezed between the two of them, but he didn't say a word, silently enduring the squeeze.

This is their time, and she doesn't want to disturb it.


Erika let go of him, and called him softly for the third time, but her tone had changed.

Xia Mu felt a kind of determination that made his heart palpitate.

Most of the time, he doesn't need to speak, just look into her eyes, and he can know what she is thinking.

"Do not say."

He gasped a little, and kissed her again.

Eli clothes tactfully meet each other.

She wanted to tell him everything, but she didn't dare.

She didn't want his numb pain, but that was a necessary process.

This is the last time... Mumu...

"Talk to me."

Xia Mu felt the surging power in Erika Yi's body, his heart twitched, and he stretched out his hand to hold her.

Erika pursed her lips, tugged at the hem of his clothes, and pulled him to sit on the path of light made of green leaves.

She leaned her head lightly on Xia Mu's shoulder, and put all her weight on him.

Xia Mu stretched out his hand to wrap her willow waist, his cheeks pressed tightly against her long hair, and the tip of his nose lingered with fragrance.

His eyes turned red, but no tears fell.

If this is the last moment, he must use the strongest reason to control himself, and cherish the last time with his beloved girl.

He also won't tell Erika that he intends to accompany her wherever she is after everything is over...

"Mumu, do you still remember that time Xia Mi confessed to you?" The corners of Eri Yi's lips curled up quietly.

Xia Mu wanted to see her expression, but he couldn't bear to lean against her so closely, so he followed her: "Remember, she was on the top of the Hall of Valor under the sunset, shouting to the whole campus..."

Erika couldn't help but chuckle, feeling a little emotional: "At that time, she was really brave."

Xia Mi silently rolled her eyes in her infancy... That's not brave, it's completely shameless.

"Mumu, did you like her back then?" Erika asked with a restrained smile.

Xia Mu felt weird.

How can this situation always mention another girl.

"Yiyi, I...don't know..."

"Really? Xia Mi is so cute and straightforward. Sometimes when I think about it, I think she is very good."

Erika hugged Xia Mi with one hand, and Xia Mu's hand with the other, interlocking his fingers and touching their palms, "Mu Mu, you have to be good, um... raise her well..."

Having said that, she couldn't help but burst out laughing again.

The corner of Xia Mu's mouth twitched...it got weirder and weirder.

"Also, don't worry about those status matters, or I'll be unhappy." Erika smiled with her lips pursed.

Xia Mu's forehead is full of ellipses.


His voice was a little low, "All these years...with me, have you ever regretted it?"

Erika looked up at him in surprise: "Why do you ask that?"

Xia Mu raised his head and forced the mist back into his eyes, not letting it fall down: "After working hard for so long, nothing has changed in the end... and Xia Mi..."

Erika leaned her head on his shoulder again, her eyes became moist: "No, I have never regretted it... Without you, I would have died a long time ago; without you, I would be nothing till the end of my life." Little girl who understands; without you, my life is only seven days... at the moment when my life was just destroyed, it fell into mud..."

"Mumu, tell me..." She held Xia Mu's hand tightly, with a smile on her lips, "How could I regret it?"

Xia Mu closed his eyes slightly: "I only think that I...haven't given enough..."

"Enough, already enough."

Erika pursed her lips tightly, and there was a sparkle in her eyes.

They were close together, and the surrounding black mist billowed as far as the eye could see.

There is only a little green here in the whole world, and the green is closely related to the soul.

In the depths of the darkness, the figure of Nidhogg suddenly appeared in the minds of countless souls.

"Do you half-breeds want to keep your power?"

"Do you dragons want to stay on top?"

"Do you ordinary people want to get an advanced level compared with dragons and hybrids?"

The rumbling spiritual resonance shook the minds of every creature.

"Submit to me!"

"Sacrifice your will power to me!"

"Join me against the heavens and punish the gods!"

"You will get everything you want!"

Following these deceptive words, countless illusions appeared in the minds of the creatures.

They see themselves being bullied, they see themselves being treated unfairly, they see how the world treats them maliciously when they have no power...

Afterwards, they saw that they gained power, fought back the bullying, gained fairness, became a privileged class, and could get whatever they wanted with power...

For the general public, this is a crude and extremely effective illusion.

Of course, they had heard many stories before and were skeptical of Nid Hogg's promise...

"You should understand that the world they yearn for has no evil thoughts, but each of you has evil thoughts, and none of you meet the requirements of the voters of the new world!"

Nid Hogg continued to break through his defenses, "Only I am the guardian of the old world, that is, your guardian!"

"Those who support me and believe in me, raise your hands!"

Many people with more evil thoughts in their hearts raised their hands one after another, their eyes turned pitch black, and the mist on their bodies merged into the darkness.

And that number is getting bigger and bigger.

This is an opportunity.

Many people understood that originally Ned Hogg didn't need their willpower, he just wanted to suck all the power away, but now he has changed his mind, which means they can choose to stand in line.

In the future, maybe you can really get a power...

Living in the dark and under constant control, their defenses have long been broken.

If nothing else intervenes, within a few moments the whole world will be on Nidhogg's side.

At that time, the power of the living beings will also be able to erase Xia Mu!

At this time, in the dark world, a little green light suddenly appeared, and then, it rose against the wind!

That is the only color and vitality in the world!

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