Start with Baihuguan

Chapter 470 Greater Wealth

Chapter 470 Greater Wealth

Li Huan looked at Master Qingwei with a bit of disdain in his eyes, and said, "The Taoist priest can always tell you about your origin now!"

There was a bit of anger in the eyes of the real Qingwei who was stuck by the neck. Thinking about his status, he had never been treated like this before, and he never thought that Li Huan was now being held like a little chicken. Carry in hand.

"You can't even think about..."

Almost instinctively, Master Qingwei hissed at Li Huan forcefully.

With a click, Daoist Qingwei only felt a sharp pain in his neck, and then his whole consciousness was swallowed by a darkness, his head tilted, and he lost his breath.

The real person Qingwei couldn't help showing an unbelievable look on his face at the moment when Li Huan twisted his neck.

Daoist Qingwei never thought that Li Huan would kill him so simply. You must know that he just refused instinctively just now, but it doesn't mean that he is really not afraid of death.

It's a pity that Master Qingwei overestimated himself too much, or Li Huan didn't take such a Taoist as Master Qingwei to heart at all.

It's just a Taoist, so what if he has a great background, even if the other party was born in the Tianshi Mansion, dare to participate in such things as the rebellion of the vassal king, even the Tianshi Mansion, which has been passed down for thousands of years, can't bear it From the wrath of the emperor.

Besides, why is it so troublesome to know Taoist Qingwei's identity? Just by seeing Taoist Qingwei following King Ning, one knows that Taoist Qingwei should be King Ning's confidant.

The origin of such a person is definitely not a secret, not to mention other things, just to capture King Ning, it is an easy thing to know the identity of real Qingwei.

Looking away from Qingwei's corpse, Li Huan looked at King Ning and the others who had fled tens of meters away, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

If Daoist Qingwei can stop him for a moment, then King Ning can escape into the camp, and then there will be many troops to protect him. No matter how brave Li Huan is, he will not be able to ignore tens of thousands of troops .

He casually threw Taoist Qingwei's body viciously in the direction of King Ning.

Originally, King Ning fled tens of feet away, and gathered around a few soldiers brought by his confidant generals. Seeing a large number of elite soldiers gathered around him, King Ning couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Thinking of Master Qingwei, King Ning couldn't help but turn his head and look behind him.

King Ning has never doubted Qingwei's strength. In the past few years, if he hadn't been protected by Qingwei, he might have been assassinated.

It can be said that real person Qingwei is the reliance that King Ning can do his best in Nanchang Mansion without fear of attracting some people to secretly assassinate and retaliate.

"I don't know if the real person can kill Li Huan this time!"

Although it is said that King Ning has not given much hope to kill Li Huan at this time, there are still some remnants in his heart.

However, when King Ning looked back, he just saw the scene where real Qingwei was being held by Li Huan's neck and held in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, a figure came through the air, and with several screams, several soldiers who subconsciously stood in front of King Ning were crushed to death by the corpse of Daoist Qingwei on the spot.

At this moment, King Ning was completely panicked, he slapped the horse under him violently and shouted: "Guard, protect the king and return to the camp!"

But in the city of Nanjing

Cui Ling, Zhao Tong and the others opened the city gate with their confidantes, and seeing King Ning's army rushing towards the city gate like a torrent in the distance, both Cui Ling and Zhao Tong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

What they are most worried about is that they cannot open the city gate, so the credit for their dedicating the city will naturally be impossible to talk about.

But now the gate of the city has been opened, and King Ning's army is also rushing towards the gate, or the army of King Ning will be able to pour into the city in a short while, or they will do nothing in the future, just rely on this Thanks to the contribution of Nanjing City, they can gain a foothold in the new dynasty and enjoy endless prosperity and wealth.

However, soon Cui Ling, Zhao Tong and the others opened their eyes wide, as if they saw something unbelievable.

A cavalry under the banner of Li Huan suddenly appeared, and plunged into the rebel army of King Ning so bravely, heading straight for King Ning.

Standing on a high place, one can clearly see the scene where Li Huan is galloping freely and no one can stand him.

It was precisely because of this that Cui Ling and Zhao Tong had expressions of shock and horror on their faces.

" is this possible, how could Li Huan appear here!"

"Didn't it mean that the imperial army will take at least ten days to arrive? Why did Li Huan show up!"

For a moment, Zhao Tong, Cui Ling, Mao Qing and others were like ants on a hot pot, because they didn't know how Li Huan appeared here. So whether King Ning can take Nanjing City this time is a question.

Of course, the most important point is that they saw that Li Huan led people to run towards King Ning, and judging from the situation, it is very likely that King Ning will be captured alive by Li Huan. Those who choose to collude with King Ning and even open the city gate of Nanjing to offer the city will definitely be severely punished by the court.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tong, Cui Ling and the others looked at each other, a look of despair and madness flashed in their eyes.

"We must not allow Li Huan to capture King Ning, otherwise, King Ning's army will collapse without a leader, and we will also be punished by the court for colluding with King Ning."

Cui Ling looked at Zhao Tong and Mao Qing with a cold voice and said slowly.

Since several people dared to choose to collude with King Ning, they were naturally ambitious, at least a little stronger than most Xungui who were sitting and waiting to die.

After hearing Cui Ling's words, Zhao Tongdang immediately said: "Brother Cui, you can just say what you want, but now everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope, and all will be prosperous and all will be damaged."

Cui Ling took a deep breath, and said coldly: "For the present plan, we have to ensure the safety of King Ning and help King Ning take down Nanjing City, so that we can survive. How dare you follow me out of the city?" Go to rescue King Ning?"

Mao Qing laughed loudly and said: "Why don't you dare, he is brave and good at fighting, but we will not fight him foolishly. I have fifty firecrackers in Uncle Yongchang's house, and it is Li Huan who has a copper head With a body of iron arms, a volley of firecrackers is enough to kill him."

Obviously the scene of Li Huan being invincible in the army left a deep impression on them, but although Mao Qing and the others were surprised, they were not afraid.

As Mao Qing said, as long as Li Huan is still a body of flesh and blood, it is impossible to escape dozens of shots from the firecrackers.

Cui Ling looked at Mao Qing with bright eyes and said, "Okay, Mao Qing, immediately fire up your family general, bring the firecrackers, and follow me to rescue King Ning."

As he said that, Cui Ling looked at Zhao Tong again and said, "Zhao Tong, Mao Qing and I are going to rescue King Ning, and you will guard this city gate. You must hold on until King Ning's army enters the city."

The rebels outside the city were rushed by Li Huan, and King Ning was scared away by Li Huan, so that the rebels who were about to enter the city fell into chaos.Looking at the situation, let alone entering the city, it would be strange if it didn't collapse.

Of course, it would not be impossible to stabilize the morale of the army if there were a prestigious general who came forward, but it was a pity that there were no such generals in King Ning's rebel army.

The only one who can temporarily stabilize the army's morale by virtue of his identity is King Ning, who is being hunted down by Li Huan at the moment. The city is a bit difficult.

But in this way, the defenders in the city who sensed the movement here would inevitably come to snatch the gate, and the pressure would naturally shift to Zhao Tong and the others.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Tong said with firmness in his eyes, "Don't worry, as long as I still have a breath, I will guarantee that the city gate will not be lost."

Here, Cui Ling and Mao Qing hurried down the city tower, and with only a hundred people with them, they left the city gate like a gust of wind and ran in the direction where King Ning was fleeing.

On the tall attic, Wei Guogong Xu Chu had changed into armor at some point. Although the whole person looked old, Xu Chu in armor still gave off a mighty look. feel.

In the end, he has been in charge of Nanjing soldiers and horses for many years, and naturally he will develop a power over time.

Chen Ke, Xu Pengju and several figures stood beside Xu Yu, and they clearly saw the firework exploding in the air.

Chen Ke turned to Xu Yu and the others with a look of surprise on his face: "Old Duke, if there is no accident, Lord Hou's signal is outside Nanjing now."

Xu Wu and the others showed a bit of joy on their faces. You must know that they watched Cui Ling and others open the gate of Nanjing City with their own eyes just now. Maybe King Ning may not do anything to them after entering the city, but this is not the case. On behalf of them, they are willing to accept King Ning to enter the capital.

Although it is said that many of them have been turned into waste by wealth and glory, there are also some people who can clearly see that the possibility of King Ning's rebellion being successful is almost negligible.

In this case, if King Ning tied them to his big ship that was destined to be silent, they would not be able to find the grave when they wanted to cry.

If Xu Yu hadn't been sitting in the town himself, I'm afraid they would have mobilized troops to stop them when they saw Cui Ling and others' move to open the city gate.

Even knowing that all of this was Li Huan's calculation and plan, they were all very worried.

Of course, those who were able to be invited here by Jin Yiwei's people holding Wei Guogong Xu Chu's post were all those who had resisted the temptation in their hearts these days and were still somewhat loyal to the court.

Otherwise, it is impossible for these people to be invited here by Jin Yiwei. They also knew everything after meeting Xu Chu and Chen Kefang after they came here.

When these people knew everything, they were naturally terrified.

You must know that many of them were extremely hesitant in the face of Zhao Tong, Cui Ling's persuasion, and almost chose to stand like King Ning and fight for wealth with the entire family.

Fortunately, they strengthened their beliefs and did not easily get on King Ning's warship, showing their loyalty to the court, even if this loyalty was not so firm, at least they did not collude with King Ning.

As for these people's private contacts with Cui Ling, Zhao Tong and the rebels, Li Huan was not too harsh, after all, when the water is clear, there will be no fish.

After hundreds of years of mutual marriage, the nobles of the Ming Dynasty have already formed a big net, almost like you have me in you, and you in me.

Who doesn't have any relatives? It's almost a common thing to come and go with each other. If you really want to grasp this point to punish the crime, I'm afraid that all the Xungui family will not be able to escape.

In this way, I am afraid that the city of Nanjing will really be dedicated to King Ning by all the nobles who are driven to a dead end.

Xu Yu got up slowly, his eyes gleamed with brilliance, and his eyes swept over a famous nobleman and general beside him, and Xu Yu said: "Everyone, the mighty general has arrived outside the city, and I will wait for you next." What we have to do is to defend Nanjing City and put down King Ning's rebellion together with the mighty general."

As he spoke, Xu Yu said in a deep voice: "If you can help the champion Hou put down the rebellion, I believe that neither the champion nor your majesty will treat everyone poorly. The only time to make contributions is now, and the opportunity is in front of you. It depends on whether you can seize it or not." Everyone's."

Anyway, his Duke of Wei's mansion is already the best of ministers, even if he makes more meritorious service, there will be no progress. For the Duke of Wei's mansion, it is at most just icing on the cake, but it is different for others.

This is to quell the rebellion of the vassal princes. When the time comes, the court will reward the meritorious service, and there will be a chance to go further.

Especially when they thought of the rewards received by the honorable children who accompanied Li Huan to quell the rebellion of King Zhu Zhiyu of Anhua.

All of a sudden, all the people present were breathless, and looked at the opened city gate and the figures of Zhao Tong, Cui Ling and others in the distance, as if they had seen the battle exploits.

Uncle Anyuan Tang Yong's eyes lit up and he shouted: "I have long thought that Zhao Tong is not a thing, but now he has disregarded the emperor's favor and colluded with the king. Today, I will take his head and present it to Your Majesty."

Seeing Tang Yong go downstairs almost at a trot, the rest of the people also reacted, even after paying homage to Xu Yu and chasing Tang Yong away.

Someone even shouted at Tang Yong: "You bastard Tang Yong, Zhao Tong's head belongs to me, no one is allowed to snatch it from me."

Watching the crowd leave in a hurry, Xu Yu looked at Chen Ke and said, "With people like Tang Yong going out in person, we can keep Nanjing City safe."

Chen Ke nodded slightly, and let go of his heart a little.

But at this moment Xu Chu squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Ke and said, "I wonder if Mr. Chen would dare to fight for greater wealth with me?"

Chen Ke couldn't help raising his brows when he heard the words, and looked at Xu Yu with a little surprise, and was quite curious in his heart what the so-called greater wealth that Wei Guogong Xu Yu said meant?
【Ask for a monthly ticket】

(End of this chapter)

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