Chen Ang, Zhang Huai and the others outside the camp obviously also noticed the panic-stricken appearance of King Ning and the others on the high platform, and burst out laughing immediately.

Li Huan withdrew his gaze, casually threw the bow and arrow in his hand to Li Hu beside him, and waved his hand, "Go back to the city!"

Compared with before, as soon as Li Huan made a move, he frightened King Ning and others to the point of death, the morale of thousands of soldiers was naturally high. Now following Li Huan, a majestic appearance brought smoke and dust to the sky. Go in the direction of Nanjing city.

At this time in Nanjing City, Zhao Tong, who had stayed behind to try to control the opened city gate, had become a prisoner.

Seeing that Wei Guogong Xu Chu chose to stand on the side of today's emperor, all the nobles in Nanjing naturally made their own choices.

Now that a choice has been made, it is natural to take actual actions of one's own, otherwise, how can we win the trust of the emperor and the court if we are connected by in-laws.

Needless to say, these nobles naturally wanted to take Xining Bo Zhao Tong down cleanly.

Although it is said that Xining Bo Zhao Tong has a group of confidants and controls some of the soldiers who guard the city for his use, but without the help of the rebels outside the city, to be honest, Zhao Tong's men are really not the defenders of the city. opponent.

What's more, the nobles who personally led the elite generals they raised were not a family. The nobles who had already made their choices were more anxious to express their position to the emperor at this time.

It is conceivable that when Uncle Xining Zhao Tong saw the group of nobles who came with the elite generals from various families, his heart sank.

As long as he is not a fool, when he saw those nobles, Xining Bo had already realized that the general situation was over, and it was impossible for them to open the city gate to welcome King Ning's rebels into the city.

Zhao Tong's first reaction was to run out of the city immediately. Anyway, with the appearance of these nobles, Zhao Tong already realized that it was meaningless for him to guard the city gate any longer.

It's just that when Zhao Tong reacted and was about to summon his confidantes to go out of the city to join King Ning, what made Zhao Tong feel desperate was that the city defenders who were originally used for him by the situation turned out to be under the control of several middle and low-level generals. Under the leadership, he decisively stabbed him in the back and closed the city gate.

It's no wonder those generals, originally these generals had no intention of rebelling against the imperial court, after all, if we really want to talk about it, these generals in the army are still quite loyal to Daming, unlike those powerful and powerful places whose interests have been damaged. The gentry and officials even dared to do things like rebels when their own interests were damaged.

When all the nobles arrived, they didn't need to do it themselves, they only needed to show the banner of the court, and it was very easy to shake the bewitched defenders, and some generals stood up on the spot.

The result can be imagined, when the escape route behind him was blocked and the city gate was closed, Zhao Tong looked at the few nobles who surrounded him, with a look of despair on his face.

Zhao Tong knew very well what would happen to him once he fell into the hands of the imperial court.

Originally, it was a noble family that lived with the country. If it weren't for the greed and unwillingness to cause trouble in my heart, at least there would be no problem with being rich for hundreds of years.

However, it was just a mistake in one thought, which led to the catastrophe of his Xining Bohe's family being wiped out.

To be honest, Zhao Tong felt a little regretful at this moment, but there is no medicine for regret in this world, since he has made a choice, he has to pay the price for his choice.

A nobleman who has an in-law relationship with Zhao Tong and married Zhao Tong's sister-in-law slowly came out, looked at Zhao Tong with a complicated expression and said slowly: "Uncle Xining, let's arrest him with nothing, maybe the emperor will miss me and wait for our ancestors." For his meritorious service, let the net be lenient..."

Zhao Tong couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and wept while laughing: "Impossible, what we are involved in is the crime of treason, no matter how much the emperor cares about the past, he will never let me wait."

While speaking, Zhao Tong suddenly pulled out his sword, put it across his neck, and said unwillingly to the sky: "A man eats the nine cauldrons if he is alive, and cooks like the nine cauldrons when he dies!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Tong swiped the sword from the neck, and a stream of blood gushed out immediately, and then his body shook and he fell to the ground suddenly.

And those nobles looked at Zhao Tong who committed suicide in front of their eyes, all of them were indifferent.

Before that, Zhao Tong had hinted to them quietly, trying to pull them to fall to King Ning's side to win a bigger fortune. It is naturally impossible to say that no one among them is tempted.

It's just that these people are obviously not as radical as Zhao Tong, Cui Ling, and Mao Qing, so they didn't take any action. That is, after Wei Guogong Xu Chu expressed his attitude, these people really made up their minds.

Looking at Zhao Tong's end now, to be honest, the stimulation to these nobles is still quite great, and even many people are secretly afraid.

If they hadn't hesitated at the beginning, maybe they would end up like Zhao Tong now.

I don't know who sighed first, and then said: "Uncle Xining, Zhao Tong committed suicide in fear of crime, I will take his body away first, and wait for the champion and Duke Wei to decide."

Everyone nodded. At this time, Duke Wei and Li Huan, who were entrusted with important tasks by the emperor, were the ones who could call the shots. Therefore, on this point, these nobles were still very conscious.

At this moment, one person said: "The other thing is to immediately send people to seal off the residences of Zhao Tong, Cui Ling, and Mao Qing, so that no one is allowed to escape."

Regardless of whether Cui Ling, Zhao Tong, and Mao Qing had arranged for their relatives when they decided to rebel and respond to King Ning, they had to arrange these things well before Li Huan entered the city, otherwise, who knows if Li Huan would find them? What about their troubles and mistakes.

The group of nobles who took back the city gate soon heard the shout of killing from outside, everyone was startled immediately, climbed up the city wall at the first time, looked outside the city and saw Xu Yu in person The scene of leading the cavalry to charge vertically and horizontally.

I have to say that the scene of the cavalry rushing horizontally and horizontally was indeed very exciting, even those nobles who had never been on the battlefield were shocked when they saw the scene where Xu Yu led the cavalry vertically and horizontally.

Not long after, when they saw the sight of Li Huan's troops and Xu Yu's troops converging in front of King Ning's camp and coming back, a group of people immediately walked down the city wall and greeted Xu Chu who had returned at the gate of the city. and Li Huan.

Li Huan, Xu Yu and the others directly chose this city gate opened by Zhao Tong and the others as the gateway to enter the city. At this time, Xu Chu didn't know whether the city gate had been captured, but Xu Chu was not worried.

Based on his understanding of the strength of those nobles in the city, as long as these people are willing to work hard, it is not difficult to take back the city gate that was just occupied to be honest.

Sure enough, when Xu Yu saw a group of nobles standing in front of the city gate from a distance, a smile naturally flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he turned his head to Li Huan and said, "Champion Marquis, it seems that this city gate has been closed. Take it back!"

Li Huan had already learned about the situation in the city from Chen Ke's mouth. Although it was said that Li Huan planned the general direction, Chen Ke and Wei Guogong Xu Yu discussed how to implement it.

So to be honest, Li Huan didn't know much about the situation in Nanjing.

That is to say, on the way back just now, Chen Ke gave Li Huan a detailed explanation of the situation in the city.

There are not many honorable men in Nanjing who stand up to respond to King Ning's conspiracy, and there are only three people, Cui Ling, Mao Qing, and Zhao Tong. Xungui had contact with Cui Ling and the others in private, and even offered to provide money, food and other things to King Ning. Compared with Cui Ling and the other three, Xungui did not directly stand up to support King Ning.

Now Cui Ling and Mao Qing, who took the initiative to stand up for rebellion, were captured alive by him, and they were detained in the army at this moment, leaving only Zhao Tong in the city.

But looking at the nobles who greeted them at the gate of the city, Li Huan knew without guessing that Zhao Tong had either been captured or executed.

Hearing Xu Yu's words, Li Huan smiled and said, "Thanks to the presence of such a mature and prudent minister as Wei Guogong, the city of Nanjing is as stable as Mount Tai. If Your Majesty finds out, he will definitely give you a reward."

Hearing this, Xu Yu arched his hands in the direction of the capital and said with a serious expression on his face: "My Wei Guogong's mansion has received the emperor's favor, how can I sit and watch the chaotic ministers and thieves mess with my Daming, Xu just did what he should do. "

Li Huan immediately praised after hearing the words: "Okay, what the old man said is good. If everyone in the world thinks like the old man, why would King Ning rebel?"

While speaking, the group of people had already arrived at the gate of the city. Under Xu Yu's introduction, Li Huan got to know more than a dozen nobles who were welcoming him in front of him, and matched these nobles with the introduction in Jinyiwei's information.

Naturally, some of them colluded with King Ning in private, but Li Huan's expression was normal, he didn't point out this point, but greeted all the nobles without showing any signs, and then entered the city together.

Xu Yu proved his loyalty to the imperial court and the emperor with his own actions. Coupled with the supervision of Jin Yiwei, Li Huan's control over Nanjing City can be compared to that of Wei Guogong Xu Yu who has lived in Nanjing City for generations, so Li Huan did not hesitate. So he handed over everything to Xu Chu.

At first, I thought that when Li Huan entered Nanjing City, he definitely wanted to take all the rights in Nanjing City into his own hands. After all, as Li Huan, if he really wanted to do that, even Xu Yu would have to be honest. Hand over the rights in your hands to Li Huan.

It was just beyond Xu Wu's expectation that Li Huan had no intention of taking power at all. Instead, he handed everything over to him, which made Xu Wu's evaluation of Li Huan suddenly a little higher.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. Since that day, Xu Chu and Li Huan successively attacked King Ning's rebel army with cavalry, so that the rebel army was in chaos. Not even once launched an offensive.

It feels like King Ning's rebels have taken root outside the city, neither intending to attack the city, nor intending to leave the camp.

Ordinary people may still guess what King Ning and other high-level rebels are thinking, but Li Huan can see why King Ning and other rebels reacted in this way.

The Nanjing Jinyiwei Yamen is located, and Li Huan is listening to Xu Xiangxiang's report on the movements of various forces in Nanjing City. Although Li Huanming has no intention of interfering with any power in Nanjing City, Li Huan knows everything about Nanjing City like the palm of his hand.

There was a sound of footsteps, and a Jin Yiwei walked over quickly, first saluted Li Huan, and then bowed to Xu Fang before saying: "Reporting to my lord, there is news about King Ning's rebel army. .”

Speaking of that, Jin Yiwei took out a secret letter, Xu Fang stepped forward to take the secret letter, and handed it to Li Huan respectfully.

After Li Huan opened it and looked at it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "That's right, I spared his life in vain, King Ning really did not disappoint me!"

Hearing Li Huan's words, it was obvious that the information was related to King Ning, but he didn't know the specific content, which made Li Huan feel so emotional.

Xu Fang lowered his head slightly. As the leader of Nanjing Jinyiwei, he is also one of Li Huan's confidantes. He naturally knows Li Huan's plan. Hearing Li Huan's words now, he can't help but secretly feel a little sad for King Ning .

The majestic king of the Ming Dynasty, his every move is under the control of Li Huan. I really don't know what kind of reaction King Ning will have if he knows.

"My lord, my lord, Wei Guogong has something to do, please come over to the house to talk about it!"

At this moment, Chen Ke's figure appeared.

Li Huan raised his brows, glanced at Chen Ke, tapped lightly on the table with one hand, and said with some understanding in his eyes: "It seems that Wei Guogong has also received the news."

After speaking, Li Huan stood up, looked at Chen Ke and said, "Follow me to Duke Wei's mansion."

Wei Guogong's Mansion
In the study room, Xu Yu was slightly waving his hand to signal the butler who had come to Tong Bing to retreat. Only Xu Yu and Xu Pengju were left in the whole study room, but besides their grandfather and grandson, there was actually one person present.

This man was dressed in fine clothes, his face was white and beardless, and there was a hint of femininity on his body. He was Feng Tai, the eunuch left behind in Nanjing.

For such an important position as the left-behind eunuch in Nanjing, at least the great eunuchs like Qiu Ju and Gao Feng, who are deeply favored by the emperor, are qualified to fill it.

However, Feng Tai was also one of the great eunuchs who followed Zhu Houzhao in the past, but he was not as good as Qiu Ju, Gao Feng and others in comparison. In addition, Feng Tai did not have the ambitions of Gao Feng and Liu Jin, so he was chosen Zhu Houzhao sent him to sit in Nanzhili for him.

At this moment, Feng Tai was sitting there with a relaxed appearance, sipping tea slowly, he seemed to give people a sense of benevolence and kindness, and he didn't have the feeling of being superior and powerful like the left-behind eunuchs in Nanjing.

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