Start with Baihuguan

Chapter 500 The Fleet Goes to Sea

Chapter 500 The Fleet Goes to Sea
Hearing Du Ming's words, Li Huan couldn't help showing a little smile. To be honest, Li Huan never expressed any hope for the integrity of officials like Daming.

However, Du Ming dared to stand up and say that the internal filth of the Shibo Department was somewhat beyond Li Huan's expectations. After taking a look at Du Ming, Li Huan's eyes fell aside because he was frightened by Du Ming's words. All the officials of the Shibo Department were trembling and sweating on their foreheads.

Although Li Huan's gaze didn't reveal anything unusual, everyone present felt uneasy.

Suddenly, Li Huan said, "Don't you want to say something?"

As Li Huan finished speaking, suddenly a person stepped forward and prostrated himself in front of Li Huan with a plop, and said loudly: "My lord, please forgive me, my lord, please forgive me, I'm guilty, I'm guilty!"

Seeing that someone took the initiative to plead guilty to Li Huan, the rest of the people reacted accordingly, and immediately saw a figure kneeling on the ground.

Among the dozens of officials, big and small, less than [-]% of them are still standing at this time. That is to say, in the short period of less than a year since the establishment of the Shibo Department, almost all of the dozens of officials, big and small, of the Shibo Department Offend.

That is to say, Li Huan has long been accustomed to the corruption of these officials in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, so Li Huan nodded at Li Hu who was standing behind him and said: "Bring a chair, I want to listen carefully here." , How on earth did they go up and down and corrupt my Daming tax money."

Li Hu reacted and immediately trotted to get a chair, and saw Li Huan sitting down in front of a group of officials, looking down at them, took a sip of tea from Li Hu's hand and said calmly: "Say it!"

For a moment, the officials kneeling there cried bitterly and confessed to Li Huan how they had corrupted the law.

Most of the day passed, and the officials kneeling there seemed to have finished telling the crimes they committed one by one, but Li Huan did not see any reaction, his heart was beating, and his forehead was covered with fine lines. Beads of sweat, that look looks quite embarrassing.

Just when everyone was uneasy, Li Huan suddenly said coldly: "The laws of the Ming Dynasty are strict, and you, as officials, know how to break the law. You should be more guilty."

Before Li Huan finished speaking, the officials kneeling on the ground collapsed one after another, some kowtowed and begged for mercy, some directly yelled at Li Huan, and some sat there muttering like they were frightened. Talking to myself, it was a mess for a while.

"Come here, let me take it down and interrogate it strictly. Anyone who proves the crime will be severely punished."

Immediately, a group of Jin Yiwei rushed forward like wolves and tigers, and took away twenty or thirty paralyzed officials.

The few remaining people were secretly relieved when they saw this, but they were also very happy.I secretly lamented that it was fortunate that I was not unable to stand the temptation and tried my best like those colleagues who were taken away.Otherwise, I am afraid that they will be indispensable among those who were taken away just now.

Of course, it doesn't mean that they are really as clean as water. Officials in this era are all average, and they all say that the world is as black as crows. Otherwise, the existence of Hai Rui would not be so admirable.

In the final analysis, they are smarter. Li Huan presided over the establishment of the Nine Major Shipping Departments, so it would be strange if Li Huan didn't pay attention.

It was precisely because of their fear of Li Huan that these people suppressed their inner greed, otherwise it would be no wonder they could hold back seeing their colleagues happily holding a lot of money.

Li Huan glanced at the remaining dozen or so people indifferently, and said with a bit of sternness between his words: "I hope you can abide by your duty and don't let me get caught, otherwise what will happen to you all, don't worry about it. Somebody said it."

Everyone nodded tremblingly with cold sweat on their foreheads, they should have watched Li Huan and his party leave, until Li Huan and the others disappeared, they breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other, their eyes full of the feeling of remaining life after a catastrophe .

As a newly established yamen, everything in Meishanwei can be said to be new. From the generals who command the navy to the soldiers of the navy, they are all carefully selected. .

According to Li Huan's plan, the Meishan Wei Navy Yamen is just a transition, its function is to train a group of qualified sailor soldiers and generals, and at the same time wait for the delivery of the ships needed by the navy.

Because Li Huan invested heavily from the beginning, for Daming, as long as he has status, it is really not difficult to be rich, especially in this southeast coastal area, when the naval division's high military salary is posted. In just half a month, after careful selection, more than [-] young men who were proficient in water skills and came from poor families were selected.

After the first ten taels of Anjiayin were distributed to everyone, each of these people felt a sense of belonging to the Navy Yamen. Few people will jump out and make trouble.

More than half a year has passed now. Although three treasure ships have been delivered, dozens of other auxiliary ships have been delivered.

After more than half a year of development, the Meishan Weishui Division Yamen is already quite spectacular.

When Li Huan and his party arrived at the station of Meishan Wei Naval Yamen, at least half of the people in the entire Naval Yamen were reduced. After asking, Li Huan just found out that today happened to be the ten-day sea naval practice.

Because most of the generals have taken people to the sea for practical training, there is only one garrison officer left behind in the naval yamen.

Zhao Kang introduced Mei Shanwei's recent situation to Li Huan with a bit of nervousness, and he seemed extremely respectful, that is, the whole person subconsciously showed a bit of awe.

It's no wonder that Zhao Kang is like this, who let Li Huan go on a killing spree in Quanzhou Shipbuilding Department not long ago and wiped out most of the officials of the Shipbuilding Department in Quanzhou City, and the news can be said to have spread all over the southeast coast.

Facing Li Huan now, even if Zhao Kang asked himself in the navy yamen that there was already enough food and grass in the navy's yamen, Bingxi didn't dare to have any greed at all, and he was still very nervous.

Naturally, Li Huan could see Zhao Kang's nervousness at a glance, and at the same time, he knew why Zhao Kang was like this.

Li Huan patted Zhao Kang's shoulder with a big hand and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, as long as General Zhao is dedicated to his duties, I will certainly not do anything to you."

Hearing this, Zhao Kang trembled slightly and hurriedly said: "The final general will definitely live up to my father-in-law's expectations."

At sea, Li Huan, accompanied by several remaining generals of Zhao Kang, was driving a scout ship towards the sea area where the navy practiced.

At this time, there were only a dozen people including Li Huan on the not too big ship, but the speed of the ship was very fast, it was worthy of being a scout ship specially used for scouting.

Zhao Kang had somewhat recovered at this time, and was no longer as nervous as when he first met Li Huan, so he heard Zhao Kang say to Li Huan, "My lord, Commander Zhang should be at Sanshan, dozens of miles away. Suppress the gang of pirates entrenched near the island."

Li Huan couldn't help but raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said with some appreciation: "That's right, I actually know how to use pirates to train soldiers."

Hearing Li Huan's praise, Zhao Kang couldn't help feeling overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Everything is the commander's intention. The commander said that the navy has been practicing for more than half a year now. Since there are already ships, it is natural to have to Pull it out and see the blood well, only through the tempering of blood and fire again and again can you train an elite teacher. Otherwise, no matter how much you practice, it will be just a show."

"Well said, there is nothing wrong with Zhang Huai's words. A good soldier has to be trained in bloody battles again and again."

Xu Ying couldn't help laughing when she heard the words.

Zhao Kang said with a smile on his face: "What Hou Ye said is very true."

The boat was quite stable along the way, and there was no big storm on the sea. In addition, the boats were all masters of the water, and the speed of the boat was extremely fast.

The sea is not like the land, it is boundless, except for the sea, there are only seabirds that occasionally fly by in the sky, so it can be said that there is no other existence at all.

Almost an hour or so later, suddenly a shadow could be seen vaguely appearing on the originally empty sea in front of him.

At this time, Zhao Kang's eyes lit up and said: "Your Majesty, there is Sanshan Valley in front of you. I don't know when a group of nearly a hundred pirates entrenched on these islands. These pirates plundered merchant ships on the sea. The ships of more than a dozen sea merchants have been robbed, and the Commander is going to sea this time to take the opportunity to destroy this group of pirates."

As he spoke, Zhao Kang presented a telescope with a rather simple shape to Li Huan and said, "My lord can use this object to observe later."

As a sharp weapon for sea reconnaissance, Li Huan ordered the capital equipment supervisor to build a lot. Although it is said that these things are expensive, they cannot meet Li Huan's request. There are still skilled craftsmen in the equipment room. Under Li Huan's request, the craftsmanship is With such great progress, the cost of this telescope has naturally dropped a lot.

At least in this newly built navy, there are still quite a few telescopes.

At this moment, Li Hu on the side took out a binoculars with an obviously exquisite shape and handed it to Li Huan, saying: "Grandpa."

Li Huan took it and said to Zhao Kang, "Zhao Shoubei might as well find out where the navy is for me?"

At this time, the ship was obviously approaching Sanshan Valley, and the originally blurred Sanshan Valley was much clearer, especially when looking through the binoculars, it was obviously clearer.

It's just that the navy's team has not been found yet. You must know that the fleet led by Zhang Huai has three treasure ships and dozens of ships of all sizes. This scale is already a fairly large fleet at sea. There is no trace at all.

At this time, Zhao Kang also used the telescope to search for the traces of the fleet, but what he didn't expect was that he didn't find anything either.

Just when Zhao Kang was secretly wondering, suddenly Zhao Kang saw the smoke rising from the other side of Sanshan Valley in the distance, followed by the sound of rumbling guns.

Zhao Kang waited for his eyes to light up and said: "Grandpa, what a coincidence, the Commander must have figured out the reality of the pirates on the Sanshan Valley, this is an attack!"

As he spoke, Zhao Kang shouted at the helmsman who was in charge of the ship: "Turn around quickly to protect the safety of the father-in-law. Don't get too close."

It is obvious that a battle is going on ahead. Even though Zhao Kang has full confidence in his troops, a group of pirates must be vulnerable to the elite troops of the imperial court. It is absolutely impossible for any bandits to threaten them But who let Li Huan and others be on the boat? It's fine if there is no accident. If there is such an accident, no matter how many heads he has, it will not be enough to chop off.

Li Huan and the others also saw the movement on the island in the distance, and even Xu Ying smiled and said to Li Huan: "My lord shouldn't have let Zhang Huai take charge of the navy. He has no drive at all. What should I do?" They are all stern, and with so many ships and soldiers under him, they can take so long to deal with a mere group of pirates."

When Li Huan heard the words, he smiled lightly and said: "If you were asked to lead the army, how would you deal with it?"

Xu Ying's eyes lit up when she heard the words and said: "If it were me, I would directly press the army. With so many horses, there is nothing to worry about."

Zhao Kang and several navy generals who were listening on the side looked so honest with lowered eyebrows and lowered eyes, as if they hadn't heard the words of the two noblemen, Li Huan and Xu Ying.

Li Huan couldn't help laughing, glanced at Xu Ying and said, "You are too reckless, that's why I chose Zhang Huai to be in charge of the navy."

At the same time, Li Huan said to the soldiers operating the boat: "Hurry up, I still believe in your commander's ability."

The soldiers in charge of steering the boat subconsciously looked at Zhao Kang and the others.

Feeling the gazes of those people, Zhao Kang hurriedly said, "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and catch up."

And right now, on the other side of the Sanshan Valley, a rather large fleet was entrenched on the sea, and at a glance, it was dark and overwhelming. Just looking at this formation, I am afraid that it would be able to scare off the bandits on the sea.

On a treasure ship that was obviously the flagship of the fleet, the commander's flag symbolizing the commander was waving in the wind. At least a dozen orderlies were waving the order flags in their hands in an orderly manner to convey the orders of the commander in chief.

Zhang Huai was wearing a cloak under the protection of several personal soldiers, and looked at the pirates on the island in the distance who were screaming and fleeing in chaos under the artillery fire with a cold expression.

Compared with the past, Zhang Huai's whole person has obviously changed a lot. Not to mention other things, at least the whole person is alone in charge of the army, and the unquestionable aura of a superior person who raises his hands and feet is a little stronger.

After all, although Zhang Huai used to command the army, he was more of a subordinate of Li Huan, but now he is also the leader of the army. In less than a year, the changes are so great that even acquaintances would not believe it.

Dozens of large and small ships, in addition to troop carriers, reconnaissance ships, etc., have as many as a dozen ships loaded with artillery, especially the three treasure ships, which have almost a hundred artillery pieces. Hundreds of cannons bombarded a group of pirates with no more than a hundred people, which was really overkill.

At this moment, a general who was following Zhang Huai looked at the flames on the island and said with a bit of disdain: "It is their blessing to be the object of our military training, otherwise it would be just thousands of bombs. value, selling them is not enough.”

(End of this chapter)

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