At this time, Scarlett changed from her previous gorgeous appearance, and even looked quite embarrassed, she looked at Earl Hevens and said, "My lord, you should make up your mind quickly, the fleet of Ming people is already heading towards the port Here we come, shall we fight or surrender!"

A series of gazes fell on Earl Hevens. These people are usually dominated by Earl Hevens. Now that such a big event happened, everyone naturally regarded Earl Hevens as the backbone. .

However, Earl Hevens was also a little panicked at the moment. He had personally experienced the battle not long ago. He watched the ships under him being bombed and sunk one by one in the sea. Only [-] to [-]% of those who were able to escape back to the port, and even many ships were damaged.

The strength displayed by the Ming people in this naval battle was completely beyond the imagination of Earl Hevens.

According to Earl Sivens, the strength of the Ming people at sea may not be bad, but compared to their strength in Nanyang, they should be far behind.

If not, it is impossible for him to attack the Royal Caravan of Ming Dynasty because of the greed in his heart. In the end, Earl Hevens thought that it was impossible for Ming Dynasty to travel thousands of miles to find trouble with them.

However, what Xivensi didn't expect was that Da Ming not only sent a fleet, but even the size and strength of the fleet exceeded his previous expectations.

You must know that he wrote a letter of appeal to the Governor of India in person just in case, and he begged Colonel Solo as a support army.

With the support army of Colonel Solo, coupled with their strength, looking at the entire Nanyang land, it can be said that they are invincible, but they were defeated in one battle.

Seeing the chaotic and panic-stricken crowd all around, Earl Hevens seemed unable to bear the noise of the crowd and couldn't help shouting: "Shut up!"

Earl Hevens yelled angrily, which subconsciously calmed down everyone, and he heard Earl Hevens say to the crowd: "Colonel Solo is still fighting with the Ming people. Before the victory of the battle is determined, the big guys are discussing surrender. Isn't it a bit too early?"

However, as soon as Earl Hevens finished speaking, he heard a Portuguese businessman among the crowd say: "All of us have escaped, how could the troops under Colonel Solo be the opponents of the Ming people? If Colonel Luo still insists on resisting, it is impossible for the Ming people's fleet to come to the port at this moment."

It has to be said that the merchant's words directly shattered the last hope and illusion in Earl Hevens' heart.

Under the eyes of one after another, Earl Hevens with a gloomy expression gritted his teeth and said, "Even if we lose the battle at sea, we can still fight the Ming people on land, and our men can still gather thousands of elites. I don't believe that Ming people can still be our opponents after logging in."

Compared with those ordinary businessmen who wanted to surrender to save their own lives, those who personally participated in the looting of the Daming royal caravan, such as Earl Hevens, were not sure how the Ming people would deal with them if they chose to surrender.

But no matter how you think about it, the Ming people will definitely not let them have a good time, or they will lose their lives.

So other people can surrender, but Earl Hevens and others are unwilling to risk their own lives.

After Earl Hevens finished speaking, he could hear the one-eyed man shouting with sternness in his eyes: "Didn't we capture a group of Ming people? Now bring those people from the mine and send someone to tell Ming. Chinese people, if they dare to forcefully land, then don’t blame us for killing all the Ming prisoners.”

Earl Sivens, Scarlett and others are the most powerful faction among the Portuguese in Manga, and it can be said that the decisions made by these people can represent almost everyone.

Before some small businessmen raised objections, Earl Hevens waved his hand and said, "That's it, everyone go down immediately and gather troops. If the Ming people dare to forcefully land, we will let them come and go."

At the same time above the sea surface, the Daming navy fleet that gradually gathered in one place slowly stopped on the sea surface several miles outside the port.

At this time, after the Great Ming Fleet experienced a great battle, although it seemed that many ships had traces of the war left on them, they couldn't hide their chilling aura. It can definitely be said that the Chinese navy fleet has completed a transformation.

On the huge treasure ship, Zhang Huai said to Li Huan with excitement in his eyes: "My lord, except for those Portuguese fleets that fled back to the port, most of the rest have been wiped out. According to statistics, we have at least We have sunk nearly a hundred large and small ships, unless these Portuguese have some hidden strength, otherwise, we have almost wiped out all the sea power the opponent has in Managa in this battle."

As he said that, Zhang Huai said with a look of expectation: "The next step is to send someone to land immediately, please show me the general."

Li Huan withdrew his eyes from the distant port, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "It seems that the Portuguese who fled back are still unwilling to surrender. You should send someone to see the choices of the Portuguese on the port."

Hearing this, Zhang Huai immediately took orders, and soon dispatched a fast boat towards the port.

But at this moment Li Huan said to Zhang Huai: "When will Chen Ang's troops arrive?"

This time, Li Huan brought more than ten thousand elite infantry with him when he went south. There were hundreds of large troop carriers and supply ships that these infantry took, which was not much worse than the size of the Daming navy.

I have to say that in order to put these more than [-] elites into the land of Nanyang and completely occupy the entire Nanyang, it really cost money. You must know that just for this operation, the Ming court invested hundreds of dollars in advance. As many as ten thousand taels.

That is to say, the Ming Dynasty's finances are now unprecedentedly ample, and the imperial court has an incomparably sufficient amount of money. Otherwise, this expense alone would be enough to drag down the imperial court's finances.

Zhang Huai immediately said: "Chen Ang's troops are only tens of miles away from us. We have been fighting for a long time. If there is no accident, they should be here soon."

Li Huan nodded slightly and said: "Send someone to contact Chen Ang and ask them to speed up. No matter what, we must board Manlajia before dark."

Hearing what Li Huan said, Zhang Huai immediately said solemnly: "The last general takes orders."

In the port of Malacca, seeing the envoy coming down from the small boat sent by Daming, Earl Sivens and the others did not feel embarrassed, but let him ashore.

However, the Earl of Hevens and others, facing the emissary's persuasion to surrender, clamored that anyone who dared to land in the port without their permission would be hit head-on by them.

It seems that in order to show the Ming side their attitude of resolute resistance, Earl Hevens and others even sent a person as their envoy to meet Li Huan and the others along with the envoy sent by Zhang Huai.

On the treasure ship, Li Huan looked at the envoy representing Earl Sivans and others with great interest.

Facing Zhang Huai and others who were full of evil spirits, Haribin was full of nervousness. He was just a staff officer under Earl Hevens, but this time he was a general sent by Earl Hevens to meet the Ming people. Especially when Earl Hevens asked him to bring Li Huan and others, Haribin was full of tension and worry.

As if he had seen through the tension in Harbin's heart, Li Huan said indifferently: "Speak, what do you want to say when Earl Hevens asked you to come here?"

Harbin resisted the panic in his heart, gritted his teeth and said: "My Lord Earl said that Managa is the sphere of influence of our Portuguese. Declaring war, this is a provocation to the great Kingdom of Portugal, the great Kingdom of Portugal will never let it go, Lord Earl hopes that you can apologize to the great Kingdom of Portugal and compensate us for our losses..."

When saying these words, Haribin’s heart hung up, for fear that he would be beaten to death by the Ming people in front of him. If Earl Hevens hadn’t told him to tell the people of Ming, he would definitely not Dare to say so.

Listening to Harbin's words, Li Huan didn't show any anger on his face, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Zhang Huai on the side is not as good as Li Huan. Hearing what the messenger said, Zhang Huai couldn't help sneering and said: "Okay, okay, I really haven't seen such an arrogant person before, and I really don't see the coffin. Cry, since they are courting their own death, then we will fulfill them."

As he said that, Zhang Huai's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said, "What kind of bullshit is the Kingdom of Portugal? It's just a barbaric country in front of my big country."

Although Harbin said that he couldn't fully understand Zhang Huai's words, he was proficient in Chinese, and he could understand [-] to [-]% of the meaning even by guessing, and his face became paler and paler.

At this moment, Harbin looked at the murderous Zhang Huai and couldn't help but said: "If you dare to land forcibly, my lord Earl will definitely kill all the Ming people who were captured earlier..."


Seeing a knife slashing across, Harbin only felt heart-piercing pain from his ears and nose at the next moment. Harbin subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it, and suddenly his hands were covered with blood and severe pain.

"Ah, my nose, my ears..."

Enraged, Zhang Huai cut off Harbin's ears and nose in the blink of an eye.

"Go away, tell Sivens, let them wash their necks and wait to die! If they dare to kill me, Daming, then after our army lands, ten lives of you and others will pay off!"

With a fierce kick, Harbin, who was almost frightened to death, was kicked onto a small boat not far away. Harbin forced any severe pain in his body to paddle towards the port again and again.

Soon Earl Hevans and others saw Haribin who was covered in blood and had his ears and nose cut off in a panic.

"Damn the barbarians of the East, they are so bloody and barbaric. If they are allowed to land, we will only have a dead end. Everyone will fight with them!"


Some Portuguese looked at Haribin's embarrassed appearance, coupled with the encouragement of Earl Hevens and others, it was rare for a moment to become united with the enemy.

More than half an hour passed, the Portuguese on the port had gathered all the forces that could be mobilized, thousands of people had assembled, and temporarily piled up some fortifications at an extremely fast speed.

It’s just that the attack imagined by the Ming fleet did not come, and the densely packed ships were moored at sea without any movement. This strange reaction made Earl Sivans and others suspicious.

However, it didn't take long for Earl Hevens and the others to see densely packed ships appearing from the distant sea surface. These ships filled the range of sight, and at a glance, there were at least a hundred large ships.

Although some warships could be seen guarding the surrounding area, [-]% of them were large transport ships. When they saw the Great Ming Dragon Flag flying above these ships, Earl Hevens and the others were dumbfounded.

The size of the Daming Fleet that defeated them before had already shocked them, but now, fortunately, another large and incomparably large Deming Fleet appeared.

" is this possible? Could it be that the Ming people are crazy? Why are there so many ships appearing in Manga? Could it be because a caravan was robbed?"

Earl Hevens muttered to himself with an unbelievable expression on his face.

As the fleet gradually converged with the Daming Navy, they saw a figure on a large ship, just a leap, and landed on the treasure ship where Li Huan was located.

Chen Ang, who was in armor, bowed to Li Huan and said: "The last general pays his respects to the general."

Li Huan nodded slightly, looked at Chen Ang and said with a smile: "Chen Ang, I'm going to trouble you to take down the full card later."

As soon as Li Huan's voice fell, Zhang Huai beside him couldn't help but said: "Chen Ang, after landing, you must not let these Portuguese go, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find all the Portuguese, these barbarians The younger generation dared to threaten me, Da Ming, it really ate a bear's heart and leopard's courage."

Seeing Zhang Huai's reaction so fiercely, Chen Ang couldn't help showing a bit of surprise. He rarely saw Zhang Huai so excited. He really didn't know what the Portuguese did to make Zhang Huai react like this.

Chen Ang subconsciously looked at a naval general next to Zhang Huai, and heard the naval general cough lightly and said: "The mighty marquis doesn't know anything, just now those barbarians sent envoys to threaten us to wait If they dare to land and seize the port, they will kill all the members of the Daming Royal Caravan captured earlier..."

An awe-inspiring murderous intent instantly diffused around Chen Ang, and Chen Ang said coldly: "It's so arrogant!"

Now Chen Ang understood why Zhang Huai reacted like that, let alone Zhang Huai, even if it was him, he couldn't help being furious after hearing what the navy general said just now, and his heart suddenly became murderous.

[Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of next month, okay?]

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