No wonder Zhu Fu reacted like this. After all, the box of gold ingots scattered on the ground was quite a lot. Judging from Zhu Fu's experience, there might be eight thousand if not ten thousand.

That's gold. If it's exchanged for silver, it's probably worth nearly 10 taels of silver.

And looking around, on that treasure ship, there were not one or two boxes like this, but dozens or hundreds of them. If they were all filled with gold ingots, it would be amazing.

All eyes fell on Li Huan, even the Son of Heaven couldn't help but look at Li Huan.

Under the attention of everyone, Li Huan nodded slowly and said: "Yes, this time we defeated the Portuguese in the land of Nanyang, and we seized a total of 200 million taels of gold from the Portuguese. !"

Hearing Li Huan's words, everyone's eyes widened, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

After a while, the emperor couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, okay, Aiqing really gave me a big surprise!"

Based on Zhu Houzhao's understanding of Li Huan, since Li Huan said in front of so many people that he has so much gold and silver, there must be so much, and there may even be more. Those who want to fill the national treasury may have more property in private to enter the inner treasury of his emperor.

Soon the gold ingots on the ground were gathered up by several Jinyi guards, and the boxes were lifted down one by one more carefully.

And at this moment, Zhu Houzhao also ordered the soldiers of the [-] Battalion to come forward to help guard and transfer these boxes full of huge wealth that were lifted from the ship.

From Li Huan's mouth, Zhu Houzhao already knew that the several big ships in front of him were loaded with the most precious rare treasures that Li Huan and the others brought back from Nanyang.

Treasures such as gold, silver, gemstones, and ivory were all loaded in the first few treasure ships. After all, these treasure ships were the most secure. treasure ship.

In contrast, although the other large ships loaded with various Nanyang specialties said that the goods loaded on each ship were also invaluable, they were much worse than the treasures on these treasure ships.

On the treasure ship that Li Huan was driving, Zhu Houzhao and others boarded the ship and entered the extremely spacious cabin under the guidance of Li Huan.

It's just that the cabin is full of boxes, big and small, and figures are busy carrying these boxes to the deck and then to the shore.

The front one was at least hundreds of boxes filled with gold ingots. After a while, the densely packed boxes were also unloaded in sevens and eighties.

Walking forward for a few feet, what came into view was a pile of neatly stacked wooden boxes that were one size larger, and these wooden boxes were also sealed tightly with seals.

At a glance, there are also a lot of wooden boxes like this, completely filling up the entire cabin.

"these are……"

Zhang Lun who was following beside him couldn't help but asked Li Huan curiously.

Li Huan smiled slightly and said: "These boxes contain the silver brought back from Nanyang, probably more than 2000 million taels!"

Although it has been said that the impact of those gold ingots has been experienced before, but now Li Huan opened his mouth to say that there were tens of millions of taels of silver, and everyone still couldn't react.

"Why are there so many? Could it be said that the land of Nanyang is really a mountain of gold and silver?"

After all, it took about two years for Li Huan to go to Nanyang. As a result, he brought back so much gold and silver in such a short time. All the people present had the idea that Nanyang is incomparably rich.

Li Huan saw everyone's reaction in his eyes, chuckled and shook his head and said: "It is impossible to say that Nanyang is richer than my land in the Central Plains, but Nanyang has a vast land, sparsely populated, fertile land, and rich in various minerals. Abundant, if my Ming Dynasty develops it, sooner or later it will become my Ming Dynasty's Jiangnan on the Sea."

Speaking of which, Li Huan looked at the densely packed boxes filled with gold and silver in the cabin and said: "Most of these properties were robbed from the Portuguese, and the Portuguese robbed them from the Indians. Part of it is also the wealth accumulated by many indigenous kingdoms in Nanyang for hundreds of years. Being able to bring back so much wealth at once like this time is actually almost bringing back the wealth accumulated in Nanyang for many years. Even if there is still, it can only be a steady stream, at least it is impossible to bring back such a huge amount of wealth all at once like this time."

Hearing what Li Huan said, everyone nodded their heads. According to what Li Huan said, it made sense. Otherwise, they would really have to consider whether to go to Nanyang in person. Li Huan generally stayed for a few years, and then brought back so much property.

Li Huan took the emperor on several other treasure ships and saw the large amount of pearls, agates, precious stones, ivory, tortoise shell and other rare treasures brought back, and the nobles and officials who watched together were stunned. stunned.

Duke Ding Xu Guangzha couldn't help but said: "If I had known that the land of Nanyang was so rich, I would have asked His Majesty to send an army to the land of Nanyang a few years ago, and take all the wealth of the barbarian land into my Ming Dynasty. .”

Zhu Houzhao couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Hasn't Nanyang already entered my territory of Ming Dynasty?"

After visiting on the boat, everyone saw all kinds of rare treasures, and they were already a little numb. When they got off the boat and returned to the Royal Courtyard, the sky was already a little dark.

The emperor personally ordered a banquet to welcome Li Huan and his party.

In the huge royal courtyard, Li Huan and many other officials who went to Nanyang obviously became the center of the banquet, and many people even asked some officials who had returned from Nanyang to ask this and that, and then listened to the other party's reply, from time to time a sound of astonishment.

At this time, Li Huan was in the first place under the emperor, and the distance between the monarch and his ministers was only a few feet.

After drinking and eating, Zhu Houzhao looked at Li Huan with a bit of drunkenness and said, "Li Qing, I don't know how the development of Nanyang Province is now. What else does the court need to do?"

Now that it is determined that Nanyang Province is not a barren land as they imagined, and it is Jiangnan on the sea, then the imperial court must hold it in its hands.

In the past, the understanding of Nanyang Province was mostly described by Li Huan's letters. Because of the distance, even Li Huan's letters only took a few months, so whether it is the court or the emperor The understanding of Nanyang is quite limited.

Although it is possible to learn something about Nanyang from the mouths of some maritime merchants, merchants are merchants after all, and the information obtained from merchants may not be used as a reference, but what Li Huan said is different.

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao's concern is obviously how the court can control Nanyang in its hands.

Hearing this, Li Huan put down the wine glass in his hand, pondered for a while and said, "Returning to Your Majesty, the imperial court in Nanyang still has a lot to do, neither the population nor the rule can be achieved in a short period of time. If you really want to talk about it , but there are thousands of clues, and Rong Chen will write a detailed memorial later and submit it to His Majesty."

Zhu Houzhao nodded when he heard the words and said: "What the Qing family said is true, but I was a little anxious, but I forgot that Ai Qing came all the way back, full of dust and dust, and I was exhausted thinking about it."

Speaking of which, Zhu Houzhao said to Li Huan: "In this case, I don't want to keep Aiqing. I have prepared a small courtyard for Aiqing's family in another courtyard. Aiqing will go to rest and return to Beijing tomorrow. As for the rest, I will wait until Aiqing." Let me talk after you have a rest."

After the banquet dissipated, Li Huan, accompanied by several personal soldiers, was led by Qiu Ju to a small courtyard.

Li Huan casually took out a small cloth bag, which was filled with gemstones of various colors and handed it to Qiu Ju: "Some overseas specialties, Brother Qiu, let's play with them!"

Qiu Ju just glanced at it, then couldn't help being stunned for a moment, subconsciously shook his head and said: "Brother Li, what is this going to do, why is there such a thing between you and me..."

Li Huan forced those gems into Qiu Ju's hands and said, "I'm not afraid of old brother Qiu's jokes, these little things are the most in Li's hands now."

The two made some concessions before Qiu Ju accepted it.

In the small courtyard, when Li Huan walked into the courtyard, he saw a few figures standing in the courtyard, looking at him eagerly, whoever it was if it wasn't Li Fengshi, Zhu Lin, and Zhang Jin.

"My son!"

When Li Fengshi saw Li Huan, he couldn't help but let out a low cry, and took a few steps forward to look Li Huan up and down, as if to confirm whether Li Huan was real.

Li Huan took a deep breath and said to Li Fengshi: "Mother, it is the child who has returned."

After appeasing Li Fengshi, she managed to stabilize Li Fengshi's mood. A gust of fragrant wind came, and Zhang Jin and Zhu Lin stepped forward, their eyes fell on Li Huan like water, and they saluted Li Huan: " I have seen my husband!"

Li Huan stepped forward, took the two daughters by the hand and sighed: "The past two years have been hard work for the two ladies, and I thank the two ladies for my husband..."

Li Fengshi on the side watched this scene, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, and said: "It's good to come back, since I'm back, I should take a good rest and spend more time with Jin'er, Lin'er and the others. If they are accompanying Wei Niang, Wei Niang really doesn't know how to live this day."

After sending Li Fengshi to rest, Li Huan returned to the residence accompanied by the second daughter, enjoyed the service of the second daughter for a rare time, and took a beautiful bath.

After a sleepless night, the rain hit the plantains, and it was three poles high in the sun. Li Huan just got out of his warm fat body. Looking at the two girls sleeping in Haitangchun on the bed, Li Huan couldn't help feeling that he had already entered the innate state, and his energy was high. It is abundant, and the energy of life is endless, otherwise, even a man of iron might not be able to withstand the blowing and beating of the violent storm last night.

No one came to disturb Li Huan in the morning, but Li Huan spent the morning with Zhang Jin, Zhu Lin and Li Fengshi.

After lunch, the first person to come to the door appeared, and whoever it was, was it not the eunuch Qiu Ju who was at the side of the emperor.

Seeing Li Huan's red face and full of energy, Qiu Ju said with a smile on his face: "Brother Li, Your Majesty asked me to ask if you, the Duke of the country, have rested and if you can go back to Beijing with you." !"

The purpose of the emperor's coming to Tianjin Wei was to welcome Li Huan's return. There was no major event now, and as the emperor, he could not leave the important place of the capital for a long time, so the emperor was also considering returning to Beijing.

When Li Huan heard this, he immediately turned to Qiu Ju and said, "Brother Qiu is just joking, I have nothing to rest for, so I can go back to Beijing with Your Majesty."

Soon the carriage of the Duke of Qin's mansion merged into the flow of people driven by the emperor, but Li Huan did not stay in the carriage of the Duke of Qin's mansion.

The space in the Luanjia is not small, at least several square meters in size. After placing the cushions, coffee table and other things, it is easy to accommodate three or five people.

At this time, there were only a few people in Luanjia, besides Li Huan, there were Zhang Lun, Duke of England, Zhu Fu, Duke of Cheng, Xu Guangzuo, Duke of Ding, and Qiu Ju.

The speed of Luanjia is not slow, but it is quite stable. Sitting in it, you can hardly feel any bumps.

It's normal to think about it, but you must know that the people who carried this luan were carefully selected 36 masters who had practiced kung fu from outsiders. Not bad, comparable to second-rate players in the arena.

Such a good hand is carrying the Emperor Luan, although the speed is worse than the fast horse, but the stability is not bad at all.

In the not-so-large space, Zhu Houzhao, Zhang Lun and others listened to Li Huan talking about the customs and local specialties of Nanyang Province, and when they mentioned interesting places, they couldn't help asking.

Just like the British Duke Zhang Lun said curiously: "According to what Qin Guogong said, Nanyang Province can be said to have many islands. Are these islands suitable for survival?"

Li Huan shook his head and explained: "There are tens of thousands of islands in the South Seas. I don't know how many there are in detail. There are about [-] to [-]. Among them, the large ones, such as Borneo, have an area comparable to ours. The land of several provinces in Ming Dynasty, such as Java, Brunei, Sumatra, Luzon and other islands, is as big as the size of a province. In addition, it is large and small for people to live in, which is comparable to the size of a county in my Ming Dynasty. Not a few."

Hearing what Li Huan said, including Zhu Houzhao, couldn't help showing surprise. Their concept of Nanyang Province is very simple. Now hearing what Li Huan said, it suddenly became much clearer, especially as the emperor Zhu Houzhao couldn't help being surprised and said: "There are so many islands for the people to live on. Doesn't that mean that the people of Ming Dynasty are not afraid that there will be no fertile land for them to cultivate!"

Li Huan smiled lightly and said: "If your Majesty is willing, even if we move all the poor and landless people of our Ming Dynasty to Nanyang, it may not be able to fill [-] out of [-] of Nanyang."

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