Start with Baihuguan

Chapter 526 Fan Wang: Please Your Majesty!

Chapter 526 Fan Wang: Please Your Majesty!
Naturally, the gazes of the officials around him couldn't be concealed from Li Huan's feelings, not only the gazes of those officials, but also the gazes of all the vassal princes and relatives. Li Huan could also feel the gazes.

But Li Huan didn't care much about the eyes of these people at all, not to mention the officials, just talking about these vassal kings, it can be said that from the beginning to the end, the reactions of the vassal kings were within his expectations. In the court meeting, the whereabouts of these vassal kings will be determined. As for how these vassal kings look at him, Li Huan really doesn't care.

Accompanied by a sharp sound, the emperor Luan came, and the chief eunuch, Qiu Ju, shouted sharply, and then all the Chinese, military and military officials in the square bowed down to the emperor, shouting long live.

Zhu Houzhao glanced at all the officials present, especially the clansmen of feudal kings who had appeared in the honorable ranks, paused for a moment, and nodded slightly to Qiu Ju who was beside him.

Receiving the emperor's signal, Qiu Ju stepped forward and looked at the officials and said, "Let's play if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

As Qiu Ju's voice fell, an official came forward and said respectfully to the emperor: "I would like to report to your majesty, I request your majesty to check the farms and shops under the vassal princes of the world through the request of Duke Qin..."

An official came forward and came directly at the vassal kings. One can imagine the reaction of these vassal kings.

Seeing King Qin standing up directly, he glared at the official viciously and snorted coldly: "Bold traitor, you dare to divorce the royal family, what is your intention?"

Since the official dared to stand up, he was naturally not afraid of the vassal lord. Hearing the words, he said to King Qin without fear: "His Royal Highness, this official is just discussing the matter as it is, and has never meant to alienate the royal family. It is His Royal Highness who reacted so violently. Could it be that the officials of the royal family have a lot of illegal things in the local area, and they are afraid in their hearts?"

King Qin said angrily: "Arrogance, this king is the Prince of Daming, but he is of the blood of Taizu, so how can he be afraid!"

While speaking, the King of Qin bowed to the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, the ministers have always been honest and honest in the fiefdom, and never did anything illegal. I never thought that there would be treacherous officials in the court." Your Majesty is going forward with slanderous words, intending to alienate the family relationship of the Tian Family, I ask Your Majesty to execute such rebellious people."

Zhu Houzhao, who saw this scene in his eyes, coughed lightly and said, "I know that the clans of the vassal kings all over the world are dedicated to the country, and I will not believe that the vassal kings will do things that harm the local area."

Hearing what the Son of Heaven said, all the vassal kings and relatives couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and looked at Li Huan who was standing there with a little complacency.

But at this moment, Li Huan smiled lightly and took a step forward to King Qin and the others and said with a smile: "My lords, you all say that you are not afraid of the shadows if you stand upright. , what do you princes have to worry about?"

As he said that, Li Huan said with a bit of sarcasm: "It's fine for the vassals of the world to enjoy the support of the court, but all the vassals occupy the good land of the people in the local area, and do many illegal things..."

Hearing what Li Huan said, all the vassal kings and relatives stared at Li Huan with eyes that wished to tear Li Huan into pieces. If they didn't take into account that the emperor was right in front of them, they might have rushed Come up and wrestle with Li Huan.

"Traitor, traitor, you are slandering, you just want to take back the fields and shops that we and other vassals belong to, don't think that we don't know the sinister intentions of you, a traitor..."

Seeing the vassal kings quarreling with Li Huan at the court meeting, a servant beside him coughed lightly and stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I have an idea about the fiefdoms of the vassal kings." Do you know when to mention it or not?"

Such a servant suddenly spoke at this time, which directly attracted the attention of many people, and also attracted the attention of many vassal kings.

You must know that this servant directly mentioned the issue of their feudal lords' fiefs, so all the vassal kings couldn't help but pay attention to it, and stared at this servant with dissatisfaction. If this servant dared to ask the emperor If they say something like taking back the fief, they will definitely rush to beat him to death on the spot immediately.

Being stared at by all the vassal kings, even the servant was a little uneasy, but at this moment the emperor nodded slightly and said: "If you have something to say, just say it bluntly, even if there is something inappropriate , I also forgive you for your innocence."

The servant should salute the emperor and say: "I think that most of the feudal lands of the vassals in the world are the rich and prosperous lands of my Ming Dynasty. Even though some clan vassals obey the law, there are no people in the palace who pretend to be powerful and use the name of the palace He has done many illegal things, so I ask His Majesty to investigate this matter strictly."

All the vassal kings were slightly taken aback, but the next moment, the waiter said again: "As for the fiefdoms of the vassal kings, I think that if I become a prince again in Ming Dynasty, I can seal it to the land of Nanyang, Xu Qiyi The land of the island is just like King Wu of Zhou in the past when he granted the vassal states of the world, allowing him to be king in his country and have the right to command the military and manage the government..."

Originally, some vassal kings subconsciously felt a bit disdainful when they heard the minister mentioned that the vassal king was going to be named the land of Nanyang. Allowing him to establish a country, run his own government, and even give him the power to control the army, each of these vassal kings opened their eyes wide, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Bold, you are so brave, you dare to confuse your lord, not to mention that Nanyang is a rich land, and it must not be divided into feudal lords, and you dare to let your majesty follow the example of King Wu of Zhou in the past. What are you? Careful."

Before the servant could finish speaking, several white-haired supervisors jumped out and yelled at the servant, looking at the posture, it seemed that if the servant did not die immediately, he would not be able to atone for his sins.

But the vassal kings felt a little turmoil in their hearts. When they looked at the servant, they were full of affection and gratitude.

This servant really dared to say it, and he was still standing on the standpoint of these vassal kings, and he was doing everything for the benefit of these vassal kings.

If the emperor's head gets hot and he agrees, wouldn't it mean that the vassal king he enshrines in the future can become a vassal king, and even if he dominates the country, he will not be able to rule the court.

Thinking of this, the vassal kings couldn't help but their hearts beat faster. They were no longer destined to be the emperor, but if one day they could become a feudal lord with great power in their hands, that would not be too bad.

"Your Majesty, this is a policy that will harm the country and the people. Your Majesty must never agree to it!"

Several old ministers shouted hoarsely, as if they were afraid that the emperor would agree.

Zhu Houzhao, who was sitting there, showed a bit of emotion on his face, but then nodded and said: "What the love ministers said is very true. I will definitely not agree to the policy of entrusting the princes and kings to the outside world." .”


A vassal king couldn't help his eyes lit up when he heard the words, and looked at the emperor sitting there with disbelief in his eyes. Hearing what the emperor said, he didn't categorically deny it directly, but said that he would not agree casually. Not too much against this policy.

At this time, Li Huan suddenly said: "Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible to seal the vassal king in the Nanyang land. The Nanyang land is almost all fertile land, and any island is the size of a county. But To support my millions of people in the Ming Dynasty, if they are actually enshrined in the vassal king, it is no less than an independent vassal state..."

Seeing Li Huan stand up and speak out against it, the excitement that had just been born in the hearts of all the feudal lords was directly extinguished by Li Huan, and they all glared at Li Huan.

All eyes looked at the Son of Heaven. Now the hopes of all the feudal lords can only be pinned on the Son of Heaven. They can only hope that the Son of Heaven will consider this proposal.At least let them see a little hope is not.

Seeing Zhu Houzhao's face showing a bit of contemplation, he looked at Li Huan, then at the vassal princes, and finally his eyes fell on the cabinet members and said: "Several cabinet elders, I don't know what you think?"

In the cabinet, Wang Yangming, who was the chief assistant, had a dignified expression on his face. He took a step forward, first saluted the emperor, and then bowed his hands to all the vassal kings before saying: "Your Majesty, I think what Zuo Shilang said is true." It is not unreasonable, if we can entrust my Daming vassal king to Nanyang Province, it will also reduce the burden on the imperial court, after all, the imperial court supports too many vassal kings, which will eventually put a lot of pressure on the imperial court's finances."

It seems that they did not expect that Wang Yangming would agree to this proposal. Many vassal kings' eyes lit up immediately, and some vassal kings also reacted. At first they had some doubts about how such a smart person as Wang Yangming would agree to such a proposal. Said that all the vassals also reacted.

From Wang Yangming's standpoint, he naturally didn't want the court to support the vassal kings. After all, each vassal king had to divide up a large amount of fertile land and at the same time give the vassal kings a lot of money and food every year. a heavy burden.

As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Wang Yangming naturally had to consider different issues than Li Huan, so it is not surprising that Wang Yangming agreed.

All the feudal lords who thought they had figured out why Wang Yangming would speak for them looked at Wang Yangming with affection in their eyes. If they hadn't had some scruples, they might have applauded Wang Yangming excitedly.

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly when he heard the words and said: "What Li Qing said is not bad, but what Wang Aiqing said is not unreasonable. If the vassal kings can be sealed in the land of Nanyang, it will indeed reduce the burden on the court, but the land of Nanyang will eventually It's too remote. If I really entrusted the vassal king's clan to an overseas place, even if I gave it a real seal and allowed him to stand up as a vassal state to become the king, I am afraid that people in the world will think that I have treated the clan poorly. I think After thinking about it, although this strategy is beneficial to the country, it hurts the loyalty and patriotism of the vassal king..."

The faces of many vassal kings were full of excitement. Hearing the meaning of the emperor, the emperor was moved, but he was afraid of losing the reputation of the clan who treated him poorly.

"Your Majesty, please move the land of Nanyang, and I hope that our Ming Dynasty will expand the territory and guard one side, and please Your Majesty to make it happen."

While speaking, King Qin, who reacted the fastest, fell to the ground with a thud, and at the same time shouted: "If your majesty does not agree, I will not be able to kneel."

A lot of reactions came to their senses. Seeing King Qin's reaction, they all bowed down to the emperor in a similar manner, begging the emperor to transfer their fiefdom to the province of Nanyang, they would rather do it in the fertile land of Nanyang. A vassal king with great power is also unwilling to be an empty prince who has no authority and no self-owned in the Central Plains.

"Your Majesty can't!"

Li Huan stood up again, looked at the emperor anxiously, and advised the emperor with a heartbroken look.

But here Wang Yangming and the elders said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, I think that if the princes are willing to transfer the fief to the Nanyang province, it is not impossible to allow him to establish himself as a vassal state."

"Wang Yangming, do you know what you are talking about? This is a policy that will harm the country and the people..."

Li Huan shouted angrily at Wang Yangming and the others with a look of despair.

Seeing Li Huan's distraught look, all the vassal kings felt relieved. At the same time, several vassal kings looked at each other and saw King Zhou shouting: "Your Majesty, I am willing to hand over the fief. His Majesty allowed me to go to Nanyang to guard one side for my Ming Dynasty."

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the Son of Heaven seemed to have gone through a lot of intense thinking and struggle, and said with difficulty: "If I entrust all the clansmen to overseas places, how can I be worthy of the Emperor Taizu, and how can I face the people of the world? Everyone, let’s forget about this discussion..."

Seeing that the emperor said so, it would be fine if they hadn't seen hope from the beginning. The key is that the emperor's attitude gave them hope, and even seeing the emperor's reaction, if he didn't have any scruples, he would really promise them He has become a prince and king, but now he actually said that it was fine, and others agreed, but they still didn't agree.

Immediately, I saw all the vassal kings Qi Qi said: "Your Majesty, I will go to Nanyang voluntarily, expand the territory for our Ming Dynasty, guard one side, and please Your Majesty."

Seeming to be a little impatient, the emperor stood up directly, waved his hands and said, "Retreat, retreat, this matter will be discussed later!"

Seeing the Emperor Luan driving away, the vassal kings knelt on the ground and couldn't help but feel a little anxious, especially at this moment Li Huan looked at the vassal kings with a smile on his face and said: "My lords, your majesty will not agree. , you should give up on this idea, you just wait for Li to send someone to investigate the farms and shops that your palace belongs to, hahaha..."

Looking at Li Huan's leaving back, it seemed that Li Huan's triumphant laughter was still echoing in his ears, and all the princes and clans directly yelled at Li Huan's back.

After a while, the leading princes came to their senses, especially Zhou Wang, Qin Wang, and Jin Wang reacted very quickly, and grabbed Wang Yangming and the cabinet veterans: "Several cabinet elders, have you seen that?" , then Li Huan is really too rampant, he has no eyes on the king, and even the elders of the pavilion are not in his eyes."

Wang Yangming sighed softly and said: "Duke Qin is a young man after all, besides, Duke Qin has indeed made great contributions to my Ming Dynasty, even if he is a little arrogant, neither His Majesty nor the court will care too much about it. The lords should not argue with Qin Guogong."

Hearing what Wang Yangming said, the princes secretly laughed in their hearts. As expected, as the rumors said, as Li Huan became more and more powerful, even Wang Yangming, who was his ally in the past, broke up with him.

But let's break up, otherwise, if Wang Yangming is also on Li Huan's side, then there is really no one who can persuade the emperor for them, right?

Taking a deep breath, the king of Zhou bowed to Wang Yangming and the others and said, "Please tell me how can I get His Majesty to seal me in Nanyang as king?"

Wang Yangming looked at the eager looks of the vassal kings, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, calmed down his emotions, took a deep breath, looked at the vassal kings' relatives and said in a deep voice: "My lords really want to go to Nanyang to be a vassal king. ?"

【Ask for a monthly ticket】

(End of this chapter)

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