The sea of ​​suffering in the heavens is billions

Chapter 481 479 [Immortal Emperor's Cognition]

"It would be nice to die a few more times."

Brother Di Gu's mouth twitched, even the Immortal Emperor couldn't bear such a torment.

However, the following eight words, like the light of wisdom blooming, enlightened Brother Digu.

"Always remember, there will be reverberations!"


His eyes were full of light, as if he had explored an unprecedented field, acquired a completely different power, and the ancient aura flowed from all over his body, fitting with the eternal time and space, flowing in the hearts of all beings.

The emperor has great wisdom, and instantly found out the way with a single sentence.

Birth and death in a series of thought powers and vow powers, a ray of spiritual light danced repeatedly, dead but not stiff.

Lujuan level creatures are extremely strong, even if they die, as long as there is one person in this world who can remember him, this kind of creature can still be resurrected and reappear in the world.

This is the power of faith!
Everyone in the world says that a master made of accumulated beliefs is the bottom in the same realm, but there are only trash people, there is no trash road!
The Dao of Faith is not bad at all, but there are no suitable people to use it.

Believe it or not.

Not only do you have to believe in others, but you also have to believe in yourself. Believe that you can live on, that your thoughts will never die, and will last forever!

This is the Immortal Emperor, this is the emperor-level creature, the mighty power.

Even in the ultimate darkness, in the decisive battle against the plateau, the Immortal Emperor is still a tyrannical force, no matter in the strange races or in the world, he is a real high-level combat power.

The fairy king is just cannon fodder, the Dao ancestor is just a soldier, and only the emperor is eternal.

The creatures under the emperor are dead when they die, but the death of the immortal emperor is not called death, but eternal silence.

What is it called, sabi!
The one who is silent is also silent!
Rise in ruins, revive in extinction.

In the trilogy universe, extinction is only a small problem, not a real fall, and there is still the possibility of recovery.

The emperors are dead and can be revived. Why can't they be revived? It's because of the plateau, the first ancestor, and the strange immortal emperor.

This is fate, even if he is lucky enough to be resurrected, he will still be killed again.

But once the plateau, the first ancestor, and the immortal emperor are destroyed, the immortal emperor who was killed by them in the past will have a chance to catch his breath and move around in the long river of time, stretching and recovering little by little.

The Immortal Emperor's eternal death, in other words, is to lock the Immortal Emperor in an eternal dark room.

Man is the sum of all relationships.

The little black room has been closed for a long time, and no one in the world remembers the Immortal Emperor, so the Immortal Emperor is no different from death.

However, in all the worlds, as long as there is one person who remembers the Immortal Emperor, as long as there is a little clue, the Immortal Emperor has a chance to return.

This chance depends on the achievements of the Immortal Emperor, his contribution to the world, and his impression in Wan Ling's heart.

The more indelible, the more chance of recovery.

This indelible power and experience can be understood as the influence of the world, the great merits of the heaven and the earth, and the great virtues of all beings. It is a great achievement.

If this kind of indelible experience has gone beyond the ordinary and has penetrated into the core of the great universe, even if the world is ups and downs, the universe is turned upside down, all spirits pass away, no one remembers it, even if the plateau collapses and the ancestors are completely wiped out, it will still exist.

Then, the emperor with indelible experience has the potential to sprint above the sacrificial path.

Brother Digu's contribution to the heavens and worlds has not reached the truly indelible level, but he is involved in many causes and effects.

How many great world races have been affected by the ancient temple of receiving and guiding, how many creatures still remember the existence of such a heavenly emperor, even if he fell into darkness, he still worshiped silently.

Stone stele bone inscriptions are a communication system and a sharp weapon for shaping civilization. How many outstanding talents have risen because of this, and the impact is far-reaching.

Even Emperor Huangtian, when he was learning the original truth when he was young, didn't he have a little respect, a little gratitude, and a little admiration for the founder? !
Later generations must have a trace of gratitude to the former sages.

Those who cultivate the original true understanding are all descendants of Brother Digu, including Emperor Huangtian.

This is cause and effect, and this is where the ray of life lies.

In the field of immortal emperors, it is not only about fighting and killing, but more about the way of the world, involving himself with the emperors, and the deeper the involvement, the more he will be destroyed.

If it can involve the third master of the copper coffin, the red-haired patriarch, then he has the qualifications to become the emperor of heaven.

"But...why didn't I notice this power before."

"Could it be that I have just entered the realm of the immortal emperor, and I have never realized the true meaning of the emperor."

"But, why do you have this kind of power now?"

Brother Digu regained a glimmer of life, and suddenly he was in high spirits, and felt that he could do it again, and began to explore the eternal time and space, and pursue the truth.

However, after all, I found nothing and couldn't understand it.

"Because of cognition." Zhang Ruoxu witnessed Brother Digu's transformation from one side, felt something in his heart, and said in a low voice: "If you believe it, you will have it, if you don't believe it, you will not."

"Recognition?" Brother Digu thoughtfully, looking at the mysterious emperor above time and space, he couldn't help asking: "Where did you come from, senior."

"I am the first emperor who created the world."

Zhang Ruoxu stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the long river of time, and pretended to be in front of Brother Digu: "I will participate in the battle on the plateau, God will command the decisive battle, the kings will open the sky, I will give orders, the Taoist ancestors created humans...cough cough, in short, I am the immortal ancestor of this world! "

"The immortal way of Jiehai was taught by me, you can be regarded as my disciple and grandson."

"Immortal Ancestor? The Ancestor of the Immortal Dao!" Brother Digu was suspicious for a while, and asked tentatively: "Immortal Ancestor, why have you not been seen in the ages, why have you not been seen in the dark and turmoil?"

"Because it's not yet time for a decisive battle."

Zhang Ruoxu sighed: "If I make a move, it will inevitably attract more powerful forces to intervene."

I can only suffer from brother Kudigu, let the dark race relax its vigilance, and bear the burden of infamy and strange plateau.

"A higher level, a decisive battle?"

Brother Digu was startled suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Isn't the battle here considered a decisive battle?"

"It's just a battle in the war." Zhang Ruoxu said meaningfully: "In different spaces, at different times, in different worlds, there are battlefields."

"Before the final battle comes, we need to hibernate and accumulate enough power."

"If a pretty guy who likes to drink animal milk comes to you, it will be the beginning of the curtain."

"Love to drink animal milk?" Brother Digu was stunned for a moment, the one who could find him must be a strong person at the level of Immortal Emperor.

Who, at this level, still likes to drink animal milk.

It can be called not forgetting the original intention.

Suddenly, the long river of time was rippling, and there was no wind and waves, and a big tide came suddenly, as if to remind everyone that it would not be good for you to inquire less about social affairs.

"Ha ha."

Zhang Ruoxu has already practiced perfectly, he slipped sideways, and the big waves hit Brother Di Gu's body.

The impoverished Immortal Emperor became a drowned rat.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Zhang Ruoxu shook his head and said: "Brother Digu, be careful, remember four, collapse and sell."

The figure suddenly disappeared into the depths of the long river of time, as if very skilled.

"Who is Brother Digu?"

The Immortal Emperor in Jiehai was stunned, who is Brother Digu, me?

Seeing the long river of time and the surging waves, he, who had always been stubborn, had a little understanding in his heart, and he also ran away.


Time is passing, and the years are scouring, smoothing all the traces of the past time and space, even the dark ancestors cannot trace it.

After a burst of waves, Zhang Ruoxu reappeared in the sky, and a slender, beautiful woman appeared in front of her eyes. Her black dress was fluttering, and she was hunting, with a peerless elegance and ups and downs, as if she was staying in the realm of the immortal emperor.

"Friend Luo!"

Zhang Ruoxu smiled slightly and said, "Your injury has recovered a lot."

There was a trace of clarity in Luo Tianxian's eyes, and the memory of the past and the present merged. She bowed and thanked her solemnly: "Thank you for your help, fellow daoists. God's former creatures have returned a lot, and they are not considered extinct. They have increased from the original two layers to It's three and a half floors now."

"They are all comrades-in-arms, no thanks."

Zhang Ruoxu nodded his head and looked at the sky. Although it was quiet and empty, there was already a trace of vitality emerging to compete with the strange matter.

The land is vast, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, scattered practitioners fly by in the sky, the tallest mountain not far away is even more glorious, Qionglou is full of jade, disciples are in groups, the mountain gate is majestic, fairy birds and auspicious There are many beasts, guarding this pure land.

This kind of Lingshan stretches, the divine lake is brilliant, and the auspicious fairy mansion filled with fairy mist is the atmosphere of God.

Although the number of people is not too many, everything is recovering, which is much better than the previous scene of lifelessness and silence.

"The kindness of fellow Daoist, my God will remember forever!"

"If we fight on the plateau in the future, my God will definitely go all out with an edict."

On the edge of the sky, an illusory figure emerged, tall and slender like a pine and cypress, dressed in a black emperor's clothes to make him taller and taller, with a pair of black eyes deep and far away, exuding an aura of calm and majesty.

At this moment, the emperor cupped his fists and bowed deeply, bowing deeply!

"Fellow Taoist Menghai." Luo Tianxian said pleasantly, "You're almost recovering."

"Thanks to Fellow Daoist Human Emperor." Immortal Emperor Menghai sighed with emotion: "I have a chance of life more than before."

Zhang Ruoxu also said happily: "It's a good thing to have one more immortal emperor, and it will be more powerful in the decisive battle in the future."

"Fellow Daoists came just in time. I have one thing that I want to ask two fellow Daoists for."

Immortal Emperor Menghai said with a smile: "I know everything, and I can say everything, please ask me."

"In the past, Emperor Huangtian ascended to heaven, when did he learn to reflect the heavens?" Zhang Ruoxu asked solemnly
Emperor Huangtian first certified as Immortal Emperor and suppressed the corpse of Immortal Emperor. His combat power is invincible, and he has completely established himself in the realm of Immortal Emperor.

But his brothers and heirs, relatives and friends, all died in battle.

If he wants to save people, he can only bury his body in the burial ground, and dig out the cycle of reincarnation to trace the truth of the ages.

At that time, Immortal Emperor Shi Hao did not know the skill of reflecting the heavens, which means he only learned it after he came to God.

"The Desolate Emperor!"

Mentioning this taboo, even the two great immortal emperors began to be cautious.

Luo Tianxian straightened his expression, and recalled: "He is an ancient genius. When he first entered the sky, he beheaded the strange emperor. We taught him the method of reflecting the heavens, and he understood it in an instant."

"That's right." Immortal Emperor Menghai nodded, and said with emotion: "I was able to recover thanks to the power of Huangtian Emperor Yingying."

"He is indeed a genius, as if he was born to reflect the heavens, and he is more familiar than the masters of the gods."

"Sure enough." Zhang Ruoxu nodded, feeling a sigh in his heart, sure enough, if you believe it, you have it, if you don't believe it, you don't.

From shrouding the sky to perfection and then to the holy ruins, the world, universe, realm, and practice are all quietly changing in the dark.

Practitioners themselves did not notice this change, even Zhang Ruoxu did not feel any change in himself.

It wasn't until Emperor Zhenwu uttered Daoist's message that he suddenly woke up and saw the truth.

However, there is only one person who can influence the universe in this way, the red-haired patriarch in the dark.

Although he sits down, but above the sacrificial path is eternity, one thought arises and one thought dies, there is no difference between death and non-death.

Although the red-haired patriarch will not take the initiative to appear, his hidden will, love, and bias will all lead to changes in the universe.

Even if he is not voluntary, just a thought emerges, the Great Thousand Universe will follow his thought, his will, and the future evolution of his thinking.

This is above the Dao of Sacrifice, this is the realm of detachment!
Only detachment can fight detachment, and only Dao Zun can fight against the thinking inertia of the red-haired patriarch.

This is a collision between persons and persons!

For a moment, Zhang Ruoxu was in awe and yearned for it.

The detached people are omnipotent. To them, the Great Thousand Universe is a book that can be changed at any time, not to mention fine-tuning, even on the Immortal Emperor and Dao of Sacrifice, adding a few more realms is also a practice.

Originally, it was the Immortal Emperor +1 in order to transcend.

Changing it casually, the Immortal Emperor +2, can be detached.

Or, only the Immortal Emperor +3 can be detached.

If it is a little more evil, set the immortal emperor +99 to transcend, that is really an endless ascension, every time a critical point is reached, one more realm will be added, which is an eternal cage.

The two immortal emperors of the sky, living in the mountains, did not know the true face of Lushan Mountain, so they asked puzzledly, "What do fellow Taoists understand?"

"Boundaries don't make sense."

Zhang Ruoxu laughed, remembering a sentence from Human Dao Supreme Universe, and said: "The essence of the realm is that the understanding of the Tao has a pass, and this is the division of the realm. Once the understanding and comprehension of the Tao, the barriers of the realm will disappear. exist."

"But for detachment, the realm has no meaning, and the Tao has no meaning."

Practice to a level close to detachment, and pursue the realm hard, but it is impossible to detach.

If you don't stick to the realm, you can hope to succeed.

Therefore, Dao and fruit are unknowable and undiscussed. It is wrong to say it and it is wrong to think about it.

Therefore, the fourth stage of the Taoist realm is Yuanshi, which is always one step ahead of time, but the Taoist will never be able to reach it.

The two immortal emperors were ignorant, they seemed to understand something, but they didn't seem to grasp the key point.

"The realm has no meaning, and the Tao has no meaning."

Luo Tianxian asked puzzledly: "Then what is the meaning?"


Zhang Ruoxu said decisively: "It is not to prove the Tao with the state, not to prove the Tao with the Tao, but to prove the Tao with me."

"Dao begets one, one life two, two begets three, three begets everything."

"I am false, Tao is ten thousand."

"I return to the truth, the Tao returns to one!"

"If you have proved the true one, you will call it the true ancestor."

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