The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 102 0096----Trace Exploration

Chapter 102 0096 – Trace Exploration

Then Su Shuzhen found a ruler from the toolbox and began to measure the length of the palm prints and the knuckle prints on the bark.

Several people looked at Su Shuzhen's actions curiously, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.After measuring the data of all palm prints,
Su Shuzhen got an answer with confidence.

"Prosecutor Park, all the fingerprints on this tree were left by one person. Through comprehensive analysis, it should be the suspect. The suspect is male and should be around 1.7 meters tall. If we can find this suspect, I can analyze whether he is a suspect by the length of the knuckle print."

"Really?" Qiu Xiuzhen's big eyes flickered, she didn't believe it at all.

Dian Wei was quiet.

"Prosecutor Park, please explain to them." Su Shuzhen felt relieved, wiped away the sweat from his forehead, then hid in a place far away from the crime scene, and began to smoke heavily.

Pu Shangyuan rubbed his nose, looked at Dian Wei who was silent at the moment and said, "Dian Wei, at least you haven't forgotten what I taught you this time, have you?"

"Tell Clerk Qiu."

Dian Wei shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to nod in resignation and explain.

"Judging these is actually very simple. First of all, the size of the handprints is used to judge the gender. Men's palms are wider and their fingers are thicker than women's. There is also a value for reference. I measure the full length of these palmprints to judge The suspect is male."

"Secondly, knowing the length of the palm, there is a formula that can calculate the approximate height of the suspect. Although the error exists, it is within the controllable range."

"Finally, the length of the knuckles I want to talk about. According to normal understanding, we should know the small features of the suspect's fingerprints before we can identify the person, but this is not absolute. You stretch your palms."

According to Dian Wei's instructions, Qiu Xiuzhen took off the glove, revealing her white and slender right palm. "Did you see the horizontal knuckle lines on your fingers?"

"Well, yes, what's the matter?" Qiu Xiuzhen said in a daze.

"Except for the thumb, each of our fingers is divided into three sections by knuckle lines. The length between these three sections is almost different for everyone, and it is a specific value."

"Oh, I see. Brother Li, what you mean is that although the lines of the fingers can't be seen clearly now, we can first measure the length of the suspect's knuckle prints. As long as we find the suspect, you can measure him again." Is the value of the value similar to the value we have, so that we can determine whether he is a suspect." Qiu Xiuzhen suddenly realized.

Looking at Dian Wei enviously, feeling like a little girl, he can understand so many things.

Dian Wei was so proud that he almost lifted his head to the moon.

Pu Shangyuan poured a basin of cold water quite appropriately.

"Let me correct you, this can only confirm that this person is suspected of committing a crime, because the length of the knuckle print is not fixed like a fingerprint line, it still has a lot of variables in it, such as dislocated finger joints Circumstances, or finger tendon rupture, will affect the value, so this can only be used as side evidence to assist in solving the case, and cannot be used as direct evidence for conviction."

"Boss! You are amazing!" Dian Wei raised his head proudly, but he could only lower his head when he heard this.

Dian Wei is willing to bet and admit defeat.

"Okay, the tree trunk is finished, I'll go up and have a look." Park Shangyuan patted his chest, although Yuner bought a lot of clothes for his new home after that day in the amusement park, but he didn't think these clothes were suitable for him.

Prosecutors do not have specific uniforms when they go to work, they only need to be well dressed.

Among the five members of Park Shangyuan's team, Dian Wei is fat and big-eared. He is more than two meters tall, and one person is worth 20 people.

Su Shuzhen has just finished his work, so it is not easy to find him for this kind of thing; Su Shuzhen is a girl, and she is wearing a pair of leggings today;
No matter what, Pu Shangyuan is also their boss. Since none of these people is suitable, he can only climb trees by himself.

So Park Sang-woo volunteered.

Dian Wei wanted to stop him, but he was obviously powerless. After all, if this guy wanted him to climb a tree, it would be easier for him to drill through the earth.

Fortunately, the tree is not tall, and the diameter of the trunk is only about [-] centimeters, so it is easy to climb.

Since climbing is not difficult, Pu Shangyuan followed the tree trunk to look for the scratches left by the spikes.

In the end, Pu Shangyuan stopped at the place where the scratch marks were most dense.When Pu Shangyuan looked up at the scene of the crime, the scene in front of him made him immediately understand the magical function of this tree.

From the place where Pu Shangyuan squatted, he could see all the scene of the crime scene.

Although curtains were installed in the bedroom and bathroom of the deceased, there was still a large gap, and because the villa where the deceased lived was built on the hillside, the floor was relatively low, and according to his current parallel distance calculation, it happened to be on the same floor. layer position.

The height difference is four or five meters.

At night, if the lights are turned on in the room, the deceased can clearly see them sleeping and going to the toilet. It can be said that all privacy is exposed to the outside.

Pu Shangyuan lowered his head and glanced at the root of the tree directly below, which is where the cigarette handles are most concentrated.

"It is possible that only the suspect has been here, so the cigarette butts under the tree may have been left by the suspect. Obviously, so many cigarette butts were definitely not made in one day, and the reverse smoking is also very strong."

"So obviously he is definitely a long-term smoker, and he must be between 30 and 50 years old, or has he smoked since childhood?"

Sitting on the tree trunk, Pu Shangyuan started to turn on the searchlight, wanting to find more useful clues, and as expected, he found something.

With a few strands of tobacco stuck in a gap in the trunk, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

Very small paper, but it can't be regarded as paper, but it should be cigarette paper for cigarettes.

But... why is it so familiar.

Pu Shangyuan put the small piece of cigarette paper in the palm of his hand, and pressed it carefully with his thumb, trying to remove the ashes that remained on the surface.


It may be that I am dazzled, but after I read it carefully, it seems that it is really not my dazzled, it is really a Chinese character.

The standard block letters are completely different from the crooked fonts used by the people of country K. This is the standard block letters, so that means that this pack of cigarettes may be...


"Dianwei, do you see if there are cigarette papers with Huaxia characters on the ground?" Park Shangyuan lowered his head and shouted.

Hearing my call, Dian Wei got up and patted the dust off his buttocks, and walked unsteadily towards Pu Shangyuan's tree.

After careful inspection, he gave Pu Shangyuan an accurate answer: "No, but there seem to be some spots, I don't know if it will help."

"Brown spots, that's right, they are Zhonghua." Park Shangyuan squatted on a tree branch, pinching his chin and pondering.

(End of this chapter)

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