The Rise of the Peninsula

Chapter 107 The World Reunited [The Immature Years]

Chapter 107 The World Reunited [The Immature Years]

(I checked a lot of information, and I also know that some things are not in line with reality, but if the novel is all about reality, it will never end.)
[Play the title song in the whole article to eat more]

What does it feel like to like someone?
Being in the small dye vat of a brokerage company, Lin Yuner knew very well what she came here for, the emotional experience brought about by puberty.

Her feelings are stronger for ordinary people, and it's not that she can't understand love and love, but she can't understand it.

As for the love between men and women, she learns more through reading and books.

But in my own eyes, maybe the vigorous love is not suitable for me, only new feelings can be bred in the plainness like my parents.

With the long-term companionship and mutual affection, she thought that the two would become a pair of gods and couples that everyone admired, but they were strangers to each other.

That might be love,

Yoon'er's mother left, when she was only this age, when she just walked into the age that bloomed like a flower, she should be carefree and hadn't considered many troubles in life, when she most needed to confide in others , The age of sharing happiness, resolutely left.

She was left alone in that incomplete family, bewilderedly watching the silence and depression lingering around her, as well as some kind of betrayal-like anger, quietly licking her wounds.

The most painful thing in the world is not that the person you love has passed away, but that she is still alive, but you can only watch her leave without being able to bring it back.

Those who have passed away at least have good memories to cherish, but every time they think about those who have left resolutely, they only feel heartbroken.

It was from this time that the love that was originally firm in my heart became ridiculous.

In junior high school, there were already some precocious girls and boys going to and from school together, and many boys passed her desk after class.

Lin Yuner is very envious of those boys and girls who are together, because they look very happy.

I also know what those boys who approached her intentionally or unintentionally are thinking, because their eyes have already said everything.

But junior high school is still too early, whether it is reality or not, she feels that a boy's admiration for the opposite sex is not love.

Their eyes on her were so single that she didn't understand, was it greedy eyes or... love?
School is like this.

The same goes for companies.

So she chose to ignore it and blocked all the love and love in those books.

Until her mother's next move completely shattered her fantasy about love.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

I just remember that the sky was gloomy, standing in a classroom of the second grade of the middle school in the beautiful school park, leaning against the back row, Lin Yuner poked an invitation card in front of her with a pencil sharpener, muttering: What are you talking about, surrounded by classmates who are running back and forth and playing around, laughing and noisy.

It was recess time, and with her usual personality, she should have run out as soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, but she sat quietly in her seat today, which was a bit unusual.

Only the boys were happier. In the entire classroom, the most lively place was near where she was sitting. Many boys came here deliberately, trying to attract her attention with various behaviors.

Adolescent boys enter the age when hormones control the brain, and the instinct of the beast begins to overwhelm rationality. Just like many puberty animals, they will show themselves as a means of courtship.

However, different from animals, human beings have a visual bias towards beauty. Lin Yuner, who is sweet and beautiful, has quietly become the object of attention of the boys in the class.

In the past, they didn't see her in most of the classes, but if they stayed by chance, they naturally had to work hard.

Of course, during her two years as a classmate, everyone knows that her personality is far worse than her appearance—in a big city like Seoul, it’s really rare for her to squat by the drain and dig a mud pit to dig out earthworms and millipedes, and then bring them back to the classroom The girl who scared all the girls in the class—but maybe it was such a maverick, after getting used to it a little bit, I felt that it was a charm that was hard to ignore.

It's a pity that their efforts basically had no effect, and more effect, it just pushed Lin Yuner to the opposite side of the girls in the class.

Different from her popularity among boys, Yun'er basically has no same-sex friends in the class, there are only a few, who are either elementary school classmates, or those who have been with each other for a long time.

The formation of this situation mostly comes from jealousy.

Not to mention such an overly gloomy topic, the behavior of the boys was naturally noticed by Yuner one by one, and she couldn't see it on the surface, but she was actually sneering in her heart:
... Childish to death!
If this ruthless evaluation is said, the glass hearts of young people will probably be broken in the classroom, but her friends are very envious of it.

It's Mom's wedding invitation, but instead of Dad, it's another stranger.

The original fantasies about love became even more ridiculous. She didn't understand why the two people who were in love would separate?
This problem has troubled her for a long time in junior high school.

Very, very long.

Childish love may be accompanied by growth, and there may be a day when there is mature love.

But that needs to be the joint efforts of both parties, not unilateral efforts.
Lin Yun'er always felt that someone was waiting for her, so she turned a blind eye to the gaze of the boy beside her.

So Yoona worked harder, because she believed that this small company didn't have her real soul mate.

During that time, she had an unrepeatable experience. In the early days of her debut, she interviewed more than 200 times in order to get opportunities for film and television and commercials. It was a piece of cake without physical performances.

But without exception, all failed.

The repeated failures not only did not dampen her self-confidence, but made her better.

She has come into contact with too many people of all kinds, and her experience has also armed her.

She became the perfect girl in everyone's mouth, the beauty embryo whom the president of the company praised every time, and the know-it-all in the school.

Except... a little mischievous.

Behind the perfection is that she faced the complex Vanity Fair prematurely, and she lived to the best of her ability within the rules.

She feels that she should be like this, and she also feels that she is too tired to live like this. She is a person with a strong sense of boundaries, a rare person in the world who is more rational than emotional, and knows how to protect herself.

Therefore, she has never had any close friends in the company. Where there are people, there is competition, and colleagues are enemies. It is never possible to sit together calmly.

Chat about life.

She is like this, Yuner will never share her simple love affairs on the stage, because she feels that feelings are a very personal matter.

(End of this chapter)

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